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No Stranger by Natalie Grant | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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No Stranger [edit]
by Natalie Grant | Genre: AC/Inspo | Release Date: September 25, 2020

Following a five year wait after her album Be One, Natalie Grant returns with her tenth studio album.

Track Listing
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01. Face To Face
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02. My Weapon
03. Do It Through Me
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04. Praise You In This Storm
05. Who Else
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06. Isn't He (This Jesus)
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07. Even Louder (feat. Steven Malcolm & Mr. Talkbox)
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08. No Stranger
09. Presence Of The King (feat. Fleurie)
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10. My Weapon (Sacred Version)
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11. Amen (So Be It)
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Entry last edited by NRTeamAdmin on 09.24.20

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Profound Worship | Posted September 23, 2020
What You Need to Know
Following a five year wait after her album Be One, it’s exciting to hear new music from Natalie Grant. Following her hit song, “My Weapon,” she has released No Stranger, her tenth studio album. The album showcases Natalie’s shimmering, emotion-laden voice. Natalie has consistently impressed me with her mature faith, and a sincere desire for the presence of God. These songs are ultimately about proclaiming our dependence on God, which stir my heart, mind and soul to seek Jesus in this coronavirus pandemic that we are all facing.

What it Sounds Like
From the beginning, Natalie Grant has had a desire to make music that matters, that stretches beyond entertainment and stretches the parameters of popular worship music. She strives to be a listener first, and then to create music that reflects the Gospel and communicates honest experiences in a fresh and artful way. Natalie slays me with her confessional and prayerful vocal style.
This very worshipful album continues Natalie’s desire to provide words for the church to sing about our Lord, to edify and build up believers with her anointed voice and transparent faith. Several songs are in the worshipful style of “Your Great Name” such as “Face to Face,” “My Weapon,” “Who Else,” “Isn’t He (This Jesus),” “No Stranger” and “Presence of the King.”

Spiritual Highlights
“Face to Face” beautifully sets the tone for this worshipful offering with Natalie’s signature powerful and emotive singing style. You’ll be raising your heart and hands in worship along with the song. This can be gorgeous background music, but don't miss out on what Natalie has to say in each song. I can’t get enough of the lyrics in the chorus: “Here I am, I’m reaching out/I need You always oh I need You now/My hope is found in Your embrace/Hand in hand until we stand face to face.”
"My Weapon" is one of the most inspirational songs I've ever heard. It encourages me. Being a Christian means that we walk by faith, not by sight. Faith requires people to rely on the unseen. We walk by faith every day. The beauty of walking by faith and not by sight is that we can learn to trust God more with our lives. The grace and promise that God is with us, proclaimed ultimately in the lyrics, “Your presence is my greatest weapon/Pushing back the darkness/Breaking every chain.” This message is what really moves me and guides me in my Christian walk. 

"Even Louder" is a song, a prayer, and a call for revival in our hearts. Believers can all sing: "Even if the drum stops beating/My soul will keep on singing/Even louder, even louder/Even when my eyes can't see it/I will sing till I believe it/Even louder, even louder."
Best Song on the Record
“No Stranger” has quickly become one of my personal worship anthems, and I hear in her stellar vocals a sincere yearning for Jesus and thankfulness in her heart for God's mercy and grace. I'm completely convicted by the strong lyrics and find immense comfort in this song filled with biblical truth. I am especially comforted by the truth of the lyrics: “You are no stranger to the grave/You laid still beneath its weight/But You have conquered death’s domain/You have rescued me from shame/And here I am, a soul You saved/Redemption’s mine, and mine always/I am Yours for all eternity/For I’m no stranger, no stranger Lord to Thee/No stranger Lord to Thee.” Amen to that.

For Fans Of
Steffany GretzingerLauren DaigleBethel MusicKristene DiMarcoKim Walker-Smith

Final Word
Every song will have you hanging on each word that Natalie tenderly sings. Her vocals will soothe your soul, and the vertical lyrics will direct your attention and focus on Jesus. This is a completely worshipful album. There are several personal songs that melt my heart. Natalie has blessed listeners by writing and singing such piercing and moving songs.
Natalie writes and sings songs with an amazing passion and with unashamed praise and gratitude to our Savior that is very inspiring and emotionally moving. This album soothes, moves and challenges listeners. Don’t miss this profound worship experience. No Stranger is a worshipful offering with compelling music and lyrics and stellar singing. Give the album a few deep listens and you'll love it. I hang on every single word and the stirring vocals, prayerful lyrics and musical arrangements are breath-taking.


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