Many years ago my father, the pastor of our church, gave me the opportunity to lead worship on Wednesday evenings with my mom. As I struggled through the songs and tried to find the right key my parents and the congregation were very gracious. I can only hope that God used it to bless someone. Through the years He taught me to have a heart for worship and for His people. He has also taught me many practical lessons about being a worship leader. God has blessed me with so many good friends and team mates who are solid in the Word and have a wonderful heart for worship. Leading with them every week is one of my greatest joys.
In 2013 God brought me the greatest joy of my life, Andrea, my future wife and best friend. In May of 2015 we were married. She is an incredible blessing to me! I could brag on her all day long. About 3 months after we got married God laid it on my heart to write and record an Album. I have been writing songs for as long as I can remember but I had never compiled them or released them aside from one or two songs on iTunes. The process of creating an Album was a huge learning experience for me I learned a lot about patience during this time. Over the course of 10 Months the songs were written recorded and released. God was incredibly faithful to provide the means and most importantly the wisdom to complete the project. Eventually the Album's theme rested on "Still Voice" which is taken from the story of Elijah and the Still Small Voice. This story speaks to me of the greatness and gentleness of God and of His heart for us. I love the idea and the truth that our God is so vast that the earth is His footstool, yet He chooses to speak to us through His word and in our hearts. Although His voice breaks the cedars and divides the flames, He gently leads me through His Spirit every day.
My prayer is that this music sparks a fire in your heart for the Lord, that You would crave His presence and long for His Spirit. May these songs become your anthem of praise everyday.