raceful Closure is an American musical trio that originates from Columbus, OH. The band was formed in 2013 by Jared Condon with childhood friend, Matthew Beatty. The band consists of vocalist/guitarist Jared Condon, keyboardist Matthew Beatty and Jared's brother, Bryce Condon on drums. They released their debut EP (fully Crowdfunded) Rév, in 2015. Graceful Closure was born in a phone conversation between Jared and Matt. Jared explains that this story of grace, undeserved kindness, has become a foreign concept in events in our world and lives. Often these events do not make sense, but that is when we choose this undeserved kindness and allow it to close the event so we can move beyond.
In 2014, the band released two tracks, "Chasing Fears" and "Back To You". In mid 2015, their song, "Chasing Fears" was picked up by a local radio station, RadioU (WUFM), in their hometown. The song quickly reached No. 1 on the station. At that point Graceful Closure teamed up with IHS Promotions which resulted in national airplay and a No. 4 on BDS Billboard national airplay chart. In 2016, the band released a new single, "Choices", off their EP, Rev. The song quickly became an anthem to stay alive and reached No. 6 on BDS Billboard national airplay chart.
Graceful Closure brings a mix of piano, synthesizer, drums (sometimes mixed with electronic drums), guitars, and vocals. Jared said the reason they write music is so people know they aren't alone and to make them think about their purpose throughout this adventure called life. The alt pop trio is rapidly building a following as a result of their energetic show, relentless interaction on social media, and connecting with fans on a grassroots level. This has allowed them to share the stage with bands like: Family Force 5, Twenty One Pilots, Tenth Avenue North and many more.
The band is dedicated to presenting hope to those struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. All members of the band are Christians. In their songs, you will find references to Christian theology and messages about God.
Graceful Closure is currently working on new music which they hope to have in the market this Fall.