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Underdog by Audio Adrenaline  | CD Reviews And Information | NewReleaseToday

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Underdog [edit]
by Audio Adrenaline | Genre: Pop/Rock | Release Date: September 14, 1999

Having broken out of the shadow of DC Talk, Audio Adrenaline has truly evolved into a band locked into their own sound, and they shine like the sun on the band's fifth studio album. With Underdog, they maintain their humility through musical discipleship, but that doesn't preclude the band from having fun--their sound is now distilled to an infectious guitar and keyboard-sweetened rock with enough heaviness and soul to temper the tender sentiments rendered. The title cut, fuzzy, rhythmic rock & roll with rough edges, is one that'll get stuck in your head for days. "DC-10," long part of the band's repertoire, makes an appearance here, rockabilly-style. Jennifer Knapp's poignantly rendered guest vocals add just the right touch to the scratch-and-loop-laden treatment of the hymn "It Is Well with My Soul," and "Get Down" is a radio friendly gem that'll have listeners bouncing around like mad.

Track Listing
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01. Mighty Good Leader
02. Underdog
03. Get Down
04. Good life
05. Let My Love Open The Door
06. Hands And Feet
07. Jesus Movement
08. DC-10
09. It Is Well With My Soul
10. This Day
11. It's Over
12. The Houseplant Song

Entry last edited by clearspoken on 05.26.08

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Hands Down - My Favorite AA Record | Posted August 02, 2007
Audio Adrenaline has finally returned as the band we know and love. The numbers show us that Bloom was their most successful project to date, and this album has the musical potential to top that. Returning to the roots of Audio A. Underdog takes the listener through rock, latin, dance, R&B, soul, and even rockibilly while surfing over twelve amazing songs. Being the first record totally produced by the band, they had some fun with this one. You have your signature hit (Get Down), your touching ballad (Hands and Feet) your popular remake, even if it is your own song (DC-10) and your make-no-sense-but-hey-it's-fun-song (The Houseplant Song). Sounds like all the good makings for an excellent album? You betch-a. This album will be anything but an Underdog.

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Not Sure Why Audio A is "the Underdog" | Posted August 20, 2015
Two years following the release of Some Kind of Zombie, Audio Adrenaline returned with a fifth album released on ForeFront Records. Underdog scored Audio A a few hits, including “Get Down” and “Hands and Feet.” Underdog also features a cover of Pete Townshend’s “Let My Love Open the Door” and a remake of one of their own songs (“DC-10” from Audio Adrenaline).
Underdog (1999): 12 tracks, 43 minutes
Although not as rock-based as Bloom or Some Kind of Zombie, Underdog does hit at the heart of Audio Adrenaline’s niche. “DC-10” and “Let My Love Open the Door” take you back to the Bloom days, while there’s also some worshipful stuff featured on this record as well. “Get Down” and “It is Well With My Soul” fit the spiritual maturity that you can see on their senior effort. Also, Mark Stuart and company allow us a trip back to Smooth Steve from “Jazz Odyssey” on “The Houseplant Song.” The band takes a lot of different routes here, with “Jesus Movement” and it’s organic, catchy sound as well as the obvious rock ‘n’ roll influence on “DC-10.” The ambient “It is Well” cover also adds substance to this record.
Audio Adrenaline never fails to deliver some clever lyrics. “Underdog” confirms this in the second verse: “What they [the world] don’t see is / That a winner is not judged / By his small size / But by the / Substitute he picks to / Run the race.” “Jesus Movement” reminds us of the worldwide community of Christians and “This Day” is a great reminder of how we need to start the day. “Mighty Good Leader” has a great premise . . .
. . . but they never really say what the Mighty Good Leader will do to help you in times of temptation, except for “take away all your sin.” Kind-of underwhelming after the great lyrics in “Some Kind of Zombie.”
While different from their previous two releases, Underdog is still authentically Audio Adrenaline, with mature Christian lyrics and a rock influence that put them out there. I really enjoy this album and the diversity that it offers musically while also remaining pure and clean in nature.

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username2 (375)

Audio Adrenaline are the ultimate Underdog's | Posted April 29, 2009
What a great way to end a decade. 1999's Underdog is probably one of the most recognizable Audio Adrenaline album's and I can now say that I know why. Every song on this album is special and well put together. The most zany song on this album has to be the last one called The Houseplant Song. Words cannot describe how wonderfully weird this song is. But I love it.

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solid release | Posted October 08, 2008
i love audio adrenaline!! they are a classic christian band. though their old stuff doesn't even come close to how good their newer songs are , all of their music is good. !!!!!!!!

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romans_8 (73)

Audio A. cd review | Posted March 08, 2008
A fun cd from this amazing rock band.'Underdog','Get Down', and 'Mighty Good Leader'are some of my favorite songs on this cd. Jennifer Knapp sounds great with them on 'It is Well With My Soul'. This is one of Audio Adrenaline`s best cds!

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must have | Posted February 22, 2008
this is a definate must have because it is great! i love it!

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Underdog | Posted August 23, 2007
Great band, great cd, great songs. A must have cd!!

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1grlbnd (48)

Good CD | Posted August 06, 2007
The songs I've heard from this CD are great.

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