"On Time (feat. Evan Ford)" to release on August 6
Posted: August 03, 2021, 5:00 PM | Category:New Releases Artist Tags: Roy Tosh Source: NRT Staff Reports (GC)
This week, hip-hop artist Roy Tosh announced that he will be releasing a new single on August 6 called "On Time (feat. Evan Ford)."
"We all long to be fully known and fully loved at the same time," Roy shares. "God created the covenant of marriage to be the best sphere in which these things co-exist. Due to our brokenness, marital love can be incredibly difficult at times. This song expresses the depth of love in which a partner looks at the other, with all their flaws, and says, 'I chose you and I love you. I’m not going anywhere till death do us part.'"
In June, Roy released his single "Gotta Wait (feat. Eris Ford)," and it's available now wherever you get your music. You can stay up-to-date on Roy's latest project by keeping an eye on NewReleaseToday.com or follow him on his social media pages.