“Noterock” who was formerly known as “Criggin Jankin” of the secular Hip Pop group “The Mansion Boys.” Has returned to his roots of making Faith Music. A fresh and unique combination of Hip Hop and Alternative music, “Noterock” offers a genre blending style to the Christian music scene comparable to the likes of Toby Mac. Dubbed a Christian “Kid Cudi” “Noterock’s” introspective lyrics and lack of musical limits gives believers and non-believers inspirational music to live to.
“Noterock” born Christian Janson found faith in Jesus Christ in the summer of 1999 at a Promise Keeper’s revival in the LA Coliseum. After battling with drug addiction God removed the desire to use drugs that fateful night. After years of sobriety and service in the church Christian fell away from his faith admittedly “By placing myself in God’s position over my life.” It was not long until the grips of addiction entangled him again. As Christian puts it “God gave me over to my sin, but never stopped being my father.” After a 10year battle and by the Grace of God, Christian entered a Christ Centered Recovery Home. During his time in recovery Christian was able to identify the underlining causes of his addiction and allowed God to replace those hurts with a renewed Faith in Christ.
“Music is in me, God has blessed me with the gift of creativity. Whether its Music, Graphic Design, or Video Production as long as I have breath I will create and Glorify my Lord Jesus Christ.” - Noterock
Thanks be to God, Christian now lives in Atlanta with his wife and 3 kids, he is active in the recovery community, owns his own Marketing Agency, and his independent, self released album Saint & Sinners will be available everywhere digital music is sold February 11, 2014. For videos, free music downloads and more go to www.fortheart.com.