This is a collection of beginnings. These are songs in a form we typically won't even play for our families... mostly because playing them results in a desperate self-inflicted pep rally ending with the pharse, "I know it doesn't sound like much now... but it's going to be brilliant, really!" or "Yes, I know there are no drums." It is only after you have heard these songs in their mature adult state that you can now be presented with their childhood photos. This is the musical equivalent to your mom showing your girlfriend or boyfriend the picture of you sleeping in your Spaghetti-ohs in all your naked glory when you were 9 months old. We hope you will enjoy hearing how these songs have weathered the creative process.
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ok| Posted October 08, 2008
i like jars of clay. there older stuff isn't as good as their newer stuff, but their music is great. they should be considered classic christian music.........