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#1000 - "Order Disorder Reorder" by Jason Gray
NRT's Kevin Davis celebrates song devotional #1,000 with a one-on-one with Jason Gray.

Posted: December 03, 2019 | By: KevinDavis_NRT
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Ever since I heard Jason Gray's "Blessed Be," from his album, All the Lovely Losers, I was hooked by the emotional and biblical messages of his songs. In fact, that song was the 8th one I featured in the Behind the Song devotionals, which started in March 2008. Since then, I've featured many more of Jason's songs. Actually, this is our 17th devotional together, which makes him the most featured artist. That's 11 years and 1,000 song devotionals.

I'm always excited to hear new music from Jason. His last album, Where the Light Gets In, features "Glow in the Dark," "Learning," and "Sparrows." That collection of songs was one of my Top 10 Albums of 2016. Now, Jason has released a new EP, Order. This is the the first of three five-song EPs Jason Gray will release over the next year.  The names of each EP are "Order," "Disorder," and "Reorder." Jason plans to tell a story of the process of transformation in three five-song volumes.
Once again, Jason has invited listeners into his story of faith. Each song features his unique brand of lyrical phrasing, embedded with the truth of the Gospel for those "with ears to hear." Jason is one of my favorite Christian music singer-songwriters. His songs are so emotional, vulnerable and authentic.
He is an anointed songwriter and singer. He has a profound way of piercing my soul with his poignant words, tender singing, and inspirational truths.  Like his previous releases, the album's central theme is about finding our identity in Christ, being honest and transparent with ourselves and others to allow God's grace to shine in our lives by demonstrating how in our weakness, His strength is made perfect. 

If you like singer-songwriters who wear their hearts on their sleeves and sing about the truth of what it means to walk with God and work out their salvation with fear and trembling, then don't miss out on one of Christian music's most treasured artists. 

Before, Jason and I discussed "I'm Gonna Let it Go" from the Order EP. This time,  Jason and I talk about "Order Disorder Reorder." It's an honor to feature one of my favorite artists in Christian music for my 1000th devotional.

Please tell me the personal story behind this song.

I think this was a Rich Mullins quote: "a preacher has one sermon he preaches a million different ways." I do believe that Order, Disorder, Reorder is my message and my word that I keep circling back to again and again, oftentimes without even realizing it. Back to my songs, "Blessed Be," "I Am New," and "Nothing is Wasted," I keep returning to that theme. I don't experience myself doing that, and think I'm saying something new. But it's a new angle to the theme that seems to be my errand that God has for me. I think I've identified what I'm consciously trying to do in so many of my songs.
Hopefully, I'm reducing somebody's anxiety so that they aren't distracted by their anxiety. And they can receive whatever they can receive in the storm they're in. If the world is falling down around me, I used to think that meant God doesn't care about me or He doesn't exist. Or I must have done something wrong and He allowed this to happen to me. Or I'm under spiritual attack. None of those were helpful mindsets for me to be in; I was just defensive and anxious. I don't use that language anymore. Now, I'm much more practical. When things aren't working, I realize there must be something more I need to learn. If I knew everything I needed to know, things would be better. I've shifted from being anxious all the time, to understanding that going through something painful teaches me something valuable.

I want to write songs that help people like me going through trials to not feel like a victim and feel sorry for themselves. Instead, I want my music to help equip people to enter the storm forthrightly with eyes wide open, ready to learn what there is to be learned. This is my hope for this song. All my songs.

Which Bible verses connect to the message of the song?

Matthew 11:28-30 (MSG): "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV): "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV): "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight."

Philippians 1:6 (NKJV): "Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."

Romans 8:28 (VOICE): "We are confident that God is able to orchestrate everything to work toward something good and beautiful when we love Him and accept His invitation to live according to His plan."

What is the takeaway message?

We're being transformed when we're moving along the spectrum from order into disorder into reorder. And that language helps me because, historically, whenever I'd go through time of difficulty or pain, I would wonder a few things. I'd wonder, "Oh no, have I done something to make God angry with me? So has He withdrawn His spirit, or is He punishing me, or does he not care, or does He not exist?" So, when I'd go through painful experiences, it would throw me into a crisis of faith. Until I began to understand that chaos, and difficulty, and pain were necessary places to go through in becoming a new creation.
I think that Paul is a great example of order, disorder, and reorder. He studied scripture and devoted himself to God. He was God's man. He ordered His life around God's Word. The problem with the temptation of thinking you can fortify yourself from chaos with order is that you can't learn anything new. That does happen in all of our lives. There isn't anything wrong with order; it's what we should be doing by taking the things we've learned and applying them in our lives.
Paul encountered Christ in a profound way that upheaved his carefully constructed order and rendered him blind temporarily. That's how it works in our lives. We think we're living in an orderly way and then life happens: a health scare, a broken relationship, a reality check. It reminds us that we aren't as in control as we think we are. It's disorienting and heartbreaking. But, hopefully, it allows us to receive something new from that disorder. And, hopefully, we're open to encountering the Lord in a new way. Then, voila, we're reordered. That's my hope for this song.


