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In Jesus Name: A Legacy of Worship & Faith by Darlene Zschech | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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In Jesus Name: A Legacy of Worship & Faith [edit]
by Darlene Zschech | Genre: Praise & Worship | Release Date: February 08, 2015

Her songs are sung weekly by a world choir with Shout To The Lord alone being sung by an estimated 30 million each week. Her songs and recordings have helped produce 16 Gold and Platinum albums. Her books have been translated in 19 languages. Her passion for mentoring worship leaders has fueled and inspired a new generation serving and leading around the world. Her heart for orphans and widows helped launch HOPE: Rwanda and Hope Global now serving thousands of the world's poorest children.

In Jesus' Name: A Legacy of Worship and Faith is a celebration of the ministry of Darlene Zschech. This collection contains 15 songs, including Shout To The Lord, Power Of Your Love, The Potter's Hand, Victor's Crown and In Jesus' Name. Also included is a new song, My Highest Hope, which was written by Darlene during her recent battle with cancer. This album declares that we can have hope and victory, In Jesus' Name!

Track Listing
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01. God Is Here (Live)
02. Hear Our Praises (Live)
03. Shout To the Lord (Live)
04. Worthy Is the Lamb (Live)
05. At the Cross (Live)
06. Hallelujah
07. You Are Love
08. In Jesus' Name (Live)
09. Blessed (Live)
10. Jesus Lover of My Soul (Live)
11. The Potter's Hand (Live)
12. Let the Peace of God Reign (Live)
13. My Highest Hope
14. Amazing Grace

Entry last edited by frandisco on 02.16.15

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A Powerful Legacy | Posted February 09, 2015
Darlene Zschech, one of the biggest names in contemporary worship— how can any review do her music justice? By focusing on the message of the music. She lives her life, sings and writes music to bring glory to God.
The saying "it's always only ever been about Jesus" is an accurate summary of Darlene Zschech. In late 2013 she was diagnosed with breast cancer, but even when the going got tough, all praise and glory went to God (and a blog dated November 30, 2014 updated followers with the news that no cancer was found on her latest scans!). Beyond music, she works with Compassion International and started Hope: Global with her husband to bring the love of Christ to those who might not experience it otherwise. Is it any surprise, then, that her music points listeners to God? In Jesus' Name: A Legacy of Worship & Faith is a compilation that highlights some of the best songs from Darlene Zschech's musical library.
If you've been in a church that sings modern worship songs, you've probably heard "Shout to the Lord" and "At the Cross."  "Shout to the Lord" is upbeat praise and adoration that warms people up to worship, while "At the Cross" is more of a call to remember what Christ did for us. It's the one that would be played closer to the end of worship to prepare hearts for the sermon or altar call.
"God is Here" is another upbeat, start of the service song. It's a prayer for God to reveal Himself to worshipers, but also an acknowledgement that God is present and powerful.
When a 4-year old stops what they're doing to ask if the music on the album is music that they've heard at church, you know one of two things: either they were listening more in church than you thought, or they were able to pick up on the basic message of the music. The message here is clear; it's all about God. Darlene Zschech sings about her Savior without hesitation and reaches people of all ages.
Closing Thoughts:
Leading worship is more than just standing on a stage with a microphone. It's also about living a life that points others to God, and Darlene Zschech does just that. I know I've been brought to my knees in worship during her music and have been amazed by her steady faith. This collection is a beautiful example of her legacy in the worldwide church. Thank you, Darlene Zschech, for following God's call for your life.

Song to Download Now:
"God is Here"

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13TH ANNUAL WE LOVE CHRISTIAN MUSIC AWARDS: Live Ceremony Tuesday, April 8, 2025 - Franklin, TN - Get Tix Here

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