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Opposite Way by Leeland Opposite Way by Leeland
Not a "Yes You Have" in my opinion. That song made me like Leeland in the first place. "Sound of Melodies" was amazing as well along with "Tears of the Saints"...they were brilliant and its hard to follow...
The Essential Jars Of Clay [Disc 2] by Jars Of Clay The Essential Jars Of Clay [Disc 2] by Jars Of Clay
Some really good song mixes from a couple of their CD's. I really loved that they included a couple of songs from the actual Jars of Clay self titled album and not only Flood. Some of my favorites aside...
End of Silence by RED End of Silence by RED
I had never heard of this band until someone on here told me about them. I checked them out and as it turns out they're pretty solid. Breathe Into Me is amazing. It really reveals how dependent we are...

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It was good...I'll give them that much | Posted August-22-2008
Not a "Yes You Have" in my opinion. That song made me like Leeland in the first place. "Sound of Melodies" was amazing as well along with "Tears of the Saints"...they were brilliant and its hard to follow up with. Its like Jars of Clay with flood, but they did a good job on this CD. I didnt like all of the songs, but that happens a lot on most CD's. Opposite Way is a really good one and reminds us how our Savior came and was so different from us in such an amazing and humbling way. Let It Out Now I really enjoyed as well. Its nice being reminded that we aren't just here...we were chosen by God. Out of the seas of faces mine was picked to help the cause and to run the opposite way of the world. Enter This Temple sounds really good and its catchy its a call out to live like the children of our Heavenly Father. I liked it. And my last favorite on the CD was Falling For You. How often we stray, maybe days, months, years at a time...but you just cant stay far away because every time God really touches your soul its like falling in love with Him all over again. Good job Leeland. I'm impressed.

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Awesome CD | Posted June-12-2008
I had never heard of this band until someone on here told me about them. I checked them out and as it turns out they're pretty solid. Breathe Into Me is amazing. It really reveals how dependent we are on God to save us. Wasting Time was probably my favorite...it speaks of satan's attacks on us and how God can change us to be able to stiffarm the devil's motives and turning our back on him and looking towards God.

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This is an amazing CD | Posted June-12-2008
Some really good song mixes from a couple of their CD's. I really loved that they included a couple of songs from the actual Jars of Clay self titled album and not only Flood. Some of my favorites aside from the first 4 include Tea and Sympathy, Five Candles, Unforgetful You, Tonight...ok...there was really a lot :P Their use of the acoustic guitars is as good as ever, but when they threw the accordion into the mix I was in love, lol. I never though I'd dig that instrument so much, but it just flows and its really a shame no one uses it anymore. Hope to see them at Rock the Universe this year :) But as a closing note I picked this CD up at Wal Mart for $15 and its definitely worth every cent.

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Worship | Posted November-30-2007
I really didnt like it much the first time I heard it, just because of what Skillet was...straight rock.

But the more I listen to it the more I really like it. The song Who Is Like Our God is my favorite. Upbeat and catchy and gets stuck in your head.

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Wow... | Posted November-30-2007
This was amazing. I got it for $5...I guess its cause its so old, haha.

I heard a few Jars of Clay songs before and saw them in concert and wasnt that impressed (the way they dressed maybe? Gym shorts...gross).

This one was awesome though...Love Song For A Savior is my favorite...but I actually like all of them :D

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MercyMe pulls through again :) | Posted November-30-2007
This one turned out really good. Catchy songs...more upbeat and praising. Very cool....Finally Home is my favorite :)

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Very very cool... | Posted October-16-2007
I like his praise music just as much as his rock. His songs are amazing...he's awesome! This CD turned out really cool :)

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Well, to start off | Posted October-16-2007
I had never heard these dudes before the other day, but for being pretty old their concerts sure were cool :) The CD's ok...not all that impressed, but the songs were kind of catchy and their voices sound cool. They have a really cool story, as well. I think I'll probably check out some of their older stuff too.

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Wow... | Posted October-16-2007
I really didnt know what to expect when I saw him at Raise the Roof the other day, but man...awesome. He's a really nice guy too :) His lyrics are awesome...and the song Dont Get Comfortable is not only very catchy, but has a good meaning as well. I suggest getting this if you want to just chill out and listen to some good music.

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First stuff... | Posted October-02-2007
I forgive more on first CD's and even though its not comparable to collide in my opinion they have so many different sounds...Skillet is pretty much my all time favorite band. They infuse a lot of different types of music together and its really impressive.

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