Joanna Beasley, formally known as Joanna Martino, released her debut album "My World" in August of 2005 at the age of 19, just 3 years after advancing to the final 80 contestants in Fox's hit show "American Idol." Touring with her first album, Joanna has shared the stage with many of today's well-known Christian artists, such as Michael W. Smith, Jeremy Camp, Mercy Me, Chris Tomlin, Natalie Grant, Aaron Shust and many more. Her face is familiar to many who have seen her hosting and singing on television, most recently as the host of "Steelroots Top Ten Countdown" that aired on three networks: INSP, iLifeTV & INI, and at events and festivals such as "Celebrate Freedom" in Ft. Worth, Texas, one of the nations largest outdoor Christian festivals. She shines with the same uplifting energy in between tours as she leads worship with her husband and spends time with the youth group in her hometown.
With many accomplishments under her belt and traveling the world as a young lady, Joanna Beasley has definitely made an impression in the music industry that is spreading into the world by representing / supporting organizations such as Compassion International, Global Pastor Outreach, Sonnyvilla Children's Home, Chic-fil-A's WinShape Camp for Girls, where she has lead worship and performed throughout past summers, and Josiah Venture in Europe, by sharing her God-gifted voice and the English language, giving the hope of Christ to nations lost. Her desire is to continue serving and pouring into others as Christ pours into her. Creating an atmosphere of Worship and a place where her audience is focused to hear God speak to them, Joanna is ecstatic to bring her new music, her heart and the message of Grace to the world.
Joanna's new album , "Patiently Waiting" is a beautiful collage of the past few years of growing, changing and learning more about the Love of Christ through her recent marriage to Kerry Beasley. As a new writer, she has successfully teamed up with producers and co-writers, speaking the Truth of the Word of God into the hearts of today's culture in a new and relevant way with lyrics and melodies that soar through every song.