It's Your Time,Activate Your Faith, Achieve Your Dreams, and Increase in God's Favor by Adriana Lima Christian Book Reviews And Information

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It's Your Time
Activate Your Faith, Achieve Your Dreams, and Increase in God's Favor
by Adriana Lima | Genre: Charismatic Interest
Release Date: November 2009

Get your hopes up. Raise your expectations. Your best days are in front of you.
In challenging times, it may be hard to see better days ahead. You may feel as though your struggles will never end, that things won't ever turn around for you.

This is exactly the moment to put your faith into action and expect God's blessings.

It's your time to declare your faith, to look for God's favor, and to give control of your life to Him so that you can find fulfillment in His plans for you!

It's Your Time to believe.

It's not easy to always be optimistic. Life can be difficult, and in hard economic times it's not just your finances that suffer. Your relationships can be strained. Your health can be stressed. Bad habits can return and negative thoughts can take over.

When one part of your life after another takes a bad turn, you can feel like there is no end in sight, no way out. The truth is, maybe you don't have an answer. But God does! Maybe you don't have the strength. But God does!

It's Your Time for favor.

In It's Your Time, bestselling author Joel Osteen, pastor of the nation's largest church, offers the inspirational truth that no matter where you stand in life, you are never alone. He reminds you also that the bigger your burden, the greater your blessings to come.

You may have neglected God, but He has not abandoned you. He has already released good things into your future. As long as you're breathing, you can still reclaim His favor by renewing your faith and accepting His plans for you.

It's Your Time for restoration.

In these pages, Joel offers assurances that God does not want you to merely survive challenging times, He wants you to thrive. When you give your life over to Him, God will send opportunities your way so that you can soar to new heights of fulfillment.

History has shown that the most difficult times can serve as catalysts for creativity, innovation, and accomplishment. If you hold on to your faith, ask for God's favor, and don't give in to depression or discouragement, you will emerge not bitter but better, not a victim but a victor.

It's Your Time to trust.

God already is working in your life to arrange the right people, the right skills, and the right opportunities to give you the tools you need to fulfill and exceed your dreams.

Drawing from Joel's experiences and those of people around the world, It's Your Time offers messages of faith, hope, and strength to help you rise above any circumstance so that you can fulfill God's best plan for your life.

It's Your Time to stretch.

Joel has filled this book with bold new prayers, inspiring stories, and practical tools for moving forward in faith. You will find inspiration from others who have overcome adversity and achieved their dreams. You will find proven methods for not just picking up the pieces but for building a new life better than you'd imagined.

The hopeful messages and warm encouragements in this book will push you to expand your horizons beyond what you thought you were capable of doing so that you might go even farther than you'd ever dreamed of going.

It's Your Time!

Pages: 320
Format: Hardcover
EAN/ISBN: 143910011X
Publisher: Free Press

+ Entry lasted edited by smittyfan on 06.08.12

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