I Will Praise You - Rebecca St. James | Posted April-15-2011
Ok, I purchased this CD online and I received it this past Friday and been listening to it in my car. Let me tell you, this CD has been playing in my car non-stop for a week already. Why? Because this is one of Rebecca's best albums yet. When I heard the full album the first time I immedietly fell in love with it. This album is just awesome from start to finish!
The album opens up with the title track "I Will Praise You". A fun upbeat song that lets us know that whatever the circumstance, I will praise you, Lord.
The second song is a remake of "You Never Let Go" which is not a bad listen. The third song which is the first radio single "Shine Your Glory Down" is another upbeat song that gets you moving.
The next four tracks are the songs that I just can't get enough of. Rebecca gave her all in these songs and these in each of their own ways they move you to worship God. "You Still Amaze Me" speaks for itself. God will always amaze us no matter what. The next track which, in my opinion is the most beautifly song, moving song that I've heard in a while, called "In A Moment". This song speaks about that wonderful day to come where God will come in all his Glory to pick up his church. When you think about it, all you can say is Hallelujah! I love this song so much! This should be the next radio single, in my opinion, as I am sure it will speak to and touch many lives. The song that comes after is "The Kindness of My God". Everything about that song is great from the music(which i love), the voice, and the message! "Blessing and Honor" I love for the same reasons!
The next two songs "Almighty God" and "You Hold Me Now" are good listens and the final track "You Make Everything Beautiful" is just....Beautiful. I love how it sounds so peaceful, with her voice to match, and it's still catchy. Just a beautiful tune that praises God for all things beautiful.
Overall this album is top notch and I think Rebecca St. James went all out. This album could be one of her best works yet. I highly recommend this album for anyone! It's beautiful, worshipful, and just amazing!
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Reborn | Posted September-22-2009
I've been a fellow Avalon fan for years now and I can say in my opinion that with each new album they release they just get better and better. Their newest album "Reborn" continues to prove that statement to be true. After listening to this album I was amazed to see the new direction they were taking musically. Don't get me wrong their music is sort of the same but there are some guitar moments or "rock moments" as I like to call them, in this album. The album for me was awesome from opening to finish and it has a nice flow of songs that leaves you clinging and wanting you to hear what song is next. Avalon is still Avalon in this album. They may have made a few member changes on this album but they still have the same great sound. An even better sound for that matter!
The first track "Reborn" is a great upbeat opener that'll have you singing along in no time. The next song "Come Alive" is a great, very catchy song. I definitely love the vocals on this song. Then comes the first radio single off the album "Arise". This is one of my very favorite songs on this album. I love the vocals, harmonies, music, and overall the message of this song. This song speaks to me the most because its a song of hope. We as Christians will at one point or another find ourselves down and out feeling like there's no answer and its the end of it all. But this is a song of encouragement to us. Arise because through Jesus there is always hope for us. As soon as I heard this song i fell in love with it. It is definitely #1 material!
The next few songs "Feel", "Fragile" and "Destined" are also great tracks. Great vocals and great messages on each one. Then comes my next favorite off of this album, the Greg Long led "Stay". This song is another that speaks to me a lot. Another beautifly sung song that is sung from God's point of view. This song lets us know that we have everything we need in Christ. Theres no need to run from him. We just need to stay where we are safe and where we will always be provided and that is with HIM. I love everything about this song and I feel that it has a high potential to be a #1 radio hit. In my opinion it should be the next single off of this album.
The next songs "Angels" and "California" are a few more great songs. "California" is definitely one that will stay in your head for a while. It has a great beat and chorus that'll have you singing the song over and over. Trust me I catch myself singing it a lot. It definitely has a great message as well.
The closing song on this album "Holy" is definitely Avalon at their best. This is definitely another song that proves that Avalon has still got it.
From beautiful lyrics, great vocals/harmonies, great uplifting songs and catchy catchy songs because trust me, these songs will cling to you and you'll find yourself singing them over and over, Avalon proves that they still have great potential. I was very impressed and impacted by this album and feel that for those who are definitely fans of Avalon you have to pick one up for yourself. For those who don't know Avalon, you will definitely rethink the group after hearing this album. Pick one up and give them a shot. This album is definitely worth the 5 stars! (It's actually worth 10 stars but the rating only goes up to 5 ;) )
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Jars of Clay - The Long Fall | Posted April-29-2009
Jars of Clay has amazed me with their music before but this time I think they've brought to me a new level of amazment. This album is definitely an outstanding album. Ever since I got it i havent stop listening to it. I'm seriously addicted to each song! All the songs on this album are worth listening to. Each are very catchy and awesome in their own way. The song that really has me addicted right now is "Headphones". I don't know there's just something about that song that has me replaying it over and over. Although I have been replaying the whole album. This album has a great flow and tone of music that just captures you from the beginning and carries you all the way through to the end. This is definitely one album I highly recommend for any Christian music fan.
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The Best Greatest Hits! | Posted February-12-2009
For those of you who don't know Avalon and/or don't know lots of their music this is definitely one album to pick up! This album features a great mix of their best songs and also features a new powerful hit "Still My God". It's an awesome song that reminds us that no matter what we go through God is always going to be there with us and he was and will always be our God!!! This album has a great mix of older songs and recent songs from the group. This is definitely one album to pick up for new Avalon fans and for fans of the group already. You won't go wrong with this one!
