What You Need To Know:
Mosaic is Theocracy's fifth studio album after a much anticipated 7 years since their last record - Ghost Ship in 2016. Mosaic is a Christian-based progressive metal fronted by Matt Smith in Athens, Greece. The band signed with Atomic Fire for this release, rather than Ulterium Records as they have previously.
What It Sounds Like:
This album is progressive metal at its finest. Theocracy has never sounded so tight and skilled. Every track displays elements of progressive and power metal that every fan would enjoy - such as plenty of exciting guitar solos, chunky riffs, soaring vocals, and masterful musicianship all around. All but one song are high-energy, catchy, and addresses topics of spirituality and earthly struggle.
Spiritual Highlights:
Theocracy has always held the Bible as its first and foremost influence on songwriting and Mosaic is no exception. As you listen to the record, you will hear spiritual truths proclaimed - from the fragility and preciousness of life, the condemnation of evil, to Biblical stores put into song. The first of those being most predominant in the themes with songs addressing grief, death, and the value of life, even if short.
Best Song:
Mosaic is a record that is full of expertly written and performed songs. You have the standout ballad, "The Greatest Hope," that tackles grief with hope. There is the lead single, "Return to Dust," which is focused on our eternal hope but short lives on Earth. The epic closing song titled Red Sea is a 3-part story highlighting the Exodus story and transcending its relevance to our personal spiritual journeys.
But my favorite is the opening song, "Flicker." It encapsulates the album's themes well and exemplifies the musical expertise of the band and the incredible vocal range of Matt Smith. The songwriting is woven in such a way that you relate to the meaning of spiritual alienation on Earth while comforting with eternal hope from beyond this place.
For Fans Of:
Stryper, Chaotic Resemblance
Bottom Line:
The seven-year wait for Theocracy's new music was, as always, well worth the wait. Mosaic is one of, if not, the best of the five records we have received from the band to date. Every song is unique and intriguing, full of power metal excellence. To say that each song is a piece of a mosaic masterpiece is both fitting and well-deserved.
The variation in song lengths was a welcome showcase of songwriting skill, although I would have loved another mid-sized song, such as "I Am" or "Laying the Demon to Rest." That size is perfect for this band's skill set, though "Red Sea" made up for that in my opinion. Mosaic will be a hallmark of any power metal release in the years to come.