There is no killing the secret
The secrets killing me
I致e tried to over and over
But I cannot break free
But you want me to pretend I知 perfect
even though you know I知 far from it
Oh God, I値l pretend I知 perfect
even though you know I知 far from it
Open your eyes, Are you too blind to see
That I知 not the only one who isn稚 listening
(You can forget the innocence that was left)
If you open your eyes you値l see
You池e just as blind as me
I am so sick of the sickness
The symbiotic mess
I致e tried to over and over
but I cannot find rest
But you want me to pretend I知 perfect
Even though I知 far from it
Oh God, I値l pretend I知 perfect
Even though I知 far from it
Open up your eyes you値l see
you池e just as blind as me