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The Face Of Love by Sanctus Real  | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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The Face Of Love [edit]
by Sanctus Real | Genre: Pop/Rock | Release Date: April 04, 2006

After receiving the Dove Award for Modern Rock Album Of The Year for their critically acclaimed sophomore album Fight The Tide, Sanctus Real readies their 3rd studio album, The Face Of Love, collaborating with producer Chris Stevens (tobyMac, Shawn McDonald). Fresh off their huge radio success with 3 #1 singles from Fight The Tide, they continue their unique style of big guitar riffs and choruses, while furthering their accessible rock n roll sound. The Face Of Love exhibits the band's progression both musically and lyrically, and is arguably the band's most mature, honest, emotional, and accessible record of their career.

Track Listing
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01. I'm Not Alright
02. Eloquent
03. Fly
04. The Face of Love
05. Don't Give Up
06. We're Trying
07. Thank You
08. Magnetic
09. Possibilities
10. Where We Belong
11. Benjamin

Entry last edited by KevinDavis_NRT on 07.24.07

Christian CD Reviews
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A Darker Sanctus Real | Posted May 14, 2010
Sanctus Real took a dark turn with this album, which makes the heart theme of the album art a bit ironic. But the darker turn did some great things for their music.

The album opens up on the intense side with "I'm Not Alright," one of the band's most iconic tracks. The song about acknowledging that we're not alright and that's why we need God should be relevant to every Christian and was a great way to kick off the album.

The album continues on with the melodic "Fly," the radio-hit title track, and the rocking "Don't Give Up" about not giving up on a marriage and into divorce.

Other highlights include the catchy hooked "We're Trying" and the passionate "Where We Belong."

"Benjamin" closes the album out on a somber and quieter note. But it's a good track nonetheless.

Some of the tracks in the album's second half do begin to run together, but all in all, the album is very good and earns a worthy place in Sanctus Real's discography.

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Fantastic, Eloquent, Amazing! | Posted July 24, 2007
This is another CD that blew me away in 2006. I liked "Everything About You" from "Fight The Tide" so I picked up "The Face of Love" when it came out and I like the CD even more after listening to it for the past year than when it came out. "Face of Love", "Fly", "Don't Give Up" and "Eloquent" are standout tracks and you won't be disappointed in the heartfelt lyrics and stellar vocals of Matt Hammitt.

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Nathan (188)

Some what disappointing | Posted March 12, 2008
Sanctus Real turned some heads with some of their hits off of their sophomore album Fight the tide, and the first single "I'm not alright" was an instant hit, because many people could relate to the message of the song. The Face of love was a highly anticipate album, but aside from some hits on the radio, it falls into the shadow of Fight the Tide.

The music is pretty much rock, with just a hint of screaming on "I'm not alright", which is not really fair because Sanctus Real did not go over board and the screaming improved the song, over all the song is a solid rock song. A big problem with the face of love is that the chorus kills so many songs, like lighter rock song "eloquent" and the rock song "fly". The first half contains most of the singles, the single and title track "face of love" is light, and is nothing impressive.

The verses of the hit single "don't give up" are excellent, but the so-so refrain makes it an average song. "We are trying" starts nicely but the chorus is just off, and "thank you" is at the very best okay. for being a rock band Sanctus Real doesn't do much rocking on this album, "magnetic" is another example of that, as it does not win any prizes for its music. The album finally finds life in "possibilities" which is an upbeat song that's fun, but it does provoke some head scratching: weren't the medium songs on Fight the Tide this good or better? The light song "Benjamin" has a certain charm to it.

The lyrics are pretty solid, "I'm not alright confesses that people are not alright and they need God. The title track tells us we need be Gods face of love in this world. "Possibilities" discuss doing things while we have time, and "don't give up" encourages us to not quit even when loving people can be hard. Sanctus Real acknowledges God on "magnetic", "eloquent", and "thank you". Also "we are trying" is nice because it refutes the claims that man is basically good.

