Talk about a variety of things coming together to become this band. It started long before we got together with the gift of music that God gave us and our love for playing it. But only recently in the early autumn of 2006 did we start practicing together. And for a different reason. For nothing more than to inspire others at retreats. Retreats that have a sole purpose of continuing to bring men closer to our Lord by renewing their relationship with Him or really introducing them to Him for the first time. Either way, we were trying to be disciples of Jesus by being fisher’s of men for Him through our music. All the retreats began with a theme from the Word…and these themes drove the songs we would write. But how totally cool it would be to record the song so that the retreatants could have it as a reminder of their experience receiving the Holy Spirit, some for the first time in their lives. So, we are very much in our beginnings as a band but as we travel the Lord’s path, who knows where we’ll be led. And why “7”? Because it’s often referred to as God’s divine number…as the most significant number in Scripture from Genesis to the prophetic book of Revelation where it plays a major role. And who knows what the future holds for 7. What has begun as just a few weekend home recordings to inspire those who embark on life-changing unique experiences may just grow into something more. Until then, we’ll keep rockin’ for God one small retreat group at a time and see where our good Lord leads us….God’s peace from 7.
Nice sharing...| Posted June 26, 2017
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