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Safe Place by Kristene Mueller-DiMarco | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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Safe Place [edit]
by Kristene Mueller-DiMarco | Genre: Praise & Worship | Release Date: April 10, 2012

Jesus Culture artist Kristene DiMarco, formerly Kristene Mueller, has released her second full-length album featuring 12 new original songs that carry her distinguished powerful voice and beautiful melodic lyrics.

Track Listing
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01. Say Goodbye
02. Paint Me a Picture
03. Awaken
04. Believer
05. Holly Dear
06. Limitless
07. This is How I Know
08. A Long Time Ago
09. Safe Place
10. A Lonely Carpenter
11. Deanna's Song
12. Hope

Entry last edited by NRTeamAdmin on 04.09.12

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KellyS (37)

Refreshingly Original | Posted April 23, 2012
Kristene DiMarco may not be a well-known name in the Christian music world, but that could change with the release of her second full-length album, Safe Place. Leading worship at Bethel Church (in Redding, Calif.) and with Jesus Culture, DiMarco is a singer/songwriter with a unique voice and a passion for worship.
The first track, "Say Goodbye," doesn't sound like something you would expect from a worship leader. Featuring piano and a voice reminiscent of Ingrid Michaelson or Regina Spektor, the song catches you off guard, but in a good way. DiMarco sings, "Say goodbye, say goodbye, for what you need is found in the heart of Me," talking about what our reaction should be when Jesus asks us to follow Him.
"Believer" carries the same pop vibe, but is a bit mellower, while still remaining upbeat. The chorus repeats, "You're the best believer in me, when I feel like I'm all used up, I'm tired of dreaming, you're more than enough, you're the best believer in me." This could easily be about God or even another close relationship, but regardless, the fact remains that when those who know us best, believe in us the most, this helps us believe in ourselves.
Most of the songs on this record are of a more reflective nature, containing piano, guitar, and soft drums. "Limitless" is for anyone who's ever gone through a hard time and felt hopeless. "I believe that You're limitless, I know that You're boundless Lord, if it feels like I've reached the end, I won't believe it." With vocals similar to that of Sara Groves, these lyrics are a reminder of what we know is true, even during those times when we don't feel it.
The title track, "Safe Place," begins with just guitar and vocals singing the chorus, "Dear Lord, come hold us secure, close to the safest place, out of the storm, dear Lord come, like a warm waterfall, wash over our wounds." As the song progresses, other voices join in, but it remains a very reflective and worshipful track. Though the song itself is very short, it's an extremely honest and genuine prayer that we all have.
Closing Thoughts:
With the variety of music and vocal styles already in Christian music, it's surprising to find something that hasn't already been heard before. Kristene DiMarco has a refreshing, unique style of worship that will uplift and encourage listeners of all ages. Fans of Ingrid Michaelson, Regina Spektor or Sara Groves should definitely check out Safe Place. It's worship with a definite pop twist.

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