Click on buttons below to either view/add song lyrics.
0 . Ride on to Die |
0 . Scandalon |
01 . Carmen Christi |
02 . Celebrate the Child |
03 . Come to the Table |
04 . Cross of Glory |
05 . Crown Him |
06 . Final Word |
07 . Forgiving Eyes |
08 . Gentle Healer |
09 . God's Own Fool |
10 . He Was Heard |
11 . Immanuel |
12 . In the Garden |
13 . Jesus Let Us Come to Know You |
14 . Joseph's Song |
15 . Joy in the Journey |
16 . Known by the Scars |
17 . Lamb Is a Lion |
18 . Meditation/Baptism |
19 . Nazarene |
20 . Overture to the Trilogy |
23 . Promise |
24 . Spirit of the Age |
25 . To the Mystery |
26 . Traitor's Look |
27 . Wedding |
28 . What Will It Take (To Keep you From Jesus) |
Who being in vary nature God
Would not grasp equality with Him
But made Himself nothing
And took up a servant's nature
Made in human likeness
Found in appearance as man
He humbled Himself, was obedient
Even to death on a cross
At Jesus' name every knee shall bow
In Heaven and in all the earth
To the Father's glory each tongue cried Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord
And so He has been exalted
By God to the highest place
And given a name as exalted
Above every other name
+ Entry lasted edited by dreambig on 01.21.08 |