It is clear from watching Hope VanDouser perform and lead worship that she is alive in her gifting and calling - her persona and presentation style is bold and unashamed! Often someone will tell her after a concert or worship that her vocals drew them into the moment, allowing for God to speak deeply to them. Hope uses this vocal power to bridge the gap between Gospel and CCM music, incorporating different cultures in her music. Hope’s vulnerable and transparent testimony embedded in her music ministry resonates with so many of her growing fan base. Hope is not merely performing but offering up her witness to the sufficiency of her Lord who redeemed her life for himself.
Hope VanDouser (“van doozer”) has been singing since she was nine. Hope’s musical performance roots go deep into her family history. While her family was not into popular music, she heard a lot of Gospel music and the old hymns in her growing years. She fondly remembers her mother describing her singing even as a young girl as “powerful and big.” Hope’s vocal gift was clear early on, leading worship at age 12. She grew up participating in the culture of church, but admittedly didn't know Jesus well for herself - her lifestyle not in sync with Christianity and only knowing Jesus through her pastoring parents.
After high school, Hope ran fast and hard into the arms of independence and the ungodly world, far away from the Lord - the wrong crowd, no plans, zero aspirations for life, just wanting to party. Soon enough, she found herself pregnant, alone, and moving back home with nothing left and nowhere to go. Hope looked up.
At 21, unmarried with an infant on her hip, she came back to church. Her son was the responsibility in her life and she knew he needed the support and love of a church family. Hope was ready and willing to be her best self and, not long after, she met her future husband, Timothy VanDouser, the Pastor’s son.
Hope found herself ready to take a huge step of faith. Quitting her fulltime job, she returned to her love of music and knew she needed to finish her education. She found Visible Music College and jumped into full time student life as a newlywed and young mother, studying music and worship leadership. She was passionate and determined, yet waiting for God’s timing for any promotion of her. Hope walked that stage as Salutatorian in May 2022. Timothy, now lead pastor, and their children are huge supporters of Hope’s music ministry and career.
Hope is worship pastor at Journey Church in Millington, Tennessee just outside of Memphis, working alongside her lead pastor husband Timothy. They are proud parents to Kylan and Israel.