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01 . We Are Hungry
02 . Start a Fire
03 . Undying Love
04 . I Worship You Almighty God
05 . Holy and Anointed One
06 . Exalt the Lord
07 . Take Me In
08 . It's So Nice to Get to Know You
09 . We Fall Down
10 . Lord Most High
From the ends of the earth,
From the depths of the seas,
From the highs of the heavens
Your Name we raise!
From the pride of the weak,
From the shouts of the strong,
From the lips of all people
Your song we raise up!
Throughout the endless ages
You have been crowned with praises,
Lord Most High!
Exalted in every nations,
You're the sovereign of all creation,
Lord Most High!
Be magnified...
Be magnified...
Be magnified...
+ Entry lasted edited by Gabs on 10.14.14