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Love Liberty Disco by Newsboys  | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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Love Liberty Disco [edit]
by Newsboys | Genre: Pop/Rock | Release Date: November 03, 1999

Those in the pursuit of happiness may well find it in Love Liberty Disco. Following the success of Step Up to the Microphone, Newsboys are spinning out pure pop gold, glamming up their rock with a delicious party vibe. Britpop flavor melds seamlessly with crunchy guitar, soaring string arrangements, and falsetto vocals on "Break" and the roots-pop of "Everyone's Someone." The title track, punctuated by elastic bass, hand claps, and feel-good lyrics, is about the most fun thing going in Christian rock music. Vocal harmonies glide, muscular rock riffs twist against orchestral melody, and the triumphant spirit of celebration courses through each jubilant groove. Love Liberty Disco is some of the best news of 1999.

Track Listing
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01. Beautiful Sound
02. Love Liberty Disco
03. Forever Man
04. Good Stuff
05. Everyone's Someone
06. Say You Need Love
07. I Would Give Everything
08. Break
09. I Surrender All
10. Fall on You

Entry last edited by newsgirl4life on 07.18.07

Christian CD Reviews
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Pretty Good | Posted May 05, 2011
Not one of my favorite Newsboys releases overall, but not too bad. I think this release could have been helped out a lot by a little more boost on the instrumentation as it sounds a little subdued and simplistic.  There are soem good arrangements overall but it could be helped by a little help in the production department. My favorite songs are "Everyone's Someone" and "You Say You Need Love".

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pacemaker (319)

great album | Posted March 29, 2011
 forever man and break are the best two songs on this album.

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pacemaker (319)

great album | Posted March 19, 2011
 this was one of the newsboys craziest albums. i still like it though. i love anything the newsboys produce.

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:D | Posted March 14, 2011
Awesome album! The newboys are awesome-never cease to amazing me. ;) Highly recommended!

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The newsboys get funky | Posted February 10, 2011

Here is how a picture this album came to be:  the 'boys were sitting on their tour bus in 1998, talking about their music and how they've been doing the same music for years.  Then, the BeeGee's "Stayin' Alive" comes on a radio nearby and Jody Davis, just goofing around, picks up a guitar and starts playing a disco-type riff.  Peter Furler adds in some random lyrics talking about love and liberty, staples of the era, and failing to come up with another word, adds "disco".  A hit is born, and an album is created.

While I love that song, as well as "Beautiful Sound" most of the rest of Love Liberty Disco is a bit of a disappointment.  I still listen to this album from time to time, but when I put it in thinking "Oh yeah!  I used to love this CD", I remember that I used to love only a few tracks.  I find myself ejecting the CD after the first 6 tracks, as the last 4 are nothing really special.  Even if you do listen to the whole album, you're only getting a little over 35 minutes worth of music, which just seems a bit short.

I like that the band did this.  I think it's good for the creative process for bands to experiment from time to time.  Personally, I would've released "Beautiful Sound", "Love Liberty Disco", "Good Stuff", and "Say You Need Love" as an EP for a cheaper price, rather than putting a lot of fluff in there that's not really that good to complete a CD.  I love the newsboys, and I like some of this disc, but it's not the best.  If I were you, I'd just download the few songs you've heard of and leave the rest alone.

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esile (3)

Love Liberty Disco! | Posted April 26, 2010
When I first listened to this album, I thought it was kind of weird and preferred Newsboys' other albums. However, this album has grown on me and is now one of my favourites.

The songs are all about having worth in Christ, surrendering all to Him, and God's love for us. One of my favourite songs on this album is "Beautiful sound". It talks about being brought up in a Christian home, but not actually taking hold of salvation until later on, and wondering how he could have gone so long without accepting God's gift of salvation.

"Love Liberty Disco" is about God's love, and the family of God. Jesus is the "Forever Man"- He died and rose again and has been here for all eternity- forever, and offers us good news. "Good Stuff" talks about how we can do all this amazing stuff, and have knowledge- but without love, we are nothing. "Everyone's Someone", and "Say you Need Love", are about how we are all worth something in God's eyes and are loved by Him. The theme of "I would give everyone"- I would give everything to give nothing more. Our salvation is not of ourselves and not of works- Christ has done it all on the cross.

"Break", "I surrender All", and "Fall on you" are about the stuff we go through in life. Sometimes we feel like we're going to break and there's so much stress and hardship in our lives, but we need to surrender to God.

"Love Liberty Disco" is an awesome album about God's love, and the things we go through.

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HAHAHA | Posted May 26, 2009
This first made me laugh but then after a few listens I enbraced the funk disco sound and loved it. I don't get why they have none of these songs on there greatest hits cds.

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Love it | Posted May 26, 2009
I love the old Newsboys stuff, Not as good as their original "Take me to your leader" but still great sound, Love Liberty Disco is a Great CD all around.

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pretty good | Posted September 09, 2008
i like this cd! it's good! The Newsboys are classics! THey are great! Good Job! Can't wait for more of you guys! God bless all that you do! ROCK ON!!!!

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Underrated | Posted January 27, 2008
This is the Newsboys' most underrated album, I think it's one of their best. I really like the "disco" sound and I think it fits the Newsboys wonderfully. All of the tracks are excellent! The more upbeat tracks are extremely uplifting, and the slow tracks are beautiful and touching. This album doesn't define typical Newsboys but it sure is a great diversion... Yeah, it's their best in my opinion.

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