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Hanging On By A Thread by The Letter Black  | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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Hanging On By A Thread [edit]
by The Letter Black | Genre: Hard Rock/Metal | Release Date: May 04, 2010

The origins of Tooth & Nail’s The Letter Black actually date back to the members' time in Breaking The Silence. After forming in 2006, the group entered the studio independently with Travis Wyrick (P.O.D., Pillar, Disciple), followed by an impressive streak of 150 shows a year. Between constant contact with the label through that all-star producer and a last minute call from the company to serve as a substitute for a broken-up band on the otherwise successful Five 4 Five Tour alongside Dizmas and Children 18:3 (with just two weeks notice), the Uniontown, Pennsylvania-based band signed on the dotted line.

Upon making it to the major label ranks, the group stumbled upon a similarly named mainstream band and soon shifted from Breaking The Silence to The Letter Black after a suggestion from legendary Helmet front man Page Hamilton. Outside of having a curious ring to it, the new moniker better encapsulates the band’s aggressive instrumental onslaught and literate lyrical disposition.

Track Listing
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01. Fire With Fire
02. Invisible
03. Hanging On By A Thread
04. Believe
05. There'll Come A Day
06. My Disease
07. I'm Just Fine
08. Best Of Me
09. All I Want
10. Moving On
11. More To This
12. Care Too Much
13. Wounded

Entry last edited by CCMSingles on 01.06.16

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A Stellar Rock Release | Posted May 08, 2010
The Letter Black, formerly known as Breaking The Silence, has slowly been making a name for themselves over the past few years. After releasing an indie album and changed their name, they released the Breaking The Silence EP which got them some attention and the honor to open for one of Christian Rock's greats, Skillet, on their Awake and Alive Tour.

Now The Letter Black is finally releasing their debut full-length record under Tooth and Nail records. From the opening riffs of "Fire With Fire", you know you're in for an intense and enjoyable music experience. The album is not perfect by any means and there is plenty that the band can improve upon when it comes time to record their next album, but for what it is, this album is great.

The album opens with the intense "Fire with Fire" which is a bit cliche but sounds good. "Invisible" really kicks things up and provides a great rock track with slower vocals and intense music. The title track is next and is likely the most recognizable of the band's songs, having been their debut Christian Rock single, and also being one of the three tracks carried over from their Breaking The Silence EP. It is a good song, nothing groundbreaking, but great nonetheless.

"Believe" is next and it surprises the listening with a stringed opening that calls to mind influences from Skillet, even if it isn't done quite as skillfully. As for the track itself, it's excellent. Good message and good tune.

"There'll Come A Day" is the album's first ballad. It's a catchy and upbeat track that is well worth it's place on the album.

"My Disease" and "I'm Just Fine" are definitely album highlights. Lyrically, they don't deviate too much from The Letter Black's theme of leaving the bad things of our past behind us, so they are not particularly innovative, but they both just sound good. It's hard to fault songs that are just so good.

Next up is "Best of Me", the other single released to radio and also a song from their EP. The song opens with a quiet string melody and picks up into a strong and upbeat rock ballad.

"All I Want" follows next. This track may be recognizable who have seen the band on tour with Skillet. The song marks the first time on the album that lead singer Sarah Anthony lets out screams, and not just during the post-second verse bridge but several times during the song. If you like that, then this song(along with the intense closing rocker, "Wounded) will be for you.

"Moving On" is the last track from the EP. I was never that big a fan of this song and would've preferred something new, but it's a good track nonetheless.

"More To This" is the final ballad on the album. It's lyrically relevant, if a big awkward and cliche at times, but the music makes up for it.

"Care Too Much" and the aforementioned "Wounded" round out the album. The former is a strong rock track with some screaming in the bridge but all in all a song very similar to the rockers that preceded it. But it's still a good song. The latter song closes out the album in an intense fashion, sure to satisfy hard rock fans.

So that's The Letter Black's debut. It's not that original or groundbreaking. But it sounds good, very good. A certain website that I shall not name seems to like slamming the band for lack of originality but I feel that is unfair. They are just starting out and for a newer band, they sound terrific. I could easily see The Letter Black being as good as Skillet in a few years. The duet vocals of lead singer Sarah Anthony and her husband Mark Anthony work well together, and the mix is much more prominent on this album than on the EP, although Mark doesn't get his own songs as he did on their indie album. But still, it's more than enough to set them apart from the other female-fronted rock bands in the industry, Fireflight and Flyleaf. Some may try to compare those bands to this one, but I think the sound is definitely distinct enough to help this band stand on their own merits.

