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Everything I Need by Holly Starr | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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Everything I Need [edit]
by Holly Starr | Genre: Praise & Worship | Release Date: September 18, 2015

Everything I Need, the highly-anticipated fourth studio recording from acclaimed singer/songwriter Holly Starr, is produced by Ed Cash (Chris Tomlin, Needtobreathe), Scott Cash (WOW Worship, Dan Bremnes) and Christopher Stevens (TobyMac, Jamie Grace). The project showcases seven selections, six of which were co-penned by Starr.

Everything I Need features the new single, "Through Me." Produced by Stevens and written by Starr, Stevens and Ian Eskelin, the song is currently impacting Christian radio formats nationwide. Additional highlights of the album include "God Is" and "Sunshine," as well as two songs with deeply personal meanings for Starr: "My Father's Love" and "Forever Faithful."

Track Listing
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01. Through Me
02. Never Going Back
03. Everything I Need
04. Sunshine
05. Forever Faithful
06. My Father's Love
07. God Is

Entry last edited by NRTeamAdmin on 09.28.15

Christian CD Reviews
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Profound Worship | Posted September 14, 2015
Following up her string of recent hit songs "Let Go," "Don't Have Love" and "Through My Father's Eyes" from her album Focus, Holly Starr is releasing her fourth album, Everything I Need. We were introduced to the album through the worshipful and powerful song "God Is," a song which has resonated with me since I first heard the song.  

The song and this very worshipful album picks up with Holly's desire to provide words for the Church to sing about our Lord, to edify and build up believers with her anointed voice and transparent faith. In that way, her song "God Is" reflects her heartbeat to sing about the attributes of God and make an offering of praise to Him, as He is "Everything I Need." That is the thread that runs through every song on this album.

"Through Me" beautifully sets the tone for this worshipful offering with Holly's signature powerful and emotive singing style. You'll be raising your heart and hands in worship along with the song. This can be gorgeous background music, but don't miss out on what Holly has to say in each song. I can't get enough of the lyrics in the bridge: "Turn down the noise, in all that I do, let it be about You, Jesus." Amen to that.

"Never Going Back" has quickly become one of my personal worship anthems, and I hear in her stellar vocals a sincere yearning for Jesus and thankfulness in her heart for God's mercy and grace. I'm completely convicted by the strong lyrics and find immense comfort in this song filled with biblical truth. I am especially comforted by the truth of the lyrics: "I'm never going back to the way I was, whatever's in the past is covered in love." The message behind this song is the story of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Though we are all guilty and deserve judgment, we need to know this truth: "My God You are so good to me, You saved my life, You set me free, Hallelujah I have been redeemed."

The idea of finding our peace, joy and identity in Christ is beautifully captured in "Everything I Need." The song compels me to worship and profess my own appreciation for the pure love of Jesus. You'll join in with Holly as she profoundly sings, "Jesus You are my desire, my Father my Provider, You're everything I need." The song is a gorgeous profession of Holly's sincere desire to lift up Jesus in every song. The song compels me to worship God and profess my own appreciation for Jesus and trusting in Him completely, proclaiming to Him: "Everything I need is in You, Jesus."

You can't help but pray and sing along with Holly. "Sunshine," "Forever Faithful" and "My Father's Love" are in the same style declaring personal responses to biblical truths in each song. The songs feature Holly's vocal sincerity and prayerful offerings of comfort in the lyrics.

Holly's stellar vocals in "God Is" take you on an emotional journey. The song features another worshipful refrain and Holly's strong vocal delivery. When Holly passionately sings the song, I hear in her voice a prayer of gratitude and commitment to lift God's Name high and give her gifts back to Him. We can call out for Jesus, and He will keep us safe. This is a truth for believers to cling to. We're not supposed to just hope it is true, or turn to the Lord as only our last resort, but daily be washed by the Truth of the Word of God. If we learn to build our lives on Scripture, we would all have a Rock as our foundation as we navigate our lives. We can know for a fact that the words of this song are true: "God is greater than the pain."

Closing Thoughts:
Every song will have you hanging on each word that Holly tenderly sings. Her vocals will soothe your soul, and the vertical lyrics will direct your attention and focus on Jesus. This is a completely worshipful album. There are several personal songs that melt my heart. Holly has blessed listeners by writing and singing such piercing and moving songs.

Holly writes and sings songs with an amazing passion and with unashamed praise and gratitude to our Savior that is very inspiring and emotionally moving. This album soothes, moves and challenges listeners. Don't miss this profound worship experience. Everything I Need is a worshipful offering with compelling music and lyrics and stellar singing.

Song to Download Now:
"Never Going Back" (Get it on iTunes here.)

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