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The Saving One by Starfield  | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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The Saving One [edit]
by Starfield | Genre: Praise & Worship | Release Date: February 23, 2010

After the release of Starfield’s critically acclaimed I Will Go album, the band hit the road with a relentless passion to reach as many fans as possible around the globe. Although Starfield has yet to perform live for every fan in every country, they have certainly tried -– playing shows to the masses all across Europe, Canada, Africa, and the U.S. Starfield has become a global band on a mission to reach the world with a message of hope and salvation. Their songs are heard over radio, through online music sites, performed at youth events, and sung in churches all over the world, building a base hungry for the lyrical depth and modern worship Starfield helps fans engage with.

Starfield returned to the studio to craft their 2010 album The Saving One. With tracks like “Rediscover You,” Starfield blends a catchy melody with honest and vulnerable lyrics, while songs like the title track provide the spiritual depth of a modern hymn.

The Saving One is an album of pure and honest relevance to our faith, both in our personal lives and in our church communities.

Track Listing
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01. The Saving One
02. Rediscover You
03. Declaration Of Dependence
04. No Other Savior
05. Something To Say
06. Absolutely
07. Overwhelm
08. Top Of Our Lungs
09. Glory Is Rising
10. I Need A Father
11. The Saving One (Acoustic Version)

Entry last edited by CCMSingles on 02.25.16

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Starfield [The Saving One] | Posted February 16, 2010
After the release of Starfield’s critically acclaimed I Will Go album, the band hit the road with a relentless passion to reach as many fans as possible around the globe. Starfield is quickly becoming a global band on a mission to reach the world with a message of hope and salvation. With the momentum built, Starfield returned to the studio to craft their new album The Saving One which is a unique mix of songs delivering tracks that will be heard across radio airwaves as well as be sung in Sunday morning services but most importantly all will bring the listener closer to Christ. The opening title track is a great example of the worshipful style of the songs, both in melody and message it reminds me of “Reign In Us” from I Will Go .

“Rediscover You” is my new favorite song by this great band. The second verse is truly the cry of my heart as well: “I want to learn to pray The way that David prayed, I want my soul to burn when I hear Your name, I want to feel like new, I want to hunger for You. Bring me back to life like only You can do. Cause I don't want to stay the same.” Wow, Tim Neufeld can really write catchy and meaningful lyrics. I’ve been enjoying Starfield since their debut album and “Filled With Your Glory,” “Everything Is Beautiful,” “Hosanna,” “Reign In Us” and “I Will Go” have been in heavy rotation for me. The best part about Starfield’s songs are reflected in truly biblical and prayerful lyrics set to catchy and extremely sing-able melodies. “Declaration of Dependence” is a rock song in the style of “My Generation.” “Overwhelm” is one of those great passionate songs that will have you singing along in prayer to have Jesus overwhelm you. “Top Of Our Lungs” includes a great electronic keyboard part with a heavy bass beat. The chorus “We’re gonna shout His praise at the top of our lungs” is sung passionately in response to the biblical truth of the pre-chorus “who the Son sets free, they are free indeed.”

Starfield has once again released their best overall album, with 10 great new songs reflecting pure and honest relevance to our Faith both in our personal lives and in our Church communities. The Saving One is an album that will find its way on a lot of “best of” lists for 2010, including mine.

For me, the standout songs are “The Saving One,” “Rediscover You,” “Declaration of Dependence,” “Overwhelm” and “Top Of Our Lungs.” If you like Hillsong United, Delirious, Chris Tomlin and David Crowder*Band, then you can’t go wrong with Starfield.

Rating: 9.3 out of 10 (93%, A)

Review written by: Kevin Davis | Review can also be found here.

This review has been reprinted on NRT with permission from ChristianMusicReview.org. Click here to visit ChristianMusicReview.org today!

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Having worked to marry the lyrical focus of worship tunes and the musical dynamic of trendy pop/rock with its 2008 record, I Will Go, born and bred Canadian rock quartet Starfield continues the association with its fourth national release, Saving One. Divvying its track list between praise and prose, the band acknowledges the Christian walk's split reality between faith and doubt.