There are some golden songs among the nice, but simple lyrics, but the music is only so-so music. Maybe we were just spoiled by Fight the Tide's excellence, either way Sanctus Real doesn't do much impressing on Face of Love.

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art10 (114)

The Face Of Love Album Can't Fight The Tide | Posted August 28, 2007
I was a huge fan of Sanctus Real's sophomore CD. It was the first CD I actually bought, and until I got into Relient K, it was the pride of my CD collection. Imagine how hyped I was when this CD came out. Imagine my hopes when JFH gave it a stunning review. I bought the CD, and liked maybe 3 songs, all of which were in the first 4 songs.

"I'm Not Alright is a great rock song, and it's lyrics have a great meaning. "Eloquent" does very well in it's weaving of wordplay, something Relient K has mastered. "The Face Of Love" is a my favorite song because it's a great worship song, and every word is deep in meaning.

Other than that, the CD is only good, but not great. Compared to "Fight The Tide", this album just can't match up. The great riffs and lyrics that made the tide such a great album have been replaced by stuff that's more "mature." A case in point: "Benjamin." This was supposed to be a great emotional song to end the record; it's not. I don't feel any emotion listening to it, and all I hear is a poorly executed song. The same could be said for other songs on the album.

Overall, if you've never heard Sanctus Real, I would suggest getting this album first, then "Fight The Tide", that way your expectations aren't so high when listening to the album. A fan's dissapointment. This album has pretty much lost me with the band, and my former love for them is all but a memory. Hopefully the next album will be better, but it will be hard to win this fan back.

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A Great CD | Posted March 10, 2010
Some of Sanctus Real’s greatest songs are on here. I love the depth and meaning they have in the lyrics, and the music is amazing. “I’m Not All Right” and “Don’t Give Up” are both great songs with great messages. I love this CD!

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The Face of Love | Posted March 02, 2010
Overall this album is very good and has amazing songs. The minus half star is because they could have changed Don't give up on love to Don't give up on God and it would have been a better song.

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sweet | Posted February 28, 2010
not the greatest sanctus real album ever but it's still one of my faves. "i'm not alright" has vocals that just leaves you in awe (esp if you see it performed at a live show!). this is still a great album though. :)

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The Face of Love | Posted January 01, 2010
This cd threw me BIG time after Fight The Tide was so....happy. This cd definitely has melancholy undertones in almost all the songs. It was obvious that the guys in Sanctus Real had been having a hard time. But despite the gloomy feel of some of the songs, I love this cd! It has very thoughtful and introspective lyrics and impressive musicianship. I think that this cd shows that the guys in Sanctus Real are true artists,because they made an incredible record ,that was born of personal difficulty and hardship. Eloqueny, Magnetic, We're Trying, Fly and Possibilities are my favorites

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I'm Not Alright Without This Album | Posted July 25, 2009
I'm Not Alright is the first song I heard by Sanctus Real, and I immediately fell in love. When I first listened to the CD, I wasn't sure if I loved it as much as the song, but I quickly changed my mind. This album is a great CD to sing along to, and it is just plain amazing. The lyrics are meaningful and uplifting. Eloquent, The Face of Love and Don't Give Up are all really good tracks. I highly recommend you check this album/band out!

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good cd | Posted June 13, 2009
"The Face of Love" by Sanctus Real is a good cd.With great songs such as "I'm not alright","Eloquent","Don't give up", and "Magnetic" make this cd a great jam to listen to.

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Awsome CD from Track 1 to the end | Posted May 30, 2009
This is an amazing CD. I can't think of a single song that you hit the seek button on your car stereo. I'm not alright, Face of Love,Don't Give Up are my favorites but they are all good. This album is a must get.

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Great! | Posted August 05, 2008
I really like this cd! I first heard a song off it on a wow cd or some other various artist cd. The song was I'm Not Alright and I fell in love with it! It's an amazing cry of the heart that we arn't alright on our own... that why we need God! Other good tracks include The Face Of Love, Don't Give Up, and well I pretty much like all of them! :)

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