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I Will Go by Starfield  | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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I Will Go [edit]
by Starfield | Genre: Pop/Rock | Release Date: March 25, 2008

At the end of their previous album, Beauty In The Broken, Starfield had achieved their best radio success to date (#5 CHR "Everything Is Beautiful"), scanned over 40,000 units in HALF the time their debut achieved the same scans, and had their best touring season in their history. With their 2008 album, I Will Go, Starfield took their message to the world with a global missions focus and worshipful songs that play on AC radio as well as Sunday morning worship.

Track Listing
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01. From The Corners Of The Earth
02. Hosanna
03. Reign In Us
04. Holy Is Our God
05. I Will Go
06. Remain
07. All We Need
08. Great In All The Earth
09. The Loveliest Sound
10. Hiding Place

Entry last edited by CCMSingles on 02.25.16

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"I Will Go" with Starfield, Top 10 of 2008! | Posted June 26, 2008
I have LOVED this group since the first time I heard "Filled With Your Glory" which we still sing at my church. Their 2004 debut album also included the biblical and catchy "Tumbling After" and "Alive In This Moment" which all hooked me. Then, in 2006 they took it up a notch with "Beauty And The Broken" with the hit song "Everything Is Beautiful" and one of my favorite Starfield songs, "Obsession".

Now in 2008, along comes "I Will Go". Like the 1st two albums, this is alternative rock praise and worship and arguably their strongest album to date. "From The Corners of the Earth" kicks it off in classic Starfield style and then they totally rock "Hosanna", an amazing cover of the Hillsong United song. "Reign In Us", the rocking "I Will Go" and "Hiding Place" are my other favorites. Fans of Delirious?, Leeland and Sanctus Real will want to "Go" with Starfield.

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SONGS FOR OUR GENERATION | Posted September 24, 2008
With two successful major-label albums under its belt, Canadian band Starfield returns with I Will Go. The band kicks off the album with a strong sound and message in “From the Corners of the Earth.” Building from the theme of its previous album, Beauty in the Broken, and the track “My Generation,” it should come as no surprise that the band continues a focus on global missions.

Sonically, the album rocks from one track to the next, but still maintains the group’s brand of genuine, relevant worship, as Starfield seek to be a voice for its generation. The title track contains some of the most solid, defining lyrics of the bunch with: “Let me not be blind with privilege/Give me eyes to see the pain/Let the blessing You poured out on me/Not be spent on me in vain/Let this life be used for change.”

Songs such as “Reign in Us,” “Remain” and “All We Need” could easily be used for Sunday morning worship, though stylistically there is a familiar thread of normality throughout. One of the strongest songs is the Hillsong United cover, “Hosanna,” shining with electric guitars and the vocal melodies of brothers Tim and Jon Neufield. What the band lacks in originality, they make up for in a well-produced yet heartfelt crop of new worship tracks. --Rachel Harrold

This review has been reprinted on NRT with permission from Christian Music Planet. Click here to visit ChristianMusicPlanet.com today!

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Starfield [I Will Go] | Posted September 24, 2008
[Main Review]

Two years after releasing their last studio album, Beauty In The Broken, the Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Canada-based rock group Starfield return with their latest offering in I Will Go.
After undergoing a few changes in the group, the Neufeld-brothers led quartet come forth
with a brash new selection of new hits as well as some great songs of the past.

Since this is Christian Music Review’s first Starfield review, I want to take a moment and
introduce you to the group. As mentioned before, Starfield is led by Tim Neufeld on lead
vocals and guitar, his brother Jon Neufeld on guitar and vocals, Gordie Cochran on drums
and David Crisp on the bass guitar. The group currently resides in Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada when they are not out on tour.

Onto the review …

While Starfield had garnered their most successful radio run with Beauty in the Broken, I
ashamedly admit that prior to now I wasn’t too familiar with their music ministry. I was
however quite impressed with I Will Go and the impression it left on me with its straight
forward lyrics and worship-style musical numbers. I am now starting to notice that there is
more and more praise and worship style music being brought to radio then in the early part
of the 2000 era.

