13TH ANNUAL WE LOVE CHRISTIAN MUSIC AWARDS: Live Ceremony Tuesday, April 6, 2025 - Franklin, TN - Get Tix Here
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  • "Good to be a Girl" from Radiate
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    Faith elicits a response. A heart change inspires an outward movement and reaction. 
    For Tricia Brock, growing up in a Christian home, a seed of faith was planted at an early age. Out of that seed grew a personal relationship with God that inspired a journey of faithfulness to pursue a calling to speak life, hope and encouragement to the broken and hurting.
    That journey continued to take shape when it was married with Tricia's passion for music. Joining forces with her sister and a group of friends with a similar heartbeat, the GRAMMY-nominated rock band Superchick was born.
    As the lead-singer, Tricia, and her bandmates cultivated a message and sound unmistakable in Christian and mainstream music alike, promoting positive self-image and encouraging others through anthems like, "We Live," "Pure," "One Girl Revolution," "Rock What You Got," and "Stand In The Rain."
    Following a solo worship album in 2011, The Road, Tricia's journey continued in 2013 as she debuted her first solo pop album: Radiate.
    "This album is called Radiate because I believe that is what each Christian is called to do, no matter their career choice. We are called to reflect the glory of God in our lives to a world that is hurting and broken all around us," says Tricia.
    Musically, Radiate is pure pop with upbeat and electronic elements, in a similar vein to artists like Pink, and Gwen Stefani. "I love pop music, and I wanted this album to be happy," Tricia states. 
    Thematically, Radiate is a natural progression for Tricia. Issues of identity, image, and appearance have always been themes important to Tricia and have been expressed through her time with Superchick. But as a solo artist, these songs are more personal than ever before. "This record, and these songs are my thoughts and heart," says Tricia. "They are the things that I feel are important for me to communicate." 
    Artistic inspiration is often found in life and shaped by experiences. This has proven true for Tricia through her life and journey in faith. She believes that as a Christian, our lives should be about loving and serving God and others. "Romans 12 has really awakened my heart to the way I want to live: loving genuinely, outdoing one another in showing honor, living at peace with everyone and serving the Lord," Tricia reveals. "Whether I'm writing songs in the studio, on tour as an artist, or at home being a wife and mother, that's what I want my life and music to be about."
    Issues of identity are often considered struggles of those journeying through adolescence. But in truth, these are issues that are at the core of every individual no matter their stage of life. This reality has never been more evident to Tricia. "Even as an adult there are different areas that make me feel the same way I did in high school -- that I'm not good enough, that I don't measure up." Tricia continues, "I have bad days where I feel easily discouraged, depressed and listen to the fear. But those moments in particular are the times where I have to hold onto the truth of God's love. To let my heart be convinced of the things that my mind knows."
    Radiate's lead single "Enough" is a reminder of that very truth -- that God's love is enough even when we don't feel we measure up. The struggle to trust and believe is evident in the lyrics of the verse: "Gonna be days when I'm falling short/Missing every dream that I'm reaching for/When nothing in life is going like I wish it would." In Tricia's words, "It's so easy to compare yourself, and feel like God is blessing someone else with something that you want. But I'm learning that He has me exactly where I'm supposed to be at this moment, even when I don't feel good enough." Nothing else really matters in the light of God's love, Tricia sings in the chorus: "It's enough that You know what I'm needing/It's enough just to go where You're leading/If I have nothing else I will always have Your love/And that's enough."
    Radiate is in every way a collaboration between Tricia and husband Nick Baumhardt (Stellar Kart). Nick produced the album and co-wrote many of the songs with Tricia. "I loved working with Nick on this project. We're both easy going and don't take ourselves too seriously. We were able to be very honest throughout the creative process because we wanted the best art that we could create." Together Tricia and Nick crafted up-tempo songs with a positive message. Tracks like, "Everything As Loss" and "Mirror Mirror" remind the listener that there is more to life than the temporary and fleeting things that can often consume our attention: "Mirror mirror on the wall/Do you really think you know it all/You don't know me, you don't own me/It doesn't matter what you think at all/We're more than just a reflection/Cause when I look at you all I see is beautiful." The songs "Good To Be A Girl" and "Pity Party" are light-hearted and upbeat, with lots of electronic sounds and crunchy electric guitars.
    In addition to the fun, upbeat tracks, Radiate has it's tender side as well with songs such as "What I Know," a powerful piano-driven ballad, thematically tying the record together: "What I know is you my God are real/No matter how I feel/You've never let me go/And what I know is there will never be a day You aren't just a breath away/And through it all I've got to hold to what I know."
    "I hope that people are inspired and encouraged by this album. I hope that they enjoy the happy, upbeat songs, and that the slower songs are healing," says Tricia. "These songs were inspired by my life experiences, and I hope that people will feel like they aren't the only ones with struggles, fears, and insecurities. But, ultimately our circumstances in life don't change that fact that God is always good."

    Entry last edited by CCMSingles on 02.15.16
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    agbozo1 (52)
    Inspiring | Posted August 29, 2013
    Rockin !!

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    GOOD MUSIC | Posted August 29, 2013

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    Keep Singing! | Posted August 27, 2013
    I hope great things will come for you! Keep singing and encouraging! :)

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    edwardtay (45)
    Awesome songs | Posted August 27, 2013
    Great effort, really enjoyed the record!

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    yo | Posted August 24, 2013
    got her single "enough"

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    Awesome | Posted August 20, 2013

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    Evan48 (159)
    Band | Posted August 19, 2013
    The new Superchick! Will miss the band but look forward to Tricia's music.

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    Got a sample cd | Posted August 19, 2013
    What I have heard of it, it sounds pretty good!

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    always been a fan | Posted August 14, 2013
    I have been a fan of Superchick for years, so I am super excited to go out and get Tricia's new album!! Love what I've heard already!!

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    noizzie (9)
    Hopefully not leaving Superchic[K] | Posted August 13, 2013
    Going solo is fine with me, for as long as Superchic[K] dont stop existing.

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    13TH ANNUAL WE LOVE CHRISTIAN MUSIC AWARDS: Live Ceremony Tuesday, April 6, 2025 - Franklin, TN - Get Tix Here

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