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trentman629's Music and Book Reviews
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Tonight by TobyMac Tonight by TobyMac
So far this will be the biggest release for the season. Toby always brings his original funky tunes to the market and this is no different. If you like toby you will love tonight...if you don't like...
It Is Well by Kutless It Is Well by Kutless
Not a fan of this project. As a fan of theirs it upsets me that they sell out to praise and worship music to gain more fans. Don't need to hear remakes of songs i have heard over and over again on other...
Breaking The Silence EP by The Letter Black Breaking The Silence EP by The Letter Black
Not to many female rock singers come to mind in the christian industry so when a new singer emerges I am anxious to hear the tunes. Breaking the Silence didn't disappoint. I think they are a little...

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toby cranks up the heat | Posted February-08-2010
So far this will be the biggest release for the season. Toby always brings his original funky tunes to the market and this is no different. If you like toby you will love tonight...if you don't like his style of music you probably wont care for this project.

For me i love the beats of his new tunes. Don't find many christian artist's that have his unique vibe. Love how he is all over the charts with his music rock/rap/hip-hop/jamician sound, slower tunes...he loves to mix it up which i will always applaud him for.

I agree with a few people that his lyrics aren't the best on this project but the music is so catchy who cares. I think he does have some great lyrics on this mix, but a few songs did seem to lack.

Many of the songs speaks to me on my own journey thought life. Get Back Up is one that relates to me well. I have felt beat up and knocked down the past few years but this song reminds me to never lose the faith and get back up.

Hey Devil is a catchy tune that talks about temptation...another topic i think many of us go though.

Funky Jesus Music is probably the catchiest song on the project.

Also a fan of Hold On, ShowStopper,Start Somewhere, and Tonight.

Don't think it is his best work to date because up to this point i loved all 3 projects start to finish. This project found a few that didn't work for me. Overall I love the project but towards the end it starts to lose a little steam for me. Captured, Break Open The Sky, Changed Forever are a few songs that I didn't care for.

Also wasn't a fan of trudog this time around (in the past loved his stuff but his feature wasn't as cute as when he was younger) Even though I didn't care for a few songs I can appreciate his unique style he brings to each song.

Overall this project is amazing and find many songs that surpass his previous projects...just a few tunes didn't work for me. He continues to crank up the tunes and leaves me wanting more. Wish more christian artists would deliver a similar style in music because it seems to be lacking in the christian market.

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Nothing new to the table | Posted October-22-2009
Not a fan of this project. As a fan of theirs it upsets me that they sell out to praise and worship music to gain more fans. Don't need to hear remakes of songs i have heard over and over again on other praise and worship albums. (just with a differnt sound) Not to mention the album lacks the rock edge that i have grown to like about this band.

If you're going to make a p&w project go full throttle with original music and stay true to your style of music. Might have liked this project if everything was original and they had their rock vibe going throughout the project. Past cd's I have liked some of their p&w songs mixed into their projects and some are amazing (even the ballads). Some of the original work on this project isn't to shabby but still lacks the kutless sound. Find Strong Tower (another p&w project i didn't care for) had a better sound and song selection over this.

If you are a fan of p&w you will probably love this project and give them a better rating. Majority people i talk to love this project...but for me it brings nothing new or original to the table and they are slowly losing a fan who has supported them since they started. Praise and Worship is not the kutless I know and have grown to like over the years. Both worship projects i could care less for (even though they are probably their most popular cd's created)

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Unexpected surprise | Posted September-19-2009
Not to many female rock singers come to mind in the christian industry so when a new singer emerges I am anxious to hear the tunes.

Breaking the Silence didn't disappoint. I think they are a little heavier than fireflight and not so much as flyleaf...kind of in the middle. The ep has some great guitar riffs, male/female vocals/great lyrics. The band has their own unique sound that seperates them from similar artists.

Love the song Best of Me because it kicks off with some amazing strings (which I wasn't expecting.

Great ep for a new band...wanted more but seems like eps are the new trend for up coming artists so i'll take what I can. Believe they are touring with skillet which I think will give them a huge jump start. For an upcoming rock band who better to start a tour with than skillet.

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2 unique sides | Posted August-24-2009
This is a 2/cd set and at first I wasn't to sure of why because there are 5 songs on each disc. After giving it a listen the 2 seperate discs work very well for the band.

The first disc is their rock side. I think they have a great sound and not to shabby lyrics. Has a great rock beat and the only beef I have with it is that it is only 5 songs. Would love another 5 or more songs to keep rockin out.

The 2nd disc is more acoustic/praise and worship. This disc works well too. For those who don't like the rock side of willet they can enjoy the 2nd disc because it is more toned down and acoustic. Usually I am not a fan of praise and worship but these songs had me hooked. Loved seeing a softer side of the band and love hearing the acoustic sound.

Also like that they are 3 brothers with great talent. Great to see familes with great devotion all working together to spread the news.

Even like the cd cover. It is very creative because half of the cover is dark with a lighting storm, and the other half is a lighter happy vibe. Works well for both cds. One is darker/more rock based the other is lighter/acoustic/praise and worship. Thought it was very great way to market it.

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Still rockin but loses little edge | Posted August-21-2009
From what I have heard on the nrt preview Awake is awesome. Not much I can say that hasn't been said in other reviews.

