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Worldwide by Audio Adrenaline  | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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Worldwide [edit]
by Audio Adrenaline | Genre: Pop/Rock | Release Date: February 25, 2003

Hit-makers Audio Adrenaline are at the top of their craft with their 7th studio recording, Worldwide. Traversing that unique landscape between complex art and profound simplicity, Audio Adrenaline manages to create music that is both commercially accessible and critically viable. Perhaps the phrase that best describes Worldwide is "action-packed." At their core, these songs are a focused challenge and word of encouragement to the church to get out of their comfort zone, to plug into the world around, quite simply, to go.
Audio Adrenaline has and always will be a band with a heart for being salt and light to a dying world. Now with their latest release, the responsibility, the challenge falls to us to take the gospel Worldwide.

Track Listing
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01. Worldwide: One
02. Church Punks
03. Dirty
04. Go And Be
05. Pierced
06. Strong
07. Pour Your Love Down
08. Leaving Ninety-Nine
09. Miracle
10. Worldwide: Two
11. Start A Fire
12. Ocean Floor (radio remix)

Entry last edited by clearspoken on 05.26.08

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They've Got to Be Worldwide By Now | Posted August 20, 2015
“It’s been twelve years, the bus is still rollin’” and yet Audio A showed no signs of slowing down. Worldwide continues the band’s tradition of making solid, clean music, with an uppity edge ever since Audio Adrenaline way back in 1992. Worldwide was followed up two years later by Until My Heart Caves In, their last album with Mark Stuart as lead vocalist.
Worldwide (2003): 12 songs, 40 minutes
To start off the record, Audio Adrenaline tells us why they sing, “we’ll do it twelve more years from the rooftop screaming / ‘til the whole world knows You’re King” and “Church Punks” reminds us that God can use all of us, even the church punks. “Leaving 99” is a beautiful illustration of the parable of the lost sheep, “Worldwide: Two” encourages us to practice what we preach and help others in need and “Start a Fire” reminds us that change can start with one person’s determination to follow God’s will. “Dirty” does a great job demonstrating that we need to step out of our comfort zone and get “dirty,” but . . .
. . . I think Mark Stuart takes the metaphor a little too far when he says “Let’s get used . . . Let’s get foolish / Let’s get free.” It’s really a paradoxical illustration; being dirty makes us think of sin, not breaking out of our daily grind. In that way, I think it can be perplexing to listeners. “Miracle” says that God “ruined my life,” most likely in relation to how the world looks at life, but it could have been related in a less-confusing way.
Though their last several albums have sounded more or less very similar, the band mixes it up a little bit on this album. They incorporate Tyler Burkum a lot more into the lyrics, include more laid back songs, and have some interesting melody-line guitar licks. “Church Punks” gets a little heavy and you can hear the strain on Stuart’s vocal chords (possibly the reason for more Burkum vocals). “Worldwide: One” and “Dirty” stick to the more traditional Audio Adrenaline sound.
Overall, Worldwide is a decent album. The different sounds that the group experimented with paid off, as “Pierced” and “Leaving 99” became some of the Audio A’s big hits. Personally, I like the vibe of the “Worldwides,” as they are definitely rock-based, fun, and upbeat; trademark Audio Adrenaline. They didn’t go big on the traditional sound this time around though. I appreciate their progressive effort, but personally I think they do the rock thing better.

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Leah (12)

Audio A. | Posted September 28, 2008
This is probably my favorite Audio Adrenaline cd. I love it when Tyler Burkum sings. He has a great voice. Two of my favorite songs are; "Go and Be", and Pierced".

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romans_8 (73)

Audio A | Posted August 23, 2008
I like the songs Pierced and Go and Be.Tyler Burkum (woohoo another Minnesotan!} sings more in this cd. He has a great voice. Too bad these guys aren`t making anymore cds. :(

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AmyLee (6)

good band | Posted May 01, 2008
Audio Adrenaline was a really good band and I wish they still played. They were great fun to listen to, nearly all the time. we have a lot of their albums and get into them quite often. Worldwide was my favorite:good music with a message.

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Worldwide | Posted March 29, 2008
This is one of the best CDs of its time. Every song is rocky and has a great message. Y not buy it?

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romans_8 (73)

Audio Adrenaline | Posted March 08, 2008
I like that Burkum sings more on this cd. He has a great voice on 'Go and Be' and 'Pierced'. 'Leaving Ninety-Nine' and 'Ocean Floor' are really good songs too.

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Worldwide | Posted January 28, 2008
Released in 2003, Worldwide is one of the best by Audio Adrenaline. Going back to rock 'n' roll roots, this album features ,many awesome guitar riffs and solos. Audio Adrenaline guitarist Tyler Burkum really gets to show off in this one. Also, the songs on this album are some of the best, moving and powerful by the AudioA boys. Being one of their last, it's a great way to leave a legacy as one of the best Christian bands of all time.

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