Stars Go Dim's Josh Roach Welcomes Son, Zedekiah Aric James Roach
Band took a break from WinterJam tour to get Josh home to his family
Posted: January 07, 2016, 5:00 PM | Category:General Artist Tags: Stars Go Dim Source: M Collective
Zedekiah Aric James Roach was born to Stars Go Dim drummer, Josh Roach and Audrey Roach Monday, January 4, 2016.
Stars Go Dim is currently out on the Winter Jam tour, and Josh's red eye flight from Grand Rapids to Tulsa the night before his son's birth was cancelled at the last minute.
Upon hearing this, the members of Stars Go Dim immediately left the Winter Jam venue, rented a car, and drove him the 850 miles (12.5 hours) home, arriving at the hospital with one hour to spare.
Congratulations to Josh, Audrey, big sisters Allie and Kylee and baby Zeddy!