We Wish You Emery Christmas EP available for free or pay what you can from BadChristian
Posted: December 17, 2015, 5:00 PM | Category:New Releases Artist Tags: Emery Source: From Staff Reports MN
Emery is offering their Christmas EP We Wish You Emery Christmas on a free or pay what you want basis through their independent label, BadChristian Music.
The eight song collection includes original Christmas tunes, covers from their tour bus and from Toby Morrell's garage and a couple live tracks featuring a jazz trio. You can download it here: http://badchristian.com/emerychristmas/.
The EP is part of Emery's continually snowballing momentum with BadChristian, which started as a blog and a podcast which eventually created a movement and a label. You can learn more at badchristian.com, or follow Emery's music ventures via facebook, twitter and their official website.