Working under the name Pen Pals (as in "Heath and Jetty are Pen Pals"), the duo's Gold EP is an enjoyable and thought-provoking twenty-two minutes.
Gold is a story of a summer fling between two teenagers (Heath and Jetty are not a couple in real life). Things start off great, as they do, in "Camp," where Heath and Jetty both arrive and meet at a summer camp. The song is sung as if it was a letter written back home, as both Heath and Jetty are singing the words (which makes sense, except for the couple of times that said lyrics are "I made a new best friend, she lives in Michigan"). "Camp" is a bubbly, carefree opener, and leads into the bluesy "Open Door," where the relationship has progressed a little further. It also signifies the beginning of heartache, as the two begin to realize that summer has to end sometime. By the time "Away" comes around, the two are coming to terms with the loss of each other. Soft and somber, one can find themselves feeling the heartache.
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