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Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie Soundtrack by VeggieTales  | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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01 . Billy Joe McGuffrey
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02 . Bald Bunny
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03 . Steak And Shrimp
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04 . The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything
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05 . Message From The Lord
06 . It Cannot Be
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07 . Second Chances (Anointed)
08 . Jonah Was A Prophet
09 . In The Belly Of The Whale (Newsboys)
10 . Billy Joe McGuffrey (Chris Rice)
11 . The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything (Relient K)
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12 . Opening Titles
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13 . The Joppa Market
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14 . Jonah Meets The Pirates
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15 . The Dream/Cards At Sea
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16 . Jonah Meets The Whale
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17 . Nineveh
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18 . On The Hill
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19 . Credits Song



"Billy Joe McGuffrey (Chris Rice)" Lyrics [edit]
by VeggieTales | from the album Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie Soundtrack

Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the first day of first grade, I'll tell you what he did
He tripped over a pencil box, flew up in the air
Landed on a kangaroo who pulled out all his hair

First aid in the first grade
First aid in the first grade
First aid in the first grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid

Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the second day of second grade, I'll tell you what he did
He slipped on a banana peel, flew up in the sky
Landed on a chimpanzee who poked him in the eye

First aid in the second grade
First aid in the second grade
First aid in the second grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid

Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the third day of third grade, I'll tell you what he did
He fell out of a fishing boat, splashed into the sea
Landed on a moray eel who bit him on the knee

First aid in the third grade
First aid in the third grade
First aid in the third grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid

Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the fourth day of fourth grade, I'll tell you what he did
He went out on a tadpole hunt, slipped into the creek
Landed on a large-mouth bass who bit him on the cheek

First aid in the fourth grade
First aid in the fourth grade
First aid in the fourth grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid

Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the fifth day of fifth grade, I'll tell you what he did
He went into the garden shop looking for a rose
Sniffed a baby's breath and got a bee caught up his nose

First aid in the fifth grade
First aid in the fifth grade
First aid in the fifth grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid

Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the sixth day of sixth grade, I'll tell you what he did
He went out on a field trip, the first one of the year
Backed into a sabertooth and pierced both of his ears

First aid in the sixth grade
First aid in the sixth grade
First aid in the sixth grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid

Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the seventh day of seventh grade, I'll tell you what he did
He tried out for the talent show to show how well he sung
Cracked a grin, a wasp flew in, and stung him on the tongue

First aid in the seventh grade
First aid in the seventh grade
First aid in the seventh grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid

Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the eighth day of eighth grade, I'll tell you what he did
He tried to play some basketball went up for a dunk
Landed in the bushes and got squirted by a skunk

First aid in the eighth grade
First aid in the eighth grade
First aid in the eighth grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid

Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the ninth day of ninth grade, I'll tell you what he did
He fed the pigs on grandma's farm, two piglets and a sow
Slipped on their slop and then got stepped on by a cow

First aid in the ninth grade
First aid in the ninth grade
First aid in the ninth grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid

Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the tenth day of tenth grade, I'll tell you what he did
He went out on some water skis and hit a sunken log
Wiped out all the lily pads, got spit on by a frog

First aid in the tenth grade
First aid in the tenth grade
First aid in the tenth grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid

Now Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the eleventh day of eleventh grade, I'll tell you what he did
He swept and missed an alley cat while taking driver's ed
Ran into a tree and bumped the dashboard with his head

First aid in the eleventh grade
First aid in the eleventh grade
First aid in the eleventh grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid

Now... Billy Joe McGuffrey was a really clumsy kid
On the twelfth day of twelfth grade, I'll tell you what he did
He walked into financial aid, fell and broke a bone
Showed them all his bills and got a great big college loan

First aid in the twelfth grade
First aid in the twelfth grade
First aid in the twelfth grade
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid!

+ Entry lasted edited by No1NancyDrewFan on 01.27.08


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