Music creative, Larry Karpenko, unleashes new energy, emoting from the heart, while focusing on love. Firmly anchored in Christian faith, a background in praise and worship, Gospel Music Association member, Larry Karpenko ventures into new, personal spaces with his songwriting. Larry was a student of Pat Pattison, adopting many of his songwriting tools and insights. Larry also studied with Tom Jackson, learning how music is life-changing in live performance settings. Larry has three full-length projects with his most recent "Beautiful Together" a joy to complete, writing much of it at a playground; working with music industry powerhouses such as Gary Lunn, bass, and J.R. McNeely, mix engineer. Larry has a diverse catalog with seven songs in the CCLI licensing database, works for weddings, orchestra, brass and solo cello, actively looking to publish more works and collaborate with others. Larry's latest single "Heart Calls Love" pays tribute to chivalrous love and nostalgia of a father seeing his daughter grow.