For me the Comatose vibe works well on the follow-up. However, I do think Comatose is a hard album to try and top and this album falls short just a little.

The first half of the project is rockin. Lyrics, vocals, beat, everything worked well. Also love the addition of jen and her vocals. The ballads are amazing and love the opening tracks.

Only issue i have is the 2nd half I find some (not all) of the songs tend to blend together. Don't think it is as solid as the first half. Don't care for It's Not Me It's You, Should've When You Could've, and Sometime. Lyrics aren't to shabby but didn't do much for me listening to them.

Overall this is a solid project, but I wish it had more heavier songs. Seems like there are more slower/med tempo songs but only a few upbeat pure rock. Hero, Monster, and Awake are the main 3 I can think of. As mentioned earlier I love the slower songs and each song has great lyrics. I have found the more I listen to it the more it grows on me...where comatose listened to once and I loved the whole project from the get go.

I am still a fan and think this is a worthy cd of theirs. Not disapponited but wanted a little more upbeat rock songs on the album. Best cd that has been out this year in quite sometime...summer was very blah and nice to get some new rock music going again.

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Another Great Single! | Posted August-14-2009
Didn't know we could review singles and hope the full album gets a similar rockin 5 stars from me.

What I like about the song is the lyrics, relevance, rock, and the two vocals featured on it.

Based on all the forum's posted on skillet many people don't care for this song because it is a "typical radio friendly" single. Many people like the older skillet sound that is little more techno/harder rock. This song is similar to their comatose album and seems to pick up where they left off...which works for me. Comatose is my favorite skillet album to date and if alive has a similar style I will love it.

Don't think it is my favorite song of skillet's to date but it could make my top 10 list (have to see what else they offer on the new album). Does have a great skillet sound and think it is a great single to release and get hype, for what I am hoping to be an amazing album.

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Great mix, Nothing new to offer | Posted July-18-2009
Similar to my review on the x series. It is a great collection of some top notch songs of the year. The main problem I have with the series is by the time it comes out I usually have all the songs I like. Might as well create my own collection...don't want to buy songs I already own. Plus many songs have been overkilled by the radio once it is out. Also like more rock based songs and this usually features more contemporary artists.

It would be sweet if they featured upcoming songs from artist not currently out or just coming out before it is released. tfk, skillet, mark schultz, needtobreathe, leeland, betahny dillon, pillar, david crowder band, hawk nelson, barlowgirl, switchfoot, to name a few.

Also think it would be sweet if they offered a cd rom or something that would take you behind the scenes with all the artists with interviews sneek peeks, videos, etc... Haven't seen a playlist for 2010 yet but sure it is no different than all the other wow's they released in the past. If they do feature some new stuff then might change the rating. Great Collection of songs/artist but usually nothing new to offer. Also I like the fact it is cheaper to buy now. Use to be over $20 2009 was around $15 quite a price change...and not bad if you don't have the songs.

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Nothing New to the table. | Posted July-17-2009
I like x and all because it is a great collection of christian rock songs and i like it far more the the wow series. My beef with it is I wish it would feature brand new music from bands and upcoming artists. By the time it comes out I usually already own most of the bands music so why bother buying it when i can look at the playlist and create my own mix. The older x series use to have some brand new songs before they were released and I loved it. 2009 Doesn't offer anything new or exciting. The thing I like about 2009 is that it has tons of music video's! That makes it stand out a little more. Plus it isn't a bad price for all the songs and video's. Great collection for anyone starting into the christian rock scene. I just don't like to spend money on things I already own.

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solid follow up | Posted July-15-2009
First off I am still not sure if Daughtry is a christian artist. He does have some songs that one might see as a spiritual/christian based but the cd as a whole leaves me wondering. It is clear he is a christian but doesn't mean his cd is.

That being said I am hooked on his new project "Leave This Town" The first half of the album is amazing. Some songs are a little more upbeat then his previous project, and he also has a few more slower ballads, which makes a good blend. He has plenty of amazing songs that I feel will have great success on the radio. By Surprise, his first single, has already started climbing the charts.

My favorite song on the album is Life After You. It is a great love song, and has some amazing lyrics. It is not the most upbeat song on the project but i find myself drawn to it, hitting the repeat button many times. Also is a song i can kind of see a christian based message in it.

The first half of the project is strong...but I find myself losing a little interest with the last few songs. They are not as catchy or profound as the earlier songs.

Overall this cd is amazing. 8 or 9 songs out of 12 that i like isn't to shabby. As stated earlier I love the first half of the cd but starts to sizzle slightly towards the end. Daughty is my favorite american idol contestant and still think he should have won. Glad to see that it didn't phase him and has continued to thrive. Probably the most successful idol who didn't win/also more successful then many who have won.

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not to shabby | Posted June-02-2009
This is a good follow up to his project History. He has several catchy/radio hits that keeps me crankin up the tunes. He has an infectious guitar driven pop sound that carries on throughout the project. This cd has great lyrics and a solid message on life. My favorite song on the cd is The Motions, which seems to be spreading on christian radio stations.

Overall it is a good album, some songs are a little to much pop for my tastes and a few tend to blend together, but he has several great songs mixed throughout the project that keeps me listening.

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