Tiffany Frampton has always had a passion to pursue big dreams. From dreaming of being a professional skateboarder and snowboard to owning the stage as a musician. Her family, Rick (father), Gwen (mother) and Holly (sister) have always encouraged her to dream big and never give up.
Tiffany found herself writing poems at a young age, writing on anything she could get ahold of like napkins, journals, torn sheets and of course, what she always had access to, her hand. Over the years, she continued to write words but placing them in a melody. Her parents saw her passion and went to an old pawn shop in Anchorage, Alaska to pick out her first guitar. Not knowing anything about guitar, she picked something way to big – but it drove the passion! Leading her to pursue music whole-heartedly, even through the struggles and doubt.
Currently living in Dallas, Texas, Tiffany is always finding ways to continue her growth within music. She enjoys creating digital art, she creates all of her cover art for social media and music. She also enjoys fishing, four-wheeling, camping, cuddling with her labrador, Duke Frampton and going on adventures with her husband, Darren. Everything she does is for the glory of God, hoping that she can bring joy and light to anyone she meets.
She continues to dream and pursue outrageous ideas because she believes that life beholds so many opportunities and you should knock on every door until one opens.