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One of the Best! | Posted January-06-2009
After listening to this album i would have to say in my opinion that i think this is the best album by Bebo Norman. I got this album for Christmas and i havent stop listening to it since. Each song is well crafted and they all speak to me in different ways.
I love how the album opens with "Pull Me Out". A great upbeat and catchy song with lyrics that we can all live by. Sometimes we just need to ask God to pull us out of certain situations.
Then comes "Hear It From Me", a beautiful song of worship. God has heard it all before, all types of worship, but that doesn't matter because we are His and no matter what we do or what we say in our worship he just wants to hear us worship Him.
After that comes "Living In The In Between" a very folk like but catchy tune. I like folk but i'm not a huge fan of it and yet i find myself hearing this one over and over.
Then comes another one of my favorites on this album "Britney". A nice song with wonderful lyrics that he wrote for Britney Spears and its a song that can be translated in many ways. It's also a catchy tune as well.
I can just go on and on about this album but that will take up too much time and room. The rest of the album is great as well. Another favorite song of mine is "A Million Raindrops". Very nice song! Bebo went all out on this album and I think he did an awesome job. I agree with all who said that this was one of the best albums of 2008 becuase I think it really was. Great job Bebo!!!!
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WOW Hits 2009 | Posted November-14-2008
Overall I thought that this cd had a great line-up but i feel like they are missing a couple of songs and that some songs shouldn't be on it. Some songs that i thought should've been on it would be "Voice of a Savior" by Mandisa because it is a wonderful song and it did well on the music charts plus the radio station over here just plays that song out. Another "missing song" that i would say (my opinion) would be "Give Me Words to Speak" by Aaron Shust. Another great song that did well on the charts. Also I never heard Michael W. Smith's version of "Mighty to Save", i thought for sure that Laura Story's version would make the cut but i guess i was wrong allthough i do prefer her version. Now some songs that souldn't be on it would be Michael W. Smith's "Mighty to Save" as i mentioned before and Casting Crowns "Every Man". Dont get me wrong "Every Man" is a great song but it didn't do as well as its previous songs. I guess it does deserve to be on a wow but not as the number one song. Honestly i thought that Steven Curtis Chapmans song "Cinderella" would be number one overall but i guess that people are used to seeing Casting Crowns, MercyMe, and Chris Tomlin as being on top altough i'm so ready to see that change. Again this is all of my opinion becuase i know lots of you may disagree with me. Again good line-up though. There were many songs that i liked and that deserve to be on there and many songs that i learned just from listening to it. With a few adjustments to the line-up Wow 2009 would be a perfect cd and gift for any christian music fan.
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Shine! | Posted October-16-2008
I got this book as a gift and began reading the first day i got it. I gotta tell you that as soon as i began reading it, it was hard for me to stop. This book is awesome and really makes you reflect on your own life. This book talks about how we as christians should be shining in this world. We are vesels that God wants to put his light into so we can shine it to the world. I really love how this book uses the bible to back up all it has to say. Honestly this one one book that i think all christians should atleast read.
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Awesome Worship | Posted September-29-2008
One of my favorite worship artists is this woman Juanita Bynum. She really gives her all when she worships the Lord and you can see that through all of her albums including this one. This is my favorite album from her. All of her songs are worship songs unto the Lord and you can really feel the presense of God as you listen to them. This album opens with an upbeat gospel song called "Break Forth Praise" and its a song that gets you ready for the rest of the album. The next couple of songs are just songs of worship that get you lifting up your hands to the Lord and just singing praises unto Him. Honestly the whole album gets you doing that. My favorite songs from this album overall would be "You Are Great" and "Psalm 23". Two songs that give me chills everytime i hear them. This is one album i highly recommend from Junaita Bynum and if not this one than pick up any of hers because i guarentee you will like her music especially worship music fans.
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Newsboys Greatest Hits | Posted September-24-2008
I'm a big fan of the Newsboys music, not a huge fan but enough to know many of their songs. I like all of their music and i like how unique it can sound sometimes. Well if you're not familiar with the Newsboys let me tell you that this greatest hits album is a perfect album to pick up and get to know them by. It is composed of many great songs from them both old and recent plus it includes 2 new songs, "I Fought The La..." and "Stay Strong" which i love. I thought that they chose great songs to put on this album although i say they missed a few but overall great lineup og songs. Definitely one album to have especially those who dont know the Newsboys!
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Hey- Hey--Hey Hey | Posted August-12-2008
The little Hey-Hey i have as my title to this review comes from the first song of this album titled "To Know That You're Alive" and the song is titled "The Feeling" which by the way is great way to open a great album. This album is my first from Kutless. I've always liked their radio singles which is how i got to know a bit of their style and music but this is the first time i decided to buy an album from them and this album is great! You have a nice mix of rock songs and ballads. Every song on this album is great in its own way. Although i'm not sure they should've added the musical number in this album. Thats #2 titled "Sleeping City", but the rest of the album is great. My very favorite songs on this album are "Complete", "The Feeling", and "I Do Not Belong" which has great lyrics and awesome music. I really enjoyed this album and am glad that I bought it and look forward to purchasing more music from Kutless. This is one you should have in you're music library especially rock music fans!
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