The record starts out with the driving song, “From the Corners of the Earth”. The song
reminds us that we may be many believers, from different countries, different cultures, but
in essence we are all of one God. One Savior. One church. I immediately thought of 1
Corinthians 8:6 when I first heard this song. Its funny how at times that our different
denominations can make us feel as though we’re worlds apart, even though we may co-
exist only across the street or down the road. We need to come together for the sake of
the call and tear those denominational barriers down.

Speaking of praise and worship, Starfield does a cover of Hillsong’s “Hosanna”, which in
my opinion is one of the greatest worship songs in the last decade. The word Hosanna,
for those of you who are not familiar means ‘a shout of praise or adoration; an
acclamation’. The song reminds us of the second coming of Christ and that we are a
generation in need of revival. Until that day comes we are still to praise God with hosanna
worship. I think Starfield takes this song and makes it their own, with another entertaining
‘raise-your-hands’ rendition of a great song.

I think I would have to say “Reign in Us” is probably my favorite song on the album both for
its awesome message and for its music. I often go straight through a record when writing
a review, but this song really caught my attention. I probably listened through to this one 3-
4 times before moving onto the next track. I think it should be the goal of Christians
everywhere to allow Christ to have complete control of our live. Our actions, our words,
our deeds and everything else we do should reflect our Savior. I think the first verse
speaks volumes, saying “You thought of us before the world began to breathe / You knew
our names before we came to be / You saw the very day we’d fall away from You / How
desperately we need to be redeemed // Lord Jesus, come meet us / We’re desperate for
Your touch.” Great message, I was lost in it …

The album’s title track, “I Will Go” to me seemed like the perfect candidate to be our
generation’s theme song to God. What do I mean? The Great Commission. Go into the
world and preach the Gospel to every living creature. While Matthew 28:19-20 popped in
my head when I heard the first chorus, I also thought back to the Old Testament in Isaiah,
where in 6:8 Isaiah tells the Lord, “Here am I; send me”. We should all approach ministry
this way. Fully trusting that God has plans for our lives, to do His work and to be about His
business. I think the music to the song fit the message perfectly in what the group is trying
to say here. ‘I Will Go’ seems to fit the direction where this headed.

Ben Cantelon. A name that most may not be familiar with. But check out the Cantelon
penned song, “Remain”. Great message, another song that would fit snug into the praise
and worship category. Ben Cantelon is head music pastor at Soul Survivor Church in
Watford, England. Cantelon once worked alongside worship musician and songwriter Tim
Hughes (recognize that name? Lol) at Soul Survivor. Although I have never heard
Cantelon’s version of this song, I think with what I have heard from Starfield’s rendition, it’s
a great song both musically and for its bold message. God never changes, even though
we do. We must remember that. Through all of our struggles and shortcomings, it’s nice
to know that the Lord remains the same no matter what. He loves us the same, His mercy
for us is the same… it remains with us. I love the chorus, “You are God with us / You’re
victorious / You are strong and mighty to save / For Your word stands true / There is none
like You / And when all else fades, You remain //.

Slow it down just a bit for the last track, “Hiding Place”. The song talks of the Lord being
both our shield and ‘hiding place’. Although simple in its message, I think the song is a
great reminder that no matter what we may be going through in our lives and our individual
walks, it’s a good to know that no matter what, the Lord is our shield, our protector, our
hiding place. The song reminds me in lyrical essence to Kutless’ hit worship song, “Strong
Tower”. It’s a good reminder, especially in a world that is seemingly falling apart more and
more with every passing day. We all need that hiding place, a piece of mind that makes us
feel safe.

[ Writer's Closing Thoughts ]

All in all, I wasn’t surprised of how much I liked Starfield and I Will Go. I was told by some friends familiar the group prior to this review about this album and one
responded, “You will be impressed with Starfield. I can promise you that. I loved Beauty in the Broken”. This was the truth. Prior to I Will Go, I was not really familiar
with Starfield, but I can certainly say after listening to this one, I have high hopes for the future of this group’s music ministry. This CD was downright great, I was impressed and now call myself a fan of Starfield. In a world of
mediocre message-less Christian music, it’s a breath of fresh air to hear a group whose ambition and goal is to praise God with meaningful and ministering music and entertain their fans at the same time. Well done guys!

