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The Loft Sessions CD/DVD by Bethel Music  | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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The Loft Sessions CD/DVD [edit]
by Bethel Music | Genre: Praise & Worship | Release Date: January 24, 2012

Recorded live in a refurbished rustic loft, the Bethel Music team gathered friends and family for several nights of worship that set the stage for this ground-breaking recording. The Loft Sessions explores new territory for Bethel Music, merging an array of acoustic creativity with the modern melodies of original songs by Brian and Jenn Johnson, Jeremy Riddle and emerging artists Steffany Frizzell, Hunter Thompson and Matt Stinton.
Label: Kingsway
There were 3 versions available. This is the 2 disc CD/DVD version.

Below Disc 2 is the DVD.

Track Listing
Click here to add a video. Click to add lyrics if not listed.
01. (CD) One Thing Remains
02. My Dear
03. You Have Won Me
04. Come To Me
05. Walk In The Promise
06. You Know Me
07. Angels
08. Fall Afresh
09. Draw Near
10. This is What You Do
11. (2-1) You Have Won Me (feat. Brian Johnson)[video]
12. (2-2) Come to Me (feat. Jenn Johnson)[video]
13. (2-3) One Thing Remains (feat. Brian Johnson)[video]
14. (2-4) Walk in the Promise (feat. Jeremy Riddle)[video]
15. (2-5) You Know Me (feat. Steffany Frizzell)[video]
16. (2-6) Draw Near (feat. Jeremy Riddle)[video]
17. (2-7) This Is What You Do (feat. Matt Stinton)[video]
18. (2-8) My Dear (feat. Hunter Thompson)[video]
19. (2-9) Angels (feat. Brian Johnson)[video]
20. (2-10) Fall Afresh (feat. Jeremy Riddle)[video]

Entry last edited by liveheart on 10.26.17

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Bethel Music [The Loft Sessions] | Posted February 09, 2012
Bethel Music’s latest project The Loft Sessions is a refreshing and authentic worship experience where community and creativity collide. Recorded live in a refurbished rustic loft, the Bethel Music team gathered friends and family for several nights of worship that set the stage for this ground-breaking recording. The Loft Sessions explores new territory for Bethel Music, merging an array of acoustic creativity with the modern melodies of original songs by Brian and Jenn Johnson, Jeremy Riddle and emerging artists Steffany Frizzell, Hunter Thompson and Matt Stinton. Jeremy Riddle is the writer and singer of the amazing worship songs “Sweetly Broken” and “Furious” and he co-wrote the hit song “Love Came Down” with Brian Johnson, which has also recently been recorded by Seventh Day Slumber and Kari Jobe. Both Brian Johnson and Jeremy Riddle have an earnest, sincere songwriting and singing style that will immediately remind you of Bono from U2 and Chris Martin from Coldplay. Since I love those artists and their alternative rock style, I’m predisposed to like Jeremy Riddle, Brian Johnson and the Bethel Music worship team.

The Loft Sessions is not your typical praise and worship album. It has a very warm musical style that will immediately soothe your soul and cause you to worship along with these ultra-talented worship leaders. It has a Gungor meets Mumford & Sons sonic feel to the album and I can’t get enough of these anointed songs. The album opens with an incredible recording of “One Thing Remains” led by Brian Johnson with the amazing chorus “Your Love never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me.” If you’re not already singing this song at your church, this arrangement is well suited to any congregation. “My Dear” is a great upbeat song that moves me emotionally and physically when I worship along with the talented and emotive vocalist Hunter Thompson and the Bethel Music team.

