Eighth Shepherd,A.D. Chronicles Volume 8 by Adriana Lima Christian Book Reviews And Information

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Eighth Shepherd
A.D. Chronicles Volume 8
by Adriana Lima | Genre: Fiction
Release Date: July 2008

After Yeshua of Nazareth has raised his friend El'azar from the dead, news of Yeshua travels fast and the Sanhedrin begin their plot to kill him. Despite the danger, Yeshua and his followers begin the journey to Jerusalem for Passover. Meanwhile, Zachai the tax collector (Zacchaeus), the most hated man in Judea, longs to be a part of the Jewish society that he has been cut off from due to his profession. He falls into despair, believing God can't hear him and that he will always be alone. Simona, a leper who was healed by Yeshua but remains cut off from society to live in the sycamore grove, shows compassion to Zachai and tells him of Yeshua. Zachai begins his quest to find Yeshua in hopes that this man can heal his heart, just as he healed Simona's leprosy.

Front Flap Copy;
The Good Shepherd
is rescuing lives across Israel . . .
but is this hope for all
or just for His flock?
And why do so many leaders
want Him dead?

Zachai, the chief tax collector of Jericho, is the most hated man in all of Judea. Outside the walls of his estate, he’s surrounded by four giant Nubian bodyguards. But at night he’s a prisoner of his aching heart. What would it be like to be loved? to have a family?

Shimona, a former leper from the Valley of Mak’ob, returns to her hometown of Jericho to proclaim that Yeshua has healed her. When no one believes her story, she is shunned and sent to live alone as the caretaker of a grove of sukomore fig trees. Month after month she holds on tightly to hope in the midst of her loneliness.

A former prince among the Nubian tribes, Salmon was betrayed and sold into slavery. Now one of the few treasures he has—his little daughter Marisha—is dying. Salmon has heard stories of Yeshua’s miracles. But would the Great Shepherd have mercy on a sheep that’s outside Israel’s flock? Each day Marisha grows weaker. . . .

Back Cover Copy;
In their most dramatic, ambitious, and significant historical series to date, Bodie and Brock Thoene once again transport readers back in time to first century A.D., to the most critical events in the history of the world.

Pages: 288
Format: Hardcover
EAN/ISBN: 9780842375283
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

+ Entry lasted edited by chaddr on 08.03.08

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