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Anthem Song by Aaron Anthem Song by Aaron
 This is a great worship album that I highly recommend people checking out! "We Were Made For You" is one of the best worship songs I have ever heard. But that's not the only great track....
B-Sides by Disciple B-Sides by Disciple
September 14th of this year probably one of the best rock albums of the year was released. Disciple put out one of the best albums of their career, it was simply amazing. To top it off if you pre-ordered...
Light Up The World Deluxe Edition by Desperation Band Light Up The World Deluxe Edition by Desperation Band
I have enjoyed Desperation Band as long as I have listened to Christian Music and these guys have been a huge impact in my life. They had been leading worship as I gave my life to Christ, so they have...

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More Than I hoped for! | Posted March-26-2011
 This is a great worship album that I highly recommend people checking out! "We Were Made For You" is one of the best worship songs I have ever heard. But that's not the only great track. This album as a whole is full of gems and it will be well your time to grab this and spend time worshipping God!

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Pretty Darn Sweet | Posted October-06-2010
September 14th of this year probably one of the best rock albums of the year was released. Disciple put out one of the best albums of their career, it was simply amazing. To top it off if you pre-ordered the album you got these 7 b-sides. Supposedly they had only been mixed and edited once, when the rest of the album had been 3 times. Well it would be hard to tell since all of these songs sound like they could have been on the album. These 7 b-sides by no means disappoint, they strengthen an already amazing albums.

The B-sides kick off with "Comedy Tragedy" which is a fun rocking, sing/scream along track. "Disasterpiece" keeps up this trend and offers some more screams. "Forget Me Not" and "Fear and Suffering" also heavy and screams thrown in. I'm trying not to describe every aspect of these songs because they are all amazing and many for the same reasons. But they all have unique musical backdrops to them, and screams are added in at great times to add in some heaviness. And that's what is great about pretty much all of these tracks they are all as heavy as the loudest song on the actual album, so they all have around the heavyness of "Battle lines", "Watch It Burn","Ballad of St. Augustine", and "Shot Heard Round The World."

Now as great as these first 4 tracks were, these last 3 I really love. First is the title track for the album, "Horseshoes and Handgrenades." This song really should have made the album, its a really fun song, is rocking, catchy, and it goes by fast. "The Fury" has some of my favorite lyrics out of these songs, some amazing guitars, and I love Kevin's voice on this. Last is the only quiet song on the B-sides and is the quietest out of all the songs off of Horseshoes and Handgrenades as a matter of fact. This song "Remake" is absolutely beautiful, it reminds you a lot of "No End At All" off of Scars Remain in regards to the volume. But the vocals are stunning, with a beautiful musical backdrop, and very amazing lyrics. This is what we call a worship song, with such an honest, heartfelt cry out to God in the chorus. This is a great way to wrap up the B-sides as well as if you added them all to the original album, a great way to finish the whole collection.

It was great to get these 7 songs to add to the album. It filled it out even more and added some more heaviness to the album, which is a great touch for die-hard Disciple fans. Unfortunately if you didn't pre-order the album there is no way at the moment to purchase the b-sides. Either way this was a great treat and definitely worth the money to get them along with an amazing album. Well done Disciple!!

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Solid But I Don't Know... | Posted September-28-2010
I have enjoyed Desperation Band as long as I have listened to Christian Music and these guys have been a huge impact in my life. They had been leading worship as I gave my life to Christ, so they have helped lead me to a close relationship with God. They are one of my favorite worship bands and one that I think still pushes the envelope creatively, musically, and with vocals.

Now for those of you who have never heard of this band, ever heard of "I Am Free"? Well chances are you have and that was written by this band and has numerous other great songs like that. Now this band use to have 3 lead worship leaders who all sang but since they went off to do their own solo-projects, Jon Egan is the one member left heading the band. This is also the first album Desperation has had studio recorded compared to their past 4 albums that have been recorded live.