“You Have Won Me” is led by Brian Johnson, and has the expressive chorus, “Jesus You have won me…You are worthy of glory and praise.” The new worship song and lead single “Come To Me” is sung tenderly by Jenn Johnson from the perspective of God singing over us--"I am the Lord your God...no evil will conquer you, steady now your heart...lift up your weary head, I Am with you, wherever you go, come to Me, I'm all you need...come to Me, I'm your everything!” There is incredible comfort and biblical Truth in this song and Jenn's passionate vocals will have you hanging on every word. “You Know Me” stops me in my tracks as Steffany Frizzell slays me with her confessional and prayerful vocal style, especially in the bridge—“nothing is hidden from Your sight, wherever I go You find me, You know every detail of my life, cause You are God and You don’t miss a thing.” That biblical Truth comes right from Psalm 139 and there is great comfort in knowing Jesus and being known by Him in every detail of our lives. Amen to that! “Fall Afresh” is sung by Bethel Music worship leader Jeremy Riddle. I’ve always wanted to hear Jeremy perform stripped down acoustic style songs, and I feel like I’m eavesdropping on Jeremy’s prayer time as he sincerely lifts his anointed voice in worship to our Lord and Savior.  The chorus of “Fall Afresh” moves me every time I sing it, Spirit of the Living God come fall afresh on me / Come wake me from my sleep /
Blow through the caverns of my soul / Pour in me to overflow, / to overflow.”
That’s also the cry of my heart. Thank you Bethel Music for these incredible musical offerings to Jesus.

If you like the praise and worship artists Hillsong UNITED, Matt Redman, Tim Hughes and Jesus Culture, then you can’t go wrong with the Bethel Music worship team and you’ll love the album The Loft Sessions. Every song on this album has quickly become a staple in my playlist of my favorite worship anthems. Every song is worshipful and catchy. The vertical worship and number of songs I could imagine singing in union with fellow believers in a corporate worship setting is another highlight of this very solid album. Some of the songs that would be great additions to church services are “One Thing Remains,” “My Dear,” “You Have Won Me” and “Fall Afresh.” I considered Be Lifted High among the best worship albums of 2011 and based on the gorgeous stand-out female led worship ballads “Come To Me” and “You Know Me,”  I expect big things for Bethel Music in 2012. For sure, this will be among my top worship albums of the year.

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KellyS (37)

Soundtrack for you quiet time | Posted January 29, 2012

Known for creating passionate and genuine worship, Bethel Music takes the creation process a step further with their latest release, The Loft Sessions. Recorded live in a refurbished loft, the Bethel Music team (Brian and Jenn Johnson, Jeremy Riddle, and newcomers Steffany Frizzell, Hunter Thompson, and Matt Stinton) gathered together with friends and family for several nights of heartfelt worship. The result is a live CD/DVD that engages and leads the listener into the reality of God’s presence.

Opening track, “One Thing Remains,” takes a step away from the normal congregational sound of past worship albums and establishes a more intimate feel, which is woven throughout the project. The lyrics are full of truth and comfort: “Your love never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me.”

“My Dear” is upbeat and has more of a pop sound than your average worship song. The vocals are even reminiscent of Owl City. An honest love song to God, the vocalist sings, “I need to say what my soul is singing, I need to say what my heart is screaming…that I love you my dear.”

“This Is What You Do” is another upbeat track and even though it doesn’t feature many instruments other than guitar and hand clapping, an uplifting and hopeful energy is contained in the vocals as they sing, “This is what you do, You make me come alive!”

This project contains a variety of musical styles including, pop, folk/bluegrass, contemporary worship, and acoustic, as well as a plethora of instruments. “You Have Won Me” is an example of this eclectic styling where at one point just voices, hand clapping and the pluck of a banjo is all that can be heard. On the other hand, “Walk In The Promise” has an almost haunting and Middle Eastern quality about it, containing electronic tones and strings.

Some songs are sung from God instead of to God like in “Come To Me.” The lyrics remind us of who God is and His promises to us: “Come to Me, I’m all you need. Come to Me, I’m your everything.”

You Know Me” is our song back to God, featuring just piano and vocals. These lyrics are pure and true: “You know when I rise and when I fall, when I come or go, You see it all, You hung the stars, You move the sea, and still You know me.”