Rating: 9.6 out of 10 (96%, A)

Review written by: Jay Heilman

Review can also be found at:

This review has been reprinted on NRT with permission from ChristianMusicReview.org. Click here to visit ChristianMusicReview.org today!

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Nathan (188)

I Will Go is not the Loveliest Sound | Posted March 19, 2008
Starfield hit their peak Beauty in the Broken but now the Canadian praise and worship/rock guys are trying to surpass that. Their latest album I Will Go is a ten track CD with basic medium rock and unoriginal concepts for their songs.

The album hits stores the twenty-fifth of March, just in time for Easter, and it only makes sense that Starfield wants to honor the occasion with Hillsongs' song "hosanna". Even though the song isn't theirs it is still a nice addition to the album plus the intro is great. To compare some of this albums songs to something popular, just take the Lincoln Brewster's "everlasting God" sound and that take care of "from the corners to the earth" and "the loveliest sound". The latter is a worship song with a good bridge but it drags on too long.

The title track "I will go" has a heavy rock guitar intro but it does not show up anytime the singer is singing, so the song is only so-so. The album also has some light rock tunes like "remain" and "only hope". There are times then Starfield sounds like a heavier mercyme especially on "The Loveliest Sound". The album ends with "only hope which is a nice soft song. For the most part the music is not new and it's more often than not the music is easy to listen to and easy to forget.

The lyrics are not complex at all; they are mainly worship songs with basic and used ideas. "From the Corners of the Earth" is just a worship song and so is "Hosanna" and this might come as a shock but so is "holy is our God". There are a couple of songs that deal with sacrifice like "I will go" and "reign in me" and they are nice. The songs "remain" and "all we need" are yawners and "only hope" is nothing special lyrically.

While I will go will please fans it is not a great CD. It's a solid collection of decent songs with decent lyrics, that are not shallow, but they don't challenge anything either. To improve Starfield needs more inspiration lyrics and more ear catching music.

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username2 (375)

B eauty in the Broken Part 2 | Posted June 13, 2008
It's nice to hear the great guitars from Beauty in the Broken here on the new album. From start to finish this album keeps it's pace going strong as the songs get more meaningful. Also "From the Corners of the Earth" is probably the next "My Generation."

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!! | Posted November 07, 2009
i saw them play live a few weeks ago and decided to buy their new CD "I Will Go"....so glad i bought it!! lovin everything from the AMAZING lyrics to the cathy music. now the isn't one of my all time faves though but i gotta say that it's REALLY worth listening to!!

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Awesome! | Posted October 04, 2008
I love this CD!
I Will Go is full of upbeat and catchy songs. All the songs also are completely for the purpose of worship and everytime I listen to them, I'm always reminded by how amazing God is. You can't help but sing along!

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I love it! | Posted September 14, 2008
Starfied is one of my favorite bands! I love their song "Reign in us". Its amazing! I fell in love with them then first time I listened to them!!!!!!!

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Frenzy20 (38)

The worship might be typical but the lyrics are great. | Posted July 27, 2008
I first heard songs off this CD when I got three songs for free online. I loved the lyrics and the songs drew me into worship to God. The music is the often familiar modern worship rock music. However the lyrics make this group stand out. If you like Chris Tomlin, David Crowder Band, or the Passion Worship Band check out these Canadian guy's music.

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another great CD from a band thats from the country that brings you maple sryup!! lol. | Posted May 30, 2008
Oh my gosh, I love this CD! I get shivers everytime I listen to it!! My favourite songs on it are: I Will Go, To The Corners Of The Earth, Remain, and Hosanna.

Go buy it!!! :P

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Love It! | Posted May 25, 2008
I really like the cd! The lyrics are passion as are the voices and the music is unique and fresh! I think Starfield is the most underrated worship band out there. I love how I can just worship along with them when I listen to their music! :)

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