Christian movies have recently been taking Hollywood by storm. The resurge of faith-based films from studios and creatives has attracted mass numbers and praise for their high-quality and impactful stories. One of the studios at the forefront of this movement is none other than the Kingdom Story Company. Led by the Erwin Brothers, best known for their smash-hit film I Can Only Imagine, the Kingdom Story Company has catalyzed hit films such as Jesus Revolution, I Still Believe, and their most recent addition, Unsung Hero.
Another group of creatives in the faith-based movie and music scene is the Smallbone brothers, for KING & COUNTRY. Joel and Luke Smallbone released their first major movie project, Priceless, in 2016 to raise awareness against human trafficking. Joel has acted in several movies while helping with other behind-the-scenes projects. However, the group had another story that was very close to their hearts left to tell.
for KING & COUNTRY, in collaboration with the Kingdom Story Company, presents Unsung Hero, a movie that chronicles the true story of the Smallbone family. David and Helen Smallbone, parents to a family of eight, embark on a journey from Australia to the United States, determined to rebuild their lives from scratch. Their story is one of struggle, growth, and unwavering faith, leading them to achieve remarkable success. This tale of resilience and faith is sure to inspire and instill hope in every viewer.
The movie was released on April 26th, which the team called Family Day. The title is a perfect fit for multiple reasons. It celebrates David and Helen's 49th wedding anniversary and one of the most important themes of Unsung Hero: family. The way the movie shows the Smallbone family doesn't feel fake or like it's trying to paint a fairytale; instead, it shows a real, grounded family that is flawed but loves strong despite the issues. A family that, when problems come, holds on together and believes together.
Unsung Hero depicts a family without any filters to make it appear perfect or to exaggerate their problems. Instead, it portrays the beauty of life in all its aspects, including the dreams, struggles, and the resilience to get back up and fight for what they believe in. The film highlights the importance of hope and faith in God to never give up on each other and keep moving forward.
The beauty of faith is expressed powerfully through the family in their journey. Helen, played perfectly by actress Daisy Betts, is light and inspiring. When problems arise that cause the family to want to spiral into panic or depression, she's there to encourage and pull her kids and husband back to what matters. She points them to prayer and faith in God in a practical way that resonated with all of us in the audience. David especially stood out to me.
Along with the stellar acting of Joel Smallbone playing his father, David does all he can to provide for and lead his family. He's there as a husband and father who believes in his family and encourages them. Although he is not without mistakes and costly slip-ups, he doesn't stay down. He apologizes to not just his wife but his children. He returns and pulls his family together to stand firm and walk as one. Seeing how he led his family after so much pushback and failures, both from his choices and those around him, I became emotional. I remember writing down after the movie that it impacted me as the man I want to be for my future wife and kids.
While following the family, the Christian music scene is shown, to my surprise, much more than I initially expected. Many cameos of some recognizable '90s Christian artists make for fun reveals and moments that remain true to the story. The actors playing the children are excellent at their roles, adding emotional and funny moments that anyone with siblings or kids can relate to.
Although I would have loved to see more of the Smallbone kid's interactions and growth, when they're there, they shine. Young actress Kirrilee Berger, who played sister Rebecca Smallbone, also known as the popular contemporary singer Rebecca St. James, performed exceptionally well. You can see how the settings, music, and styles were placed to edify the film into its beautiful experience. Unsung Hero is one of my favorite movies, and I can't wait to see it resonate with and impact audiences with its powerful true story of faith and family wrapped in an enjoyable movie of hope.
Bradden Ford is a Christian music junkie charged with maintaining NewReleaseToday's new release database of artists and releases. He lives just outside of Nashville, Tennessee.
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