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A very worshipful album! Truly uplifting!
Posted November 03, 2016
By WisconsiniteSam,

Like Love Ran Red, the album Never Lose Sight is full of worship and praise. While Love Ran Red had a focus mainly on Jesus and the cross, Never Lose Sight has more songs of worship to God the Father.

Lyrically, the album has an overall theme of who God is, and how much He has done for us. Musically, it is quite similar to Love Ran Red, although it is slightly less synth-driven. There is enough difference that it sounds like you are listening to a new album, and not an extension of Love Ran Red.

Here are some of my thoughts on each song from Never Lose Sight:

1. Good Good Father
A great way start to the album. The song is peaceful and happy sounding, and the lyrics are brimming with thankfulness for God’s goodness.

2. Jesus
Musically and lyrically, this is a beautiful song. I love the line, “He roars like a lion, He bled as the lamb.” This is one of my favorites.

3. Impossible Things (feat. Danny Gokey)
This is a very happy-sounding and catchy song. Again, the lyrics are fantastic. Bonus points for featuring Danny Gokey!

4. Home
This one is another personal favorite. The lyrics are about looking forward to going to heaven, and being free from all the pain and suffering here on earth. Pair those lyrics up with a beautifully happy accompaniment, and we have an amazing song.

5. God of Calvary
Another powerful song. This praise-filled song is about what Jesus did at Calvary. Oh, praise the God of Calvary!

6. He Lives
As you can guess from the title, this song is kind of like a sequel to the song God of Calvary. This is a song of praise to Jesus and his resurrection.

7. Glory Be
This is a very bright and upbeat song. The lyrics are directed to all three parts of the Trinity. Don’t worry, Tomlin hasn’t forgotten about the Holy Spirit!

8. Come Thou Fount (I Will Sing)
This is a beautiful rendition of the beloved hymn Come Thou Fount, with a chorus added into the original. This song is another personal favorite.

9. Yes and Amen
This one is a song of thanks for God’s faithfulness. “All Your promises are Yes and Amen.”

10. All Yours
A worship-filled song about God’s sovereignty. Musically and lyrically, this is a really powerful song.

11. First Love
Another personal favorite. This is such a peaceful and beautiful song. The lyrics are about how Jesus is his first love, and how Jesus is always there for him. It’s about having a very close and intimate relationship with Jesus, which makes this song so moving and powerful.
The deluxe edition includes these songs:

12. The God I Know
“The God I Know will make a way, whatever comes, whatever I face.” Such encouraging lyrics, and a great accompaniment!

13. God and God Alone
This song is about worshipping and praising God and God Alone. Only He can wash our sins away. I love this song.

14. Kyrie Eleison (feat. Matt Redman)
Kyrie Eleison basically means “Lord, have mercy on us,” and that’s what the song is about. It’s really a great song, and is made better with the Matt Redman collaboration. Awesome!

Album length: approximately 48 min. (Deluxe Edition is 61 min.)

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