Aaron Cole Under Fire From Environmental Group (April Fools 2021)
Last name confusion creates threats of cancellation from the activist group as fans unite in rapper's corner
Posted: April 01, 2021, 5:00 PM | Category:General Artist Tags: Aaron Cole Source: NRT Staff Reports (KM)
CHH artist Aaron Cole is facing scrutiny from environmental activist groups after he was recently included in a pollution watch report. Every March, the non-profit group Clean Air Resources (CAR) publishes an annual report identifying organizations producing a significant carbon footprint. Cole is a unique addition to a list that is mainly comprised of power plants and large factories. Since being included in this report, Cole has received nonstop demands to shut down from both environmental activists and government agencies.
"At first, I was confused," said Cole when reached by NRT. "I mean, I'm aware my tour bus gets 6 miles per gallon, but I haven't been able to tour for over a year now. I'm not sure what the problem is."
CAR has released a statement that the confusion started between two interns. In the middle of an iMessage exchange between the two, an intern sent a link to Cole's website with a caption, "This stuff is fire! Coal is really heating it up!" Facing a tight, late-night deadline, the other intern mindlessly copied the link, complete with the last-name typo, into his report. Quick research from the organization came across the cover of his "AOTY" single, which features a bird drenched in a petroleum-like substance. That didn't help his case.
Cole continued, "It's too bad that this misunderstanding is causing me all this grief. I never thought that I'd be under fire from environmentalists and government agencies just because my name sounds like something you get for Christmas when you're on the naughty list. Hopefully, we can get this fixed soon 'cause I got music to write."
Fans have been working hard to un-cancel Cole by contacting CAR and the government agencies involved. One fan was quoted saying, "CAR needs a tune-up. This is toxic and is doing nothing but polluting the air for real work that needs to be done."
We're hoping for the best and praying for a fast resolution for the rapper.