Now this album has some amazing songs and some new favorites by Desperation. The album starts off with Desperation's typical upbeat sound with an instrumental and then jumps into "You Hold It All" and keeps that sound with the upbeat " Be The Change" which focused a lot on some electronic effects which gave the song a cool feel. Next is one of my favorites "Solid Rock" which has some great lyrics and some cool guitar playing throughout. The next song leads you into a true state of worship with "God be Praised" this is a great declaration and just one amazing song. This is one you will be singing over and over. And with the few instrumentals on the album the one that follows this song keeps you in that worship state and leads you right into the next worshipful song. "Highest Place" is one of the two songs that features female lead vocals(Bekah) which is a nice change instead of having Jon singing the whole album. This is a beautiful song. "Great God" and "Joy Will Come" carry on the worshipful mood and are two decent worship songs, not the best on the album but not bad. "Joy Will Come" features a duet with Bekah and Jon which is pretty cool, and another instrumental follows. I don't think this one was pulled off as well as the previous one, it is a little long and not as intriguing musically. But it leads up to the title track which is in my opinion one great song. This offers some of the best lyrically writing from Jon and how we should be lighting up the world as followers of Christ. It is absolutely amazing. Jon always writes some powerful title tracks for all the Desperation albums and this song is no exception. Following this great experience is a cover of "Mercy Is Falling" except this song is revved up in tempo and is a very electric focused song. Besides a few odd vocal effects this is a very great cover and a great one to rock too. Afterwards is another highlight on the album "Burning Tree" I love the lyrics and the vocals on this one, along with the beautiful musical backdrop. Last is "Angel Song" which is a decent song but its a pretty long album closer and not as strong as the three previous songs, making the closing not as strong, but still wraps up a pretty decent album.

Now while this is a great worship album and I really have enjoyed it, this is not one of Desperation Band's better releases. I don't know if its because previous members Glenn and Jared weren't on the album to lend their vocal talents, as the 3 guys usually switched around who lead what songs. Which that always kept the albums fresh and gave it good variety, which is lacking on this album. As well as without the album being live, I don't feel the energy that usually comes with a Desperation Band album. While I don't think the album is boring,since it is very worshipful and reflective, it just doesn't seem as energetic and passionate as past albums. Non the less this is still one of the best worship bands around today and they offer up another solid record. Recommend if you like passionate vocals, great music, and a band that truly leads you to a place of worship with God.

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One of the Best Disciple Albums | Posted September-13-2010
I have been a huge fan of Disciple for the past couple years and they are one of my favorite bands by far, especially as far as Christian Rock is concerned. This band is not only seriously talented musically but Kevin can write some amazing lyrics and that show this band wearing their faith on their sleeves. This album exemplifies this and takes the best of this sound they have been improving and make Disciple truly who Disciple is.

The album starts off a little quieter than most Disciple albums with the radio friendly "Dear X." This song is amazing, it has some great lyrics of how hate, pain, and anger no longer own us. It has a catchy chorus and you can't help but sing along. Things pick up instantly with the assault of "Watch It Burn" with some amazing heavy rock riffs this is a true rocking Disciple track. Things slow down again for the mid-tempo "Invisible", strong track tackling about the issue that even when we feel that we are alone and invisible, God always can see us. Next up is the "Ballad of St. Augustine" This is one of the most intricate tracks on the album with some great riffs and awesome drumming, great metal song. Disciple keeps the tempo up with "Shot Heard Round the World" and is a great anthem to shout out and rock to. "Collision" is a nice softer rock track and is very catchy. If you can't get enough metal "Battle Lines" screams and roars its way through and will have you pumping your fist. Now "Remedy" although its catchy just doesn't seem like the best Disciple has to offer, its a decent song and a great message, but just doesn't do it totally musically to all it could be. "Eternity" picks up with some great guitars and the message on eternity with Christ, with some of my favorite lyrics ever from Disciple. "Revolution:Now" is just another decent track that keeps the energy up but is nothing as great compared to the other gems on the album. The 2nd to last track "Deafening" is one of my favorite tracks with a strong rock sound and talking about how even when we stray away from Christ and hear his voice we can't fight that love from him and to run back to him.The album ends with the absolutely beautiful and powerful "Worth the Pain." This is a great end to an outstanding album and will have you wanting more.

Now I've had this album since July with the early pre-order option to get the whole album, and I haven't put this one down since then. This is easily going to be the best rock album of the year and is just one amazing record. If you love rock and want to get close to God this album is definitely worth checking out, by one of the most amazing christian rock bands around. This is the "Shot Heard Round the World."

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Pretty Enjoyable | Posted August-17-2010
I was overly impressed with this album. For a new band tackling the already overcrowded similar sounding worship bands, it was pretty incredible. The Museum puts a pop/rock sound to their heavenward focused songs that I found very fresh and a nice sound for worship music that isn't heard all that much.

