Relient K is back! | Posted January-25-2017
I wasn't expecting a lot from this album, Relent K seemed to be on the decline, but this record proved that wrong!
On Relient K's last release, "Collapsible Lung", it seemed as if the Relient K that we knew was long gone. The lyrics weren't as clever and the music felt very generic. However on "Air for Free" Releint K returned to form. Some of the highlights include: "Mrs. Hippopotamuses'" which features Matt remincing of his childhood in Ohio, "Mountaintop" which a nice sincere love song, and "Running" which has "classic Relient K" written all over it!
This is a great album to add ot your collection! It will bring you joy and make you a better person.
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Summer Spectacular! | Posted June-05-2013
As a new fan of Abandon Kansas I jumped into A Midwest Summer without any pre-conceived notion and was Iblown away! Now like I said I'm a new fan of AK so my review isn't based off of anything they've released,but if this is Ep is a reflection of their catalog then I'm excited to delve more into them! The Ep starts with "You+Me+The Radio", a very catchy song about a roadtrip with that special somone, it's a song that is easily one of the best, that I've heard in 2013. Next up is the song "The Chase", this song is about being in the chase of winning over somone romanticall. Next up is "Marching Around Me ", now I couldn;t decide if it was referring to God or a woman, but nonetheless the song is awesome and speaks about truly being in love with somone and doing whatever is necessary. The bottomline is, if you're looking for a summer release to bring you into summer, then look no further, A Midwest Summer, is it!
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Can't Say Enough! | Posted May-31-2013
Everything House of Heroes’ records turns to gold. The guys from Ohio are awesome and each album is incredible. This one though has a special feel. From “Bucket for Bullet Wounds” to “Angels in Top Hats” the honesty is so in your face. The band holds nothing back in their call for wrongs to be made right and once you add in the catchy songs of “Friday Night” and “Make a Face Like You Mean It” then you have a recipe for an incredible audio experience! The album also ages well, there are some new releases that do not carry the same excitement that the 50th time through this album will carry, which is extremely impressive!
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WOW! | Posted February-13-2013
The title basically sums up my thoughts about this album. Ironically though it took a while to grow on me. After purchasing the album the day of release, I only really listened to one track up until December and it is then that I found out what I had been missing!
"On the Run" was one of the best albums of 2012 and honestly one of the best I have ever heard. It had deep content as far as lyrics go, great music to go with the lyrics, and the three siblings did amazing with both! Every track had it's special feel, but a few of my favorites were "Why are you Afraid of the Dark?" which was an amazing song basically questioning why do we fear, when God's promised to be right beside us the whole way?, "We'll Never Say Goodbye", a simply outstanding song about staying united no matter what, and "All in Your Head", a song that to me would be epic live!
All in all "On the Run" is a great album for any rock fan, as well as those who enjoy indie music in general!
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Revenge of the O.C. Supertones | Posted October-30-2012
Revenge of the O.C. Supertones was the first Supertones album I ever purchased, it was on sale at the local christian bookstore and I picked it up,thus jump starting my interest in the Supertones!
The album itself is not their best work in my opinion, but it was good album none the less! The album had some awesome bright spots including "We Shall Overcome" an anthem for any Christian, "Transmission" a song about being in tune with the Lord and "Prince of Peace" which takes a brutal look at the horrible reality of what the world's become and how we need Christ to come quickly because He's the only one who can fix it. To be honest the bright spots are a midst some songs that strike me as filler.
Although Revenge of the O.C. Supertones was not their greatest work, it's still a good release from the supertones and certainly a fun listen!
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PARTY | Posted April-25-2012
As a long time die-hard Family Force 5 fan this album was just incredible, 5 tracks 2 of which we've come to love and the other 3 un-released tracks we have come to crave as downloads! First off the 2, when I first heard "Kountry Gentlemen" and "Numb" were on here I was wondering "Why?" but when I heard them I instantly saw the goodness in them. Sure we had heard them but as a lover of FF5's style I enjoyed getting to hear these two tracks in original form. Now for the other 3, it was awesome seeing "Master of Disguise" and "Color of Water" released as buyable tracks and it culminated with the first time ever release of "Gold" an awesome worship song! I highly recommend the Junk in the Trunk ep for any fan of Family Force 5!
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In love with a what?! | Posted October-21-2011
What makes House of Heroes latest release awesome: It's got an awesome sound? The vocals in the song are incredible? It's probably the only time you'll ever hear a Chrsitian band profess their love for the un-dead? Whatever you decide the point remains the same, House of Heroes' "Lovesick Zombie" is a fantastic release! Since purchasing it, it has been playing non stop on my ipod and has taken over my head. I recommend it to any HOH fan and I also advise any Zombie hunter to give it a listen, because you never know what can happen.....
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Children 18:3 | Posted August-19-2011
Children 18:3' debut release is an album I instantly fell in love with. I came across "All My Balloons" on a Tooth and Nail sampler and noticed a different sound in the band and after listening to the rest of the album I knew I had stumbled into an awesome band. The album also includes alot of other great songs, including "Homemade Valentine" that brilliantly captured the thoughts and feelings of the Christians on the road to emmaus and "Mock the Music" which is an anthem in keeping the music your own and not making it if it's not you. I highly recommend this album.
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Horse rides again! | Posted March-17-2011
After stumbling upon Neon Horse I was impressed to say the least with their debut, but if there was anything it lacked was depth in a spiritual tone, this was corrected with the release of Haunted Horse:Songs of Love, Defiance and Delusion. Now to be honest I wasn't expecting it (maybe because of the album title) however when I heard it I was blown away, song after song had deep lyrics. "Follow the Man" and "Some Folks" are just two that when heard blow you away with sound and message. Now before I make it out to sound nothing like the original, they're songs that beckon to the debut, "Cell-O-Phone","Chaing Gang, Bang Bang" are two that bring back the fun (if right choice of word) catchyness.
I highly recommend the album, Neon Horse is a refreshing sound from the mundane that alot of times we find Christian bands goin into. It's never a dull moment when listening to Neon Horse.
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Blast from the past | Posted February-26-2011
First off let me say I am not a huge fan of early 90's music, but Don't Censor Me is an exception to that. The album to me is half and half in quality as half is pretty ordinary and the other half is exceptionally done! A few of these great songs are the title track "Don't Censor Me" which blatantly raises the question of how is Jesus worse then all these other things we let slide in movies, music, and in our lives. Another is "We're a Band" one of my personal favorites that spells out who and what they are and stand for and last of the highlights is "Big House" which is arguably Audio A's most popular song.
All in all I wouldn't classify Don't Censor Me as one of the greatest albums ever, however it is a great piece of work and an interesting and fun listen for music fans and fans of Audio A.
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