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No Other Name by Hillsong Worship  | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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No Other Name [edit]
by Hillsong Worship | Genre: Praise & Worship | Release Date: July 01, 2014

Hillsong Worship releases NO OTHER NAME this July as they continue to resource churches around the globe with brand new songs that consistently make up the most anticipated worship album year after year.

Each Sunday night in February and March, the Hillsong worship teams worshipped and hit record as Reuben Morgan, Joel Houston, Ben Fielding, Taya Smith, Annie Garratt, Matt Crocker, David Ware, Jad Gillies, Marty Sampson, Jay Cooke, and others led the church. In April, members of the creative team flew for 24-hours from Sydney to New York City to capture the album's cover in the city's iconic Times Square -- all in an effort to convey a message. One name was at the heart of this bold statement. 'There is No Other Name, Jesus Christ our God'. It's His name we declare. It's His name we honor. And, it's at His name every knee will bow. NO OTHER NAME. These are more than songs, they are an expression of Hillsong's desire to proclaim JESUS. They are about Him, for Him and to Him. The prayer of Hillsong Worship is that this July people everywhere will join together, sing together, and declare -- together -- no other name, but Jesus.

NO OTHER NAME is the combined effort of the Hillsong Church worship teams to express both the church's personal devotion and a congregational offering of worship. Ever-committed to resourcing individuals, worship teams and churches alike, the Hillsong Worship team seeks to bring songs that are as diverse as the greater Church herself is.

Track Listing
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01. This I Believe (The Creed)
02. Heaven and Earth
03. Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)
04. No Other Name
05. Depths
06. Calvary
07. Thank You Jesus
08. All Things New
09. My Story
10. Our Father
11. Mountain

Entry last edited by NRTeamAdmin on 07.03.14

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No Other Name But Jesus | Posted July 01, 2014
Reuben Morgan and Ben Fielding's song "Mighty to Save" revolutionized and expanded the worldwide impact of Sydney, Australia's Hillsong Church. Churchgoers worldwide are blessed by the ministry of their subsequent songs "Stronger," "Forever Reign," "God is Able" and "Cornerstone" on collections released as Hillsong Live, now renamed Hillsong Worship. No Other Name is the next chapter for Hillsong's Reuben Morgan, Ben Fielding, Joel Houston, Taya Smith and others who are all featured on this stellar collection of Jesus-focused songs for the Church. The album is available everywhere July 1.

The opening track "I Believe (The Creed)" features tender and powerful vocals and takes listeners on an emotional and spiritual journey with every lyric sung about faith in our God Almighty, our Lord and Savior, Jesus. The chorus is very stirring and convicting: "I believe in God our Father, I believe in Christ the Son… I believe in the resurrection, that we will rise again, I believe in the name of Jesus." The song is a great call to worship, and is a fresh offering of praise for the Church to sing out with passion the salvation Creed from the Word of God from Romans 10:9 (NKJV): "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."

A sincere desire for the presence of God and to see His Kingdom on earth is found in every song, especially "Heaven and Earth" and "Depths," which are both instantly sing-able prayer songs featuring declarations about Jesus. In this era of electronic music, it is refreshing to hear Hillsong's signature rock style in full effect on these songs.

The standout track for me personally is "Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)." It is an ethereal vertical worship ballad in the style of "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)," sung with a stirring passion and filled with the prayerful declarations: "So take this heart Lord, I'll be Your vessel, the world to see Your life in me. Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost I now am found was blind but now I see. I can see You now, I can see the love in Your eyes, Laying Yourself down, Raising up the broken to life." This is an incredible song for the Church.

I hope to be singing "No Other Name" with fellow believers. The title track captures the reverence of Acts 4:12 (NKJV): "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." Joel Houston leads the song with the bold chorus: "Seated on High, the Undefeated One, Mountains bow down as we lift Him up, there is no other name, There is no other name, Jesus Christ our God."

"Calvary," led by Reuben Morgan, captures the Jesus focused theme: "Calvary, covers it all, my sin and shame, don't count anymore, all praise to the One, Who has ransomed my soul, Calvary covers it all. No One but Jesus can make us pure as snow." The beauty and majesty of our King Jesus is reverently captured throughout the album with anthem after anthem, including "All Things New," "My Story" and "Our Father." Every single song could be added to your worship set. More importantly, this is an album about submitting to the Lordship of Jesus and declaring there is No Other Name than Jesus Christ our God.

Closing Thoughts:
If you want to experience a fresh, biblically inspired and Kingdom focused worship album, look no further than No Other Name. I'm impressed by the consistent quality and fresh worshipful songs from Hillsong Worship. I've been singing "Mighty to Save," "Stronger," "Cornerstone," "Stand in Awe" and many other Hillsong standards at my church, and I recommend several new worship anthems from this album.

If you are looking for new songs to sing, this album is chock-full of congregational songs, especially "I Believe (The Creed)," "No Other Name," "Depths," "Calvary," "All Things New," "My Story," "Our Father," and the standout "Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)." I eagerly await each new Hillsong release, and No Other Name is truly stellar. Once again they have released their newest "best" album. I'm drawn to the stirring emotional vocals and deep, prayerful and biblical lyrics throughout the album. This is a great album of new songs for the Church, filled with a sincere desire to sing about the Name above all names, Jesus.

Song to Download Now:
"Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)" (Get it on iTunes here.)

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