So don't listen to that site, this album is good. If you like this type of music, I highly recommend this album. It's not an instant classic or the best rock debut in recent history, but it's a great and enjoyable listen. The Letter Black is definitely a band to keep your eye on in the coming years. While this release may fall a little short of epic, the potential is there and I feel it in my gut that The Letter Black is just a few steps away from blowing away audiences with an epic rock album. Until then, Hanging On By A Thread serves as a great rock album to provide us with some enjoyable, intense rock music that properly introduces us to a terrific new band that may well one day become a force in the Christian Rock industry.

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Amazing | Posted October 26, 2010
So I can't seem to take this album off repeat... I was truly astonished when I bought this album, I will honestly say that I had no idea who they were... They are coming to town for concert soon though so I figured I would get it where I could learn some of their stuff. Well turned out I already knew a lot of their stuff, just didn't know it was them! I could not of been happier with this purchase! I've been listening to it (almost) non stop for two weeks now and can't wait for the concert! Definitely an artist to keep your eye on!

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username2 (375)

5/5 | Posted August 20, 2010
At a glance, The Letter Black can probably be compared to bands like Fireflight and Flyleaf. While this does prove true, The Letter Black ends up bringing something fresh and new to the table. music you can enjoy and think about at the same time. Their debut album proves this point perfectly. The music on here is very enjoyable to listen to and the lyrics can be applied to our own everyday lives with such tracks as "More To This" and "There Will Come A Day." This hard rock album really ends up being a good contender for album of the year thanks in part to each of the 13 tracks being very memorable. This album also achieves a perfect length with 13 tracks taking up about 45 minutes of your time. With catchy, hardcore riffs, memorable songs, and inspirational lyrics, The Letter Black's debut album is one that no fans of either Fireflight, Flyleaf, or rock music in general, can pass up.

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Amazing album! | Posted June 21, 2010
All I can say is that I'm blown away! This is one of those albums where every song is worth listening to over and over again.

I first heard The Letter Black on the radio and was hooked ever since.

My personal favorites would have to be:

Fire With Fire
My Disease
Hanging On By a Thread
Care Too Much

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wencdj (34)

A thread not easily broken | Posted May 08, 2010
I was first introduced to The Letter Black via the Tooth and Nail Podcast and was impressed by the Song Hanging on By a thread, which they previewed. When the EP came out I popped it into my CD player, and they say, it knocked my socks off. I thought, these guys have talent. This could be the start of something big.

Boy can I call it. Hanging on By A Thread should be a slam dunk for Best New Artist honors at the doves and grammys next year (not sure how eligibility works out) 13 Songs, 3 Ported from the EP, 10 Originals, most done in TLB's signature dual lead vocal. Styles range from AC(Best of Me, There'll come a day) to hard core thrash (wounded). Shepherding by Skillet and Red won't hurt either.

I'll say it in advance and I think NRT's Bill Lurwick will agree, this is one of the Best Albums of 2010.

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GuiRi (33)

Awesome album | Posted May 03, 2010
TLB has a powerful album in their hands.
My favorites songs are: There'll Come A Day, Hanging On By A Thread, Care Too Much, Best Of Me and Believe.
Their only problem is there are some songs that sounds the same.It can be tiring.
But Sarah's vocals are very good and her husband can really sing.
Great Band.

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Fantastic | Posted May 03, 2010
What a fantstic group of people and there first full length cd hits big. There are a few songs carried over from there first cd but rightfully so they were good. Every song on the cd is good and you will play it over and over again. I personaly think I like the song More to this it kinda has a nice ballad sound and a great message. The song wounded will catch your ears as very cool as well. One thing in the becoming process is letting Jesus take all the junk away. For if we are trying to do better we are not letting Jesus do what He wants to do. We are never good enough never gonna be good enough and can never make up for His love. For He loved us before we ever even thought upon Him. How could you ever make up for that kinda love? The song invisable is cool as well letting everyone know His love is higher than our love and His ways are higher than our ways. Great album and say what are you waitting for get your coppy.

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