"I am a writer first, and whatever I put on paper has to have a meaning, music is more richer to me when it is a journey as opposed to the same words repeated. Once it makes sense, then then secondary is the melodies, harmony, arrangements and all that other jazz".
Her self debut project under Planted Vines Publishers, titled #AfterCreation", is a four piece of songs, which describe the type of musician she is, a true worshipper also with "now message" having cowritten the soundtrack to the book "The Things She Remembered", the song titled One Fight sees to encourage those who have been broken and told they could never amount to much as a result of the many voices in the world that speak death and also many trials we all face sometimes from things not we choose ourselves, but done to us.
Listen to her "FIRSTs", walk through her journey of being in a studio booth for the first time, meeting the producer and musicians, like a child in a candy store she was amused, as she's used to singing live in a church worship set up, studio was very a school of thoughts for her and humbling.