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Unstoppable by Matty Mullins | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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Unstoppable [edit]
by Matty Mullins | Genre: Pop/Rock | Release Date: April 21, 2017

Unstoppable is a collection of songs full of joy and worship, anchored in authenticity and earnest truthfulness, unafraid to declare victory over real brokenness.

Reflecting on the experiences that led him to craft two solo albums proclaiming a courageous faith, Mullins says, "It was a season of my life where I was struggling a lot, but I was learning a lot at the same time. I had so many questions and as I dug deeper, God revealed the answers with profound clarity."

Unstoppable sees Mullins stepping out as a songwriter like never before, collaborating with different singers and songwriters in order to make his strongest statement yet.

Track Listing
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01. Say It All
02. I Choose You
03. Unstoppable (feat. Jordan Feliz)
04. Go the Distance
05. Brand New Fire
06. Christ Be Magnified
07. The Great Unknown
08. The Best Is Yet to Come
09. You Can
10. Until I Need You

Entry last edited by MaryNikkel_NRT on 04.11.17

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Unstoppable Anthems Of Christ | Posted July 19, 2017
Singing mainstream metal and Christian pop, who's heard of that? 
Matty Mullins, singer/songwriter of mainstream metal band Memphis May Fire, did just that. Having grown up on Christian music since a kid and still listening to it, its no surprise that Memphis May Fire's lyrics do hold a Christian approach. Memphis May Fire's lyrics are a light to the metal scene but with strong and outspoken faith like Matty Mullins there's a lot more you can do. Matty Mullins came out with his first solo Christian pop album in 2014 (which is one of my favorite album's) and is back taking it a big step up.

The album starts off with "Say It All" a pop/electro track with a strong message that actions speak louder then words. The track shows the importance of listening to others and changing the world by our actions, other then our words. "I Choose You" slows down the dance beat we had from last track into a contemporary beat. The message is about instead of living how we feel, to choose Jesus everyday so we can live free. The first released track off the record (and my favorite) "Unstoppable(feat. Jordan Feliz)" shines a light into a broken world that His light still shines and nothing can stop His love, which is the answer to all our problems.

"Go The Distance" slows down the dance but continues in a pop song that gives glory to Him, who died for us even though we are full of sin, who left everything behind for us, who cares about us, who hears us, and answers us every time. His love will go on and on to reach us and too write us back into His story. "Brand New Fire" throws back on the electro and pop/dance beat we had at the first track. "Brand New Fire" is a rejoicing song of when He saves us with a new fire for Him, a fire that restores us and makes us feel alive. "Christ Be Magnified" is a pop/worship song were there's nothing to sing but praises and glory to Jesus Christ, the risen One who sets us free!

Back into the dance/pop sound, "The Great Unknown" is about breaking away from the world and letting Him lead us. Sometimes He's leading us where waters seem to deep but that's where He changes us into who He's called us to be. God wants us to know Him more just like we want to know Him more but we need to be ready to leave this world behind to follow Him and for Him to take us where we can grow to Him. This song has helped me this year to let Him take me deeper then I've ever known and has become one of my favorites of the album. "The Best Is Yet To Come" is the only song not wrote by Matty Mullins on the album but comes out has a highlight track. A contemporary/pop track with a bold message that no matter how good things get in life, for us who believe, Jesus is yet to come! Has the lyrics say: "one day You will right all wrong, and every nation, tribe, and tongue, join has one, sing Your song, the best is yet to come"!

"You Can" to me is part two of "The Great Unknown" in wondering 'why am I here in the unknown'? Sometimes going into the unknown can have challenges and mountains that seem impossible to move. There's not a single mountain however that's impossible for Him, for we are weak but He is strong so we don't have to fear anything. Closing the album is a pure and honest worship song, "Until I Need You". This song, co-wrote by Matthew West, is a prayer for letting God take away everything of this world until we known we need Him. The world is full of useless things that keep us away from God and His plan for us. We need to be able to let them go, we need to always remember Christ is the only solid ground, we need to know He is the only one that can truly satisfy us. Like the lyrics say: "there's a kingdom come that waits for me, so I lay my treasures at Your feet, let nothing ever come between, the kingdom come that waits for me".

