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Let Love Win by The Museum  | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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Let Love Win [edit]
by The Museum | Genre: Pop/Rock | Release Date: July 27, 2010

It all began when Ben Richter [Lead Vocals / Guitars] and Geoff Ashcraft [Guitar] left behind their home of Texas to land in Atlanta, GA were Josh (drums) and Chris (bass) also joined to form the band. Right around that time Josh spent a couple weeks in Timisoara, Romania on a mission trip and heard an amazing story of that nation while in the center square...That in 1989 Communism was overthrown in that very town square by what began as just a small group of christians gathering to protest. That night a man took Josh around the corner to show him "the museum." It was a small building built to contain the things left behind, the evidence there had been a Revolution. The band would be called The Museum. "We know our music will eventually fade, but it's our hope that for our music and to all the people we meet along this journey, that this is the evidence that Christ has done a revolution in our hearts and we're forever changed because of it."

Track Listing
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01. Never Look Away
02. You Are Love
03. Let Love Win
04. My Help Comes From The Lord
05. Lost In You
06. Buy This
07. The Call
08. Allelujah
09. Radiance
10. The Only One
11. The Anchor

Entry last edited by ChristianManifesto on 07.27.10

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piano89 (45)

The Museum | Posted July 21, 2010
Hailing from the ATL, debut artist The Museum is the newest addition to BEC Recordings’ roster. The members of this pop/rock group began at their home church, where they continue to lead worship. As a band so entrenched in worship leading, it’s fitting that The Museum’s mission comes from a Hillsong lyric- “Let justice and praise become my embrace.” With this mission in mind, The Museum steps into the Christian music scene with its first major release, Let Love Win.

The Museum starts off strong with “Never Look Away,” a catchy, radio-ready song that should immediately grab listeners. Fast-paced “You Are Love” follows; worship leaders should take note of this song, as it would work perfectly in a congregational setting. “Let Love Win” and Psalm 121 inspired “My Help Comes From The Lord” follow suit- a catchy pop/rock tune and worship song, respectively.

The momentum drops off toward the second half of the album, which is mostly filled with mid-tempo songs and generic ballads. Although, there are a couple of standouts, namely “The Call,” an urgent plea for listeners to live out God’s will, and vertically-focused “Allelujah.”

While The Museum may have a few things to work on musically (which is likely to come with maturing), its messages are engaging. Hopefully, this will be enough to keep The Museum from getting lost in the oversaturated pop/rock genre.

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Uplifting and Encouraging | Posted July 20, 2010
A very uplifting and encouraging release that was full of praise for the Lord and our need to get lost in Him. I really enjoyed listening to the album and thought it had a good balance, solid performances and should do quite well.

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Pretty Enjoyable | Posted August 17, 2010
I was overly impressed with this album. For a new band tackling the already overcrowded similar sounding worship bands, it was pretty incredible. The Museum puts a pop/rock sound to their heavenward focused songs that I found very fresh and a nice sound for worship music that isn't heard all that much.

I was pulled in from the first song "Never Look Away" which has a catchy beat and some great lyrics. The next 5 songs keep up this trend and I think are pulled off very well and are captivating. "My Help Comes From the Lord" is a very strong song and has some great lyrics.

The next half of the album the band plays mostly mid-tempo songs, which I don't think they pulled off as well as the first half of the album. Yet their are still some highlights out of these, the powerful ballads "The Call" "Allelujah" and "The Anchor" were highlights out of the second half of the album.

The vocals I found a strong point in the album and I thought he had a pretty good voice and fairly good range, which fit well with many of the songs. Instrumentally the band is decent, keeping a good rhythm section, and having some impressive guitar parts.

So overall a pretty impressive album and I will be curious were they go in a future. I like how they put their pop/rock musical style to their own worship songs. Your able to easily be pulled into it and get a great time of worship with this talented band. Worth picking up if you want a bit of a different worship album from the usual worship music.

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Great album | Posted August 13, 2010
This is an album I recommend for anyone. The songs have great meaning and great sound to them. This is an album I can't wait to add to my library. If you don't want the album, I would suggest at least getting the song Never Look Away as that is the best song on the album.

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gizmodad (75)

Enjoyed it | Posted August 10, 2010
This album is a very enjoyable album to listen to. It is sou uplifting and full of encouraging songs of praise towards our Lord. When I listened to My Help Comes From The Lord for the first time I was hooked.

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Great lyrics, mediocre music, little passion | Posted July 21, 2010
An album is made of three things in my opinion. Lyrics, Music, and Passion (the voice of the singer makes you feel similar to him and you believe that he believes).

The Museums lyrics are spectactular. Especially the first six or seven songs really hit alot of what God is and what we need/should be doing. 10/10

The music never stops rocking. Even in the songs that we get a soft beat somehow they find a way to continue rocking. Plus some of the music doesn't compliment the theme of the lyrics or the singer's voice. 4/10

Finally because the music doesn't compliment the theme or voice. The passion is not there. I was able to download some free acoustic mp3s from Relevant Magazine that the Museum did for a performance there. and the singer had just his guitar and his voice. It was amazing but on these songs the extra is too much. The band tries too hard to rock and the theme of love and the calling to love is does not come out in the voice or the music.

I know that some will disagree but the album needs to be lighter and the voice let out of the box that is editing.

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