Affirming the latter, "Rediscover You" vulnerably admits, "My faith is paper thin/I'm feeling so burned out on religion," in a pulsing prayer reminiscent of The Fray's "You Found Me." "Something to Say" beautifully begs, "Help me not forget in darkness/The things I believed in light," with a piano resonating in perfect unison with lead singer Tim Nuefeld's haunted falsetto.

Affirming our hope in faith, the title track boasts a lift-your-hands, straightforward chorus of worship ("His love has made a way/The grave is overcome"), perfect for today's radio landscape. In another corporate track, "Absolutely" journals the genuine gratitude of a sinner saved by grace ("You have me completely/Every breath that I breathe/I am absolutely in love"), and "No Other Saviour" continues the exhortation ("Jesus, Lamb of God/How great you are . . . Every knee bows down at your renown") with a crescendoing bridge of Passion-like proportions.

Though the band's praise is certainly pure, Starfield's worship cuts offer little more than recycled jingles from choruses already penned. However, if they used more sonic space to explore believers' raw emotions, as a few of Saving One's tracks confess, the band would likely relate to a much wider base of spiritual pilgrims quite convincingly. -Andrew Greer

This review has been reprinted on NRT with permission from CCMMagazine.com. Click here to visit CCMMagazine.com today!

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The Saving One = fabulous! | Posted May 12, 2010
I have been a Starfield fan ever since I heard their first radio hit "Filled With Your Glory". I have always been impressed and drawn in by their heart for God and lyrics which draw you into worship--aside from the great choice in instrumentation.
Their latest release "The Saving One" is no exception in my opinion. I was thrilled when I heard about the new release and when I finally got to hear it I didn't feel let down at all. The song "Rediscover You" especially caught my attention since it expresses a lot of thoughts I've had myself which led me to begin writing a book about the need to pursue righteousness.
Once again I find myself wishing they could have put more tracks on the album! Aside from "Rediscover You" my favorite tracks were "The Saving One", "Something to Say" and "Absolutely". And Wow can Tim sing high O_O (just hafta throw that in there)
True to Starfield's previous impression on me of being a great band with God-honoring lyrics and beautiful music, "The Saving One" has ranked right up with Starfield's previous albums as one of my all-time favorite albums and I look forward to wearing it out.

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The Album I Needed | Posted March 06, 2010
Ever since I heard Starfield's beautiful music, I've been a strong fan of their music and their faith. So naturally, when I heard of The Saving One, I got extremely excited; I just knew this album was going to be a boost for my spiritual life. In almost every hard season of my life, Starfield's worship has given me hope and confidence for the future, and the song Rediscover You is now my anthem of the year. Maybe even my life. I can't describe exactly how much this album lifted me up, but I will definitely say if you are passionate about God and about worship, this album will make a great addition to your collection. Don't let this one pass you by; give it a listen, and be blessed.

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gizmodad (75)

Great | Posted March 05, 2010
This is an awesome CD. I love the song "Rediscover You". This record was just very fun to listen to. This is an awesome worship cd. I recommend this to any worship fans.

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Good but Not Starfield | Posted March 02, 2010
This album release is decent but is not even close to Starfield. Even the lead singer sounds different than he does on the early releases.

Starfield tries to pull off a subtle soft inspiring sound almost like Leeland and Carried to the Table. But with face value lyrics and no real beat they cannot pull it off at all. This CD is a sub par release at best.

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great! | Posted February 28, 2010
i heard one song off of this album and i was in awe. starfield is an amazing band on fire for God! i can't WAIT to hear the rest of the album when it comes out!! :)

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Starfield : The Saving One | Posted February 27, 2010
awesome album by starfield
i like the song in this album 'Declaration f Dependence' and i feel like listening toit agaian and again and again......
all other songs are good too........

God bless...........

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LauraCC (255)

Awesome! | Posted February 23, 2010
"Absolutely" gave me chills when I heard it. "Something To Say" is interesting because of its mood. Although some of the lines are catchphrases, the album as a whole is a great listen!

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Won't save Starfield | Posted March 28, 2010
This CD is just so very weak that I had to turn it off midway. I love the song, "No Other Saviour", no doubt about it. I just didn't bother to listen to the rest of the CD.

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