We are a band of brothers. The songs that we write are a reflection of the hope, love and joy that we seek. Our desire: to create beautiful, undeniable art. Our mission: to inspire and encourage people by pointing to the creator and savior of this world; the greatest artist of all.
Brothers Jason and Paul Watkins, natives of Yukon, Oklahoma, have been making music together since high school. After relocating to Nashville, the band formed a relationship with Grammy award-nominated producer Brent Milligan and have since recorded three records, Vapors, My Heart is the Eastern Horizon, and You’ve Got the Fire. The band has also recorded singles such as Here We Go, Together, and Captive. Clemency’s indie rock and pop sound has been described as “so incredibly infectious and luminous” and has received a warm response for its clever use of lo-fi instrumentation. Their music has been featured on television shows (MTV’s Teen Mom, the CW’s Emily Owens, M.D.), commercials (John Deere, Timberland, Sports Authority, Pendleton Whiskey), iTunes (New & Noteworthy), Amazon (Top10AmazonMP3), and by Starbuck’s.