I thought
Everything was as it should be
I believed that it was all up to me
As if I was in control
Then I lost
Everything I thought that I knew
I couldn't see that You were leading me to
Something beautiful
Order, disorder, reorder
Over and over
Order, disorder, reorder
Over and over
It wouldn't be the way I choose
But this is how You make me new
So here I am, I'm all in
Though it feels like falling
That's what it takes for You to break through
Order, disorder, reorder
Over and over and over
I thought
The storm would never come to an end
I begged You again and again
To send a miracle
But the storm was
The way You broke my heart open wide
To get to what was hidden inside
And call it beautiful
Order, disorder, reorder
Over and over and over
So here I am, I'm all in
Though it feels like falling
If that's what it takes for You to break through
Give me the faith when I'm afraid to say
Here I go, I'm ready
I know You won't forget me
You'll give me the grace to find a way through
Order, disorder, reorder
Over and over and over
I don't really wanna change
If I'm telling You the truth
But like it or not, Your love won't stop
Till it makes me new
So give me all that You got
From the bottom to top
Till I look like You
Order, disorder, reorder
Over and over
Order, disorder, reorder
Over and over
It wouldn't be the way I choose
But this is how You make me new
So here I am, I'm all in
Though it feels like falling
If that's what it takes for You to break through
Give me the faith when I'm afraid to say
Here I go, I'm ready I know
You won't forget me
Give me the grace to find a way through
Order, disorder, reorder
Over and over and over

Closing Thoughts

As followers of Jesus, we know that we can trust God's Word. We're all a work in progress. Have faith and let God "work all things together for good." Spend time with God, and let Him redeem and restore you. 

We're not at the end of our story. God's still writing our stories of redemption. God wants us to know that He's faithful to complete what's He's started in those who have put their hope and trust in Jesus for salvation. So many believers struggle with the idea that they have to prove themselves worthy before God. Jesus commands us to trust God's Word completely. No matter our circumstances, personal distractions or concerns.
God doesn't promise to spare us from pain. But, we need to trust and wait on Him. Wait for Him to orchestrate the plans for your life. Appropriately, in commemorating my 1000th devotional article, I'm writing about a song based on one of the passages that I've featured the most: 2nd Corinthians 5:17. Featured songs include "New Creation" by Leeland, "I Am New" by Jason Gray, "Witness" by Jordan Feliz, "Is He Worthy?" by Andrew Peterson, "Broken Things" by Matthew West, and "Beautifully Broken" by Plumb. These are some of the devotionals I've written based on that passage.
Once you adopt the words of this song into your heart, you'll remember that Jesus has always been the one who makes a way for us--even when it seems impossible. That's something to rest upon. No matter what, God will make a way for His children. 

As we look at the fallen world around us, we all need to lift our eyes up to God. We need to put our faith and hope in Him. It's in our weakness that God is made strong. It's only through God's grace that we can overcome our emotional conflicts of feeling invisible and conspicuous at the same time. Is God's Word your strength and joy? Are you trusting God, knowing that "every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows" (James 1:17)?
"Order Disorder Reorder" is a great reminder that our circumstances do not define our joy. Our position in Christ and His unending faithfulness is worthy of our gratitude and adoration. This song gives me more conviction to not feel worthless or afraid. With many areas in our lives, we spend a lot of time worrying. So, let your worries go. Let the Lord be your redeemer. 

We live in a fallen, sinful world. One day, we will have a new heaven and a new earth. And, until then, we need to pray and sing out: "Give me the faith when I'm afraid to say/ Here I go, I'm ready I know/You won't forget me/Give me the grace to find a way through/ Order, disorder, reorder/Over and over and over." 1,000 times over. Amen to that.

NRT Lead Contributor Kevin Davis is a longtime fan of Christian music, an avid music collector and credits the message of Christian music for leading him to Christ. He lives in Pennsylvania with his wife and three daughters.

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