This album was the best album I've ever heard. A true, unashamed, powerful, fun, Christian pop album with a message that inspires and gives the hope of Christ. Matty Mullins took it to a whole new level since his last solo album with a more pop and unashamed approach but still having the same positive message. Several of the tracks have become my favorite songs and others have greatly ministered to me. All and all this is a five star rating that I wish I could rate and support even more. God Bless :)

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Pop Ownership | Posted April 18, 2017
Matty Mullins made his first entry to the Christian pop world in 2014 with a self-titled solo project that found him venturing far from the sound he had been known for as lead singer for hardcore frontrunner Memphis May Fire. That first set of songs still held moments that reminded of his heavy music background, but with his sophomore follow-up Unstoppable, Matty Mullins is fully claiming the Christian pop sound with an ease that makes it feel like he's been in the genre for years.

The songs on Unstoppable range in theme from confessional to worshipful. "I Choose You" claims the sovereignty of Christ over heartache and regrets. "Christ Be Magnified" is an upbeat, electronic track centered around the almost creed-like plea "be magnified, Christ be lifted high / the heartbeat of our praise is to glorify Your name." Bringing a funky bass groove to the table, "Brand New Fire" celebrates the new life we experience through Jesus.

Beneath these rich, genuine expressions of faith, the album musically reminds of recent hits by artists like David Dunn, Colton Dixon and Danny Gokey, boasting powerful and versatile vocals at the fore to lead a pop sound heavily marked by smooth electronic beds. Although you can hear acoustic guitar lending texture to tracks like the vulnerable "Until I Need You," this album is unabashedly pop. "The Best Is Yet to Come" is delightfully hooky, displaying Matty's mastery of the melodic and even breaking out some horns. 

Even in the slightly more mellow "You Can," the musical flow runs towards the upbeat with the same confidence that marks the hope-focused lyrics. That message of redemption is never offered flippantly however: the singer brings evidence of his own struggles with crippling anxiety, depression and the challenges of touring life to the table as he honestly questions "is there redemption in this valley? / 'Cause everything's unclear, and I'm surrounded by my fear. / I can't move this mountain on my own, but You can."

One of the reasons Matty Mullins was able to achieve such a polished sound on only his second project in this genre is the carefully selected team he surrounded himself with. Co-writes with industry veterans like Pete Kipley and Matthew West mark these songs with a sense of seasoned maturity, while enlisting the vocals of fresh chart-topper Jordan Feliz for "Unstoppable" aids in maintaining all the zeal of a new artist. 

The Bottom Line: Unstoppable works so well because it unashamedly, enthusiastically claims both its pop musical identity and its complete reliance on the message of hope we have through Jesus Christ. These songs convey the sense that Matty Mullins knew exactly what they were supposed to be, and that he found great joy in bringing each track to completion as a work of passion and worship. The result is an album that is in turn a true joy to listen to.

Song to Download Now
"Unstoppable (feat. Jordan Feliz)" (Get it on iTunes here.)

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DEFINITELY NOT METALCORE | Posted April 21, 2017
I love Matty Mullins!!! He is a cheerful, loving and caring person. I have thoroughly enjoyed his screaming admonitions and encouragements as the frontman of Memphis May Fire. With that said, his self titled solo projects have left me severly wanting. In his second installment, Unstoppable, he has at least stepped up his game from the innaugural release (self titled). I wouldn't recommend this album to anyone but preteen/tween girls. I appreciate that he may want to broaden his outreach to other genres, but for the love of all that is wonderful in the universe, please put a disclaimer on anything that is released, that THIS IS NOT METALCORE. Scream on Matty, scream on!

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