“Draw Near” is a pure song of worship, asking God to “draw near to me for I have drawn near to You…pull on the strings of my heart for I long to respond to You.” After knowing Who God is and that He knows us, all we want to do is be close to Him.

“Angels” and “Fall Afresh” have original and acoustic versions featured on the project. Both are great, but the acoustic sounds lends to a more worshipful atmosphere, in my opinion, because of the purity and simplicity in the sound. Sometimes too many instruments and vocals distract from what’s being sung and when removed, it’s easier to focus on the message within the lyrics.

Closing Thoughts:
The soundtrack to your quiet time has arrived! Refreshing and intimate, The Loft Sessions is ideal for getting back in touch with who God is and who you are to Him. With an eclectic sound and a variety of musical styles, no song is the same, keeping the listener focused on the message within. It calms the spirit and reawakens the soul to what God has done, is doing, and will do in us.

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Soothing the Savage Beast | Posted January 25, 2012
I find this cd to be one that just bathes the spirit, soul and body with a peace that brings comfort and an assurance of Poppa's love for you! Each song reveals a different aspect of Father that reaches in and heals the wounded parts. This is fresh and new and straight from the heart of God to you!! May His love, joy, peace and comfort envelop you as you listen to this cd!

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Up-Close And Personal Worship | Posted January 22, 2012
There was less than a year between the 2011 Bethel Live project and The Loft Sessions, Bethel Music’s latest 10-track compilation of stripped-down worship tunes by a plethora of worship leaders. In this latest release you will hear how amazing God is in using his people both individually to write songs and collectively to bring those songs to your ears which will move your heart in an act of worship.

This collection of songs is not your typical worship album because it wasn't recorded in your everyday recording studio, nor was it recorded in a large arena like other Bethel projects. It was recorded live in a loft--thus the project’s name. Something else that makes it unique was the writing process. It was not a typical undertaking, according to songwriter/worship leader Jeremy Riddle. He shares his thoughts in a promo video found on the Bethel Music website. He said that the album really fell into place at production. If I hadn't heard the album prior to writing this review, Riddle’s comments would have sparked my interest to know what this project is all about.

Light cymbals and piano welcomes the album with "One Thing Remains.” The refreshing ooh's gives the album a comfortable opener, allowing the listener to sing along. The song talks about God's greatness and how he remains and never changes. My favorite line emerges in the chorus: "Your love never fails / never gives up / it never runs out on me." With this opener it's easy to imagine being in that loft praising God's never-changing love toward us. The song was written by Brian Johnson, Christa Black and Jeremy Riddle and can also be found on a handful of worship albums that released last year.

"My Dear" was written and lead by Hunter Thompson and has the most youthful sound on this release. It's a song driven by the joy we have because of Jesus and what he has done for us.

I'm not the biggest banjo fan out there. However, in "You Have Won Me" the instrument adds warmth; it works well within the loft setting. My favorite part is the bridge where the song builds: "Shout it out and lift up one voice in worship / Sing it out until all the earth can hear it / Jesus is alive and He saves He rescues and saves."

Jenn Johnson (Brian's wife) leads "Come to Me." In the promo video she talks about how God is speaking in this time of natural disasters in our world. God is calling us to come to Him because He is all we need. The song also reminds us to seek God and rely on his strength.

Jeremy Riddle's "Walk in the Promise" is a new mix with the Bethel team and I actually enjoy it more than the studio version. The title actually is a good description of what the song is about.

You Know Me" declares the awe of God knowing us because he created us. "Angels" is a unique track because it's an invitation to the angels watching over us to sing along with us praise to the Father. My favorite track on the entire album is Jeremy Riddle's "Fall Afresh," where the words are as intimate as a prayer.  

Closing Thoughts:
A great, up-close and personal venue brings this album to life and has God at the heart of the songwriting. I was very impressed with the mix. It's going to be difficult pulling a song to put in a shuffle playlist because it's so good as a whole. I'm already wanting to share these songs with the contemporary worship leader at the church I attend. It's early in the year but I can see this project being one of the top in the worship category.

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