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Yo Kidz!: Heroes, Stories, and Songs from the Bible by Carman  | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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01 . Downtown One Night...
02 . Hall of Faith
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03 . Man, Are You for Real?
04 . The Cat Vibe
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05 . That's How I Get In the Gang
06 . Joe Is a Hero (Joseph)
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07 . Like Boyz In the Pasture
08 . Sling Bang Boom (David)
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09 . There's A Place for Me?
10 . Somewhere Within the Heart
11 . Daniel and the Dangerous Dudes
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12 . A New Life In a New Place
13 . I Will Go Where You Will Go (Ruth)
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14 . Havin' Second Thoughts About This
15 . Are You the One? (John The Baptist)
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16 . Hey, Look Who's Back
17 . Peter Walked On the Water
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18 . I Felt Like One a' Those Bible Heroes Myself
19 . Turned On, Sold Out, Hooked On Jesus



"Downtown One Night..." Lyrics [edit]
by Carman | from the album Yo Kidz!: Heroes, Stories, and Songs from the Bible

Carman: "Yo Kidz! It's Carman here. How ya doin'? Let me tell you about my friend, Lawrence. Yeah, he's that cat on the cover. I call him "L" for short. First time we met downtown one night, L and another cat named Spitz were cleaning out my car. You know, stealing, ganging, robbing. Well, good thing I came along when I did.

Spitz: "Hey, check out this ride, L."

Lawrence: "I don't know about this, Spitz."

Spitz: "Hey, hey, chill it's cool."

Lawrence: "Hey, we can get busted!"

Spitz: "Listen L, if you want to hang with the gang, you better get used to this real quick."

Lawrence: "I don't know, man"

Spitz: "There, see. No car alarm, no nothing. I'll yank out the steering wheel. You check out the glove compartment."

Lawrence: "Yeah, okay. Let's see some maps here, some tapes. Hey look, sounds like this book could be worth something."

Spitz: "Bag the book, L. Look for greenbacks, credit cards, you know."

Lawrence: "Look, Spitz, look, look. It's got a black leather cover, a name printed in gold…"

Spitz: "Forget the book!"

Lawrence: "C A R M A N. Carman. What a smooth car on this manual. I wonder if…"

Spitz: "Chill, someone's coming. Let's grab some tapes and cruise!"

Lawrence: "Look Spitz, the book's got some red letters, some black letters, some stories, man…"

Carman: "Hey, furball! What are you doing in my car?"

Lawrence: "Look at this. Wait a minute, you ain't Spitz. Where's Spitz?"

Carman: "Your friend jetted."

Lawrence: "He took off."

Carman: You should take a picture of this. I mean I never seen a car broken into by two actual cat burglars."

Lawrence: Uh, I gotta jet man."

Carman: Hey, wait up! That's a nice book you got there."

Lawrence: "Yeah…leather cover…gold letter…"

Carman: "Might be worth something. You're gonna lift it. Aren't ya?"

Lawrence: "Yeah…I mean, no…I mean…it's not mine."

Carman: "Well, it is now."

Lawrence: "Huh?!?"

Carman: I'm letting you have it."

Lawrence: "Straight up?…uh, wait, are you this Car-man?"

Carman: "Car-man…Yeah, that's it."

Lawrence: "Uh, so this is your car?"

Carman: "That's right, Garfield!"

Lawrence: "And this is your glovebox?"

Carman: "Yep, you're very brilliant"

Lawrence: "This is your car manual?"

Carman: "Yeeeaah"

Lawrence: "Hey, listen man I'm outta here. I gotta get something to eat."

Carman: "Yo, chill man. Like you need the book more than me."

Lawrence: "Man, you messin' with me?"

Carman: "No, really it's yours. I got another Bible at home."

Lawrence: "Bible?!? This a Bible? Man, I heard of this."

Carman: "Yeah?"

Lawrence: "Yeah man, I dig the part about the home boy in a cage of lions knocking off a giant whale with a slingshot. Man, that's on."

Carman: "Well, that's not exactly it. Here, let me tell you what the book says."

+ Entry lasted edited by TSorel4JC on 04.26.13


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13TH ANNUAL WE LOVE CHRISTIAN MUSIC AWARDS: Live Ceremony Tuesday, April 6, 2025 - Franklin, TN - Get Tix Here

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