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So far it has been decent, would like to see Dekker do some new stuff, maybe a realistic fiction piece....
Leaving Eden by Brandon Leaving Eden by Brandon
Leaving Eden presents a new Brandon Heath. This isn't actually good. Heath leaves his traditional songwriting which was good, and aims for a more spiritual writing focusing on inner turmoil. For instance...
No Far Away by Chris No Far Away by Chris
No Far Away is very close to perfect. The highlights of the album are the first six songs and It's Always Been You. Battle and 7X70 are the two most amazing songs on the album. The only song that seems...

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Good, But still want different | Posted April-06-2011
So far it has been decent, would like to see Dekker do some new stuff, maybe a realistic fiction piece.

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Okay | Posted January-17-2011
Leaving Eden presents a new Brandon Heath. This isn't actually good. Heath leaves his traditional songwriting which was good, and aims for a more spiritual writing focusing on inner turmoil.

For instance Leaving Eden, the title track, says he feels like he is leaving Eden. Were never in Eden. So honestly I can understand maybe figuratively as in the comforts of our home. But still this is never explain. I feel that Heath leaves out his incredible skills to write about exterior turmoil. This album seems to leave out hope. Only a couple songs speak of a real hope, the one we find in Christ. Yet the album seems to dwell on the trouble of this world. I would like to see Brandon focus on God and stories more than trouble.

Overall Heath takes a step backward in an album that should've been better.

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Need to Change Style | Posted September-01-2010
Casting Crowns has held a very popular stand in CCM. This is obvious for there lyrics used to have depth and their music creative.

With each album though they seem to have lost that skill. Their albums have lost the flare of Stained Glass Masquerade and Lifesong. They watered down CCM to be little than lyrics and music.

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Great Debut | Posted September-01-2010
No Far Away is very close to perfect. The highlights of the album are the first six songs and It's Always Been You. Battle and 7X70 are the two most amazing songs on the album.

The only song that seems not to fit is You and I since it is about being with a friend.

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Awesome CD | Posted August-24-2010
The best songs on this CD include Speaking Louder than Before and Slow Down Time. I love the themes of surrender, worship, and standing up for what is right.

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Great lyrics, mediocre music, little passion | Posted July-21-2010
An album is made of three things in my opinion. Lyrics, Music, and Passion (the voice of the singer makes you feel similar to him and you believe that he believes).

The Museums lyrics are spectactular. Especially the first six or seven songs really hit alot of what God is and what we need/should be doing. 10/10

The music never stops rocking. Even in the songs that we get a soft beat somehow they find a way to continue rocking. Plus some of the music doesn't compliment the theme of the lyrics or the singer's voice. 4/10

Finally because the music doesn't compliment the theme or voice. The passion is not there. I was able to download some free acoustic mp3s from Relevant Magazine that the Museum did for a performance there. and the singer had just his guitar and his voice. It was amazing but on these songs the extra is too much. The band tries too hard to rock and the theme of love and the calling to love is does not come out in the voice or the music.

I know that some will disagree but the album needs to be lighter and the voice let out of the box that is editing.

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Hillsong/nothing new | Posted July-21-2010
Hillsong spews out about twelve to fifteen songs a year. And with every CD they get worse. The audience they do have is one that may stay with them but they won't have any new fans.

There is no lyrical depth, no musical talent only people who write songs to worship God. Now if we were judge them for their worshipping God they would be very high. But Hillsong chooses to put out albums up every year so that opens them up to scrunity over whether you should buy it or wait for your local church to play it. Wait for the church.

If you want some specific songs from them check out: Break Free, One Way, Freedom is Here. But they just are not worth listening to in this new age. The rock is 80s and the lyrics don't reflect anything new except the old songs.

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Maturing in to not pop but regular CCM | Posted June-19-2010
Addison Road had a promising debut but while some of the songs are good, most of the CD falls away from what made them exciting. The debut was amazing because of the pop/funk songs on it but you won't find really any of that here.

Good songs:
Change in the Making
Fight Another Day
Won't Let Me Go

This CD is a step in to a wrong direction while some will like it and Addison Road will gain new fans some of the old ones will probably not enjoy the more CCM run of the mill music backing the lyrics.

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This is an okay album | Posted June-01-2010
Good album if you want some power rock. Hilights are Promise of Tomorrow, Chorus of the Saints, Distant Memories, and Sit with Me. The rest of the songs don't reach the speed or highlight the lead singer's vocals as much as the others.

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Some Good Some Bad | Posted May-11-2010
Songs to Check out:

"Forgiven And Loved"- The best song on the CD. If you just got this one you aren't missing anything.

"Hurricane"- Good idea. Good voicing but still second rate.

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