We Love Christian Music Awards
#206 - "I Love You" by Yancy
A simple thanks for all God has done is the meaning behind the song, as Yancy tells NRT's Kevin Davis.

Twelve songs worth of praise, worship, surrender and rocking joy make up Stars, Guitars and Megaphone Dreams, the latest release by singer/songwriter/worship leader/author Yancy.

This follow-up to Rock-N-Happy Heart keeps you rocking while pointing towards Christ and His plan for your life. While some people tend to play it safe, musically, and do what’s always worked, others are constantly raising the bar and leaping off cliffs in an attempt to differentiate themselves.

To hear Yancy tell it, her stylistic coin has landed on its edge. Not to say that she's lukewarm, but rather she doesn't care if she fits in as long as she's honest and real. In a sense, she carves her own niche, rather than trying to fit into someone else's. I had the great privilege to interview Yancy about her Easter-focused song, “I Love You.”

Do you have any personal application regarding your walk as a Christian in the song, “I Love You”? Please describe the message behind the song.

I think it is interesting because this is one of the last songs I wrote for the new album. The back-story is that originally it was two different songs. The different parts of the song were independent of each other. I had been working on the chorus and it never quite clicked, and then I had verses and a bridge that were totally different. One day I put the two halves together and I realized that the words all went together well. People have been telling me that they really like the song, and it’s amazing how that works as I was completely failing in several tries to make the song.

A big part of what I do is lead worship, so that’s my heart and my ministry. It’s easy for everyone with our busy lives to get caught up with whatever is next on the to-do list and meeting deadlines. A lot of times, we don’t take advantage of the many opportunities we have daily to take a quick minute and acknowledge God in our lives and thank Him for leading and guiding us. That’s the heart behind the lyrics in the verses.

My prayer is to not lose sight of the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus gave us in laying down His life and making a way for us to be reunited with God and be restored in our relationship with Him. That’s the same point of the chorus, which is the response “I love You.” Thank you so much, God, for loving me that much and for giving me a second chance to have a future and a hope for my life forever in Heaven.

Which Bible verses go with the song? Do you have a life verse?

The song is based on John 3:16-17: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

My life verse is Romans 8:31: What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

How can listeners apply that message in their walks as Christians when they listen to the song?

The bridge is about celebrating that Jesus is so good to us. Our culture seems to blame God for so many things that He’s not responsible for. I get annoyed by people saying, “Why, God?” I know that the Bible says, “every good and perfect gift comes from God above.” I know that the good things I have in my life are because God has reached out His goodness and favor and I don’t want to lose sight of the fact that I need to stop and say thank you to God.

My life verse is Romans 8:31 because there are so many things in life when we feel the pressures of society and wanting to fit in and please people. There are all these things that happen in life that lower our self-esteem and self-image. I know for me in my life it is really nice to be able to remember that God’s Word says that He is for me. He is on my side and He has plans for me and a future for me. There’s a reason why I am here. I’m going to dwell on God’s plans for me and not my circumstances. It’s important for us to stop and remember who we are in Christ because there is a hope and promise in who God created us to be. He wants to use us as His followers to make a difference in this world.

Here are the lyrics:

I don’t wanna lose the chance to tell You
What You mean to me
I don’t wanna forget how you died
And rose to set me free

I don’t wanna be another voice
Ashamed to say Your name
Jesus You are so much greater
And My life will speak Your fame

I love You
With all of my heart I love You
With all of my life I love You
With all of my dreams I love You

I don’t wanna lose the chance to tell You
What You mean to me
I don’t wanna forget how you died
And rose to set me free

I don’t wanna be another voice
Ashamed to say Your name
Jesus You are so much greater
And My life will speak Your fame

I love You
With all of my heart I love You
With all of my life I love You
With all of my dreams I love You

Jesus, You are so good to me
Jesus, You are so good to me
Jesus, You are so good, so good to me
Jesus, You are so good, so good to me
I love You

With all of my heart I love You
With all of my life I love You
With all of my dreams I love You

I love You
With all of my heart I love You
With all of my life I love You
With all of my dreams I love You

I don’t wanna lose the chance to tell You
What You mean to me
I don’t wanna forget how You died
And rose to set me free

Here’s Matthew Henry’s commentary on John 3:16-17: “Here is God's love in giving His Son for the world. God so loved the world; so really, so richly. Behold and wonder, that the great God should love such a worthless world! Here, also, is the great gospel duty, to believe in Jesus Christ. God having given Him to be our Prophet, Priest, and King, we must give up ourselves to be ruled, and taught, and saved by Him. And here is the great gospel benefit, that whoever believes in Christ, shall not perish, but shall have everlasting life. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, and so saving it. It could not be saved, but through Him; there is no salvation in any other.”

Having grown up with a works-based faith, songs like this help remind me of the biblical truth that God sent His only begotten son, Jesus, to seek and save the lost. No matter where you are in your walk with Jesus, this song is a salvation message. It causes me to break down and remember that Jesus truly came to “die and rose to set us free.”

This week before Easter, there is nothing we have been given that is more valuable than our salvation. Take time this week to reflect on how thankful you are for the gift of Jesus and the moment that He found you and saved you. Also remember John 3:17: “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” What a wonderful, loving and gracious God that we serve. I am so thankful to Jesus for saving me. Happy Easter!

Kevin Davis is a longtime fan of Christian music, an avid music collector and credits the message of Christian music for leading him to Christ. Kevin also writes reviews for ChristianMusicReview.org.

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