I was pulled in from the first song "Never Look Away" which has a catchy beat and some great lyrics. The next 5 songs keep up this trend and I think are pulled off very well and are captivating. "My Help Comes From the Lord" is a very strong song and has some great lyrics.

The next half of the album the band plays mostly mid-tempo songs, which I don't think they pulled off as well as the first half of the album. Yet their are still some highlights out of these, the powerful ballads "The Call" "Allelujah" and "The Anchor" were highlights out of the second half of the album.

The vocals I found a strong point in the album and I thought he had a pretty good voice and fairly good range, which fit well with many of the songs. Instrumentally the band is decent, keeping a good rhythm section, and having some impressive guitar parts.

So overall a pretty impressive album and I will be curious were they go in a future. I like how they put their pop/rock musical style to their own worship songs. Your able to easily be pulled into it and get a great time of worship with this talented band. Worth picking up if you want a bit of a different worship album from the usual worship music.

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Really Good Worship Effort! | Posted August-15-2010
I just got the new album today when I saw Jeremy Camp play after the Rockies up in Denver at Coors Field were they had the album available a week before it is set to release. I was very excited to pick it up and have been listening to it the rest of the day after the concert. I've fallen in love with the album.

Jeremy Camp was the first christian artist I ever got into and also who fueled my love for music. So I have been a fan of his music since my middle school years through my high school years to this point. Now my tastes are mostly all rock and metal but Jeremy Camp is one of the few exceptions because he has an outstanding voice, honest and heartfelt lyrics, and doing what God has called him to do. Which is showed through this album as he tackles his 2nd worship album.

There is much to love about this release. It features numerous covers and some of Jeremy's own original worship songs. WIth the covers and original material being spilt with 5 covers and 6 originals. I think the covers are done especially well and I easily enjoy Jeremy's versions more than any of the original artists recordings. Jeremy brings new life into these songs with the passion displayed and his powerful voice.Mighty to Save or Overcome is my favorite cover song off the album, but all are pulled off very well and enjoyable.

The original songs on here are just as strong as the covers and are some great new worship songs. Jeremy puts some very heartfelt worship lyrics and pours out his heart in these songs, and flow greatly with the 5 cover songs showing his great heart for worship. Not Ashamed has to be new favorite worship song, having a great declaration of who we should be as christians and is just an awesome song.

Now the only small complaint is that this sounds close enough to other bands out there and nothing too new is presented. But this is an extremely well done worship albums and one of the strongest in the genre. Strong vocals paired with great songs and strong worshipful lyrics, what more can you ask for? That's what worship music is all about. Jeremy had a great selection of cover songs that go in greatly with his originals.

You will be swept away by this worshipful albums that the 50 minutes almost goes by too quick.This is a very strong release and fits in nicely with the rest of Jeremy's strong catalog of albums. If you want a really great album to worship God with this is the one to pick up, you won't regret it.

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One of My Favorites | Posted August-08-2010
I had first heard Decyfer Down shortly after their first cd End of Grey had been released by hearing "I'll Breathe For You" off of a various artists sampler, I fell in love with the sound and had to get the album. Simply I fell in love with the heavy, pounding sound and clean vocals. They quickly became one of my favorite new bands.

Crash introduces new vocalist TJ Harris, who has some serious pipes. As gifted of a singer as former vocalist Caleb Oliver was, TJ has one extraordinary range. If you loved the first album this one doesn't offer anything too new but the formula is just perfected. They deliver the heavy riffs, pounding drums, and just a solid sound.

There are many solid songs on the album. Over time they have all grown on me and I enjoy the whole record as a whole. But their are some that stand out over the rest. The hit title track, that opens up the album is a great rock track with some great lyrics, "Fading" has a great sound and a good message about addiction, "Best I Can" slows things down but is one of the most powerful moments on the album talking about how we always think we have to be perfect for God but really he just wants us to try the best we can for him, "Ride With Me" is a fun rock song about changing the world for Christ, and "Forever With You" is another great ballad talking about being more like God and spending eternity with him. The other tracks are just as good and really enjoyable rock tracks.

So if you want to enjoy a fun rock album, with some pretty good lyrics, this is an album to look at. I've had it since it came out in the late spring of '09 and still can't put it down.As far as this genre is concerned Decyfer Down is becoming a force to be reckoned with and a band too keep your eye on in the future.

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Absolutely Amazing! | Posted July-27-2010
I had picked this album up just randomly seeing it for a good deal at Walmart and hearing a few songs by Disciple I thought I'd try it out. I had no idea what I was in for and did not know this band would become one of my favorite Christian rock bands, these guys are amazing!

So about the album, this is probably one of Disciple's heaviest albums, yet at the same time has a strong sense of melody to it, giving it a beautiful since of chaos.

The cd opens with the heavy rock track "Regime Change", which pulls you in with lead vocalist Kevin's amazing screams and clean melodic vocals, with the pounding instruments guiding the song and a very strong opener to the album. "Love Hate On and On" continues keeping up the energy with the previous song, leading into the great vocals of the arena rock song "My Hell." What comes next is one of the heaviest tracks on the album and also one of the best, the title track "Scars Remain" This song has intense screams and mostly is all screamed except the chorus and the instruments almost launch into metal territory. "Game On and Someone" both follow and are both amazing heavy songs and are great listens. Next things slow down a bit with the acoustic driven "After the World" great vocals and beautiful song. After the ballad Disciple doesn't hesitate speeding things back up with "Dive" and jumping into the heaviest track on the record "Fight For Love" this is one fun, heavy, and fast intense song, offering some of Kevin's best screams and one of Disciple's most brutal songs. This jumps right into "Purpose to Melody" which works as a nice follow up with this nice rock tune. The record then ends with a beautiful ballad "No End At All." This song offers some beautiful vocals and nice light musical backdrop that drives the song. Kind of an odd ending to this mostly heavy record, but a good ending nonetheless.

Most the songs on this album follow a typical heavier rock/metal formula with the scream/sing switch, with heavy instruments, but Disciple does this way better than others. With having the experience in the industry as Disciple has, what they do they do well. Any fan of heavier rock will be able to easily jump into this record and enjoy it. This is easily my favorite record of Disciple's many albums and has a ton of awesome songs. If you have never heard of this band, this is a good cd to get you hooked.

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Pretty Solid Album | Posted July-26-2010
This cd is a good mix of some mellow pop/rock music, with some sweeping vocals and instruments, that make for an overall pleasant listen. The music makes a great backdrop for her beautiful vocals, that fit so nicely with the softer tone of the music. There are many standout songs, namely being "This Could Be Our Day, All That Matters, Sticking WIth You, Hope Now, and What Do I Know of Holy." 5 standout songs out of 10 is pretty good, i think, but all of them are pretty enjoyable. So nothing too new or exciting but if you like a female fronted pop/rock band, this is one worth checking out.

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Amazing! | Posted July-24-2010
I become a recent fan of Haste the Day in the last few years, after Stephen had taken over vocal duties and have enjoyed fallen Haste the Day and considering them one of my favorite metalcore bands. I had never really been too blown away with the days with Jimmy Ryan. He had a good voice and the band sounded awesome, but I like the more melodic, yet still heavy and brutal, direction Stephen took the band. Pressure the Hinges and Dreamer I both really enjoyed, but they still had a bit of sameness and just had their few select gems, yet something about both of them I couldn't stop listening.
So enter Attack of the Wolf King, I was very excited and went to purchase the cd release week at Walmart. I was blown away, with the addition of the two new guitars, the guitar work in the band has never sounded better. Their are some amazing riffs and breakdowns,with some amazing songs. The whole album as a whole is really solid. It is overall rather heavy as too be expected of Haste the Day, but their are also some extremely catchy choruses with most of the songs. Crush Resistance is easily my favorite song, that just comes off as a strong brutal anthem and has some awesome screams. Another highlight is The Place Most Deny, where Micah from Oh Sleeper adds in his vocals through out the song, making a very enjoyable song. But this is one great album truly made for early Haste fans or new Haste fans, either way you can't deny they made one incredible album. Like I mentioned earlier guitars were better, the drumming has strongly improved, and Stephen has expanded his range even more and its hard to believe it is him at some parts. The bass unfortunately you can't notice too well, but it does give a nice back drop for the songs.
I guarantee you will be drawn in from start to finish, starting off with Wake Up The Sun and only get a slight break from the choruses and White As Snow, which is an enjoyable quieter song. If you have enjoyed anything by Haste The Day, with Jimmy Ryan or Stephen Keetch as vocalist, get this album! You won't regret it and any fan of metal should check this out also